bisexual ?? help me out here ......

  • ryeann
    17 years ago

    the one thing more then ne thing in the world that pisses me of, is when someone says there bi , and ppl dont talk to them because of it .... if i told you i was bi .. most of you probebly wouldnt talk to me ne more ... and thats so messed up ... because .. "I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think everybody kind of fantasizes about the same sex. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't'. They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. do ne of you think the same way as me? its okay to say who you really are, i will talk to you if your a bi, laz, or gay, i really dont care, tell ppl, because whats the point of pretending your something your not, now almost everyone on this site knows im bi, and i really dont care, does ne one understand what im trying to say ?!?

  • limp
    17 years ago

    Why should you care about people who don't accept you for who you are & why should you care about their opinions when they're quite clearly not worth your time?

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    To be honest with you,
    I don't care if you like guys girls or both.
    I really honestly don't care
    If you need advice I'll give it to you whether it's about a guy or a girl.
    What I hate is when gays and lesbians find it necessary to parade down the street and announce their sexual orentation to the world. (I live near Toronto where they have the gay pride parade).
    I'm straight and proud- how does that sound?
    We're not discriminating against anyone- it's the people who are parading down the street who are separating themselves from everybody else.
    Just be another person who happens to like both sexes- that's all I ask.

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    "That's like saying that people with disabilities, diseases, or even different cultures and backgrounds shouldn't have walks, parades or certain holidays."

    first off allow me to be shocked and horrified. SINCE WHEN is being gay ANYTHING like a disability or a disease???

    Second of all those are fund raisers so that they can find a cure. And again who's looking for a cure for homosexuality??

    Third, no one needs awareness. Everyone knows that some people are gay and some people have brown eyes and some people are left handed.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    Okay for one thing,

    It TOTALLY bugs me when someone is lesbian but I have to accept that fact. Personally I don't want to be friends with anyone thats lesbian. It is VERY uncomfortable for me to be friends with someone who likes women ONLY. Sorry but thats my saying.

    I wouldn't stop talking to someone just because he/she is bisexual. That doesn't bother me but I tell girls that are bi that I'm straight and i do not like gilrs that way. They accept it and they don't try anything on me.

    Some people are uncomfortable with bi, lez's and gays. You cannot change what they think. They just need to accept it that there are thousands and thousands that are bi's,lez's and gays. I have my dislikings against lesbians.

    So really, its a big deal to certian people and not a big deal to some others. This is life we all got to get used to it.

  • ryeann
    17 years ago

    i didnt say i was a las ... i said i was bi .. and im proud of it .. completly

  • ryeann
    17 years ago

    thank you .. really ... but some ppl just came in here and pritty much juged ppl who r las .. or gay .. or something .... did you not read what i said? cuz dat really does help ..

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    Why do you care what people think of you anyway?
    This is the internet.
    No one on here knows you personally.
    And if people that DO know you personally judge you for your beliefs, then it's their loss, not your's.

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    Somewhere among the pieces-

    I pretty much have the same mindset as you.

    I have absolutely no problem with anybody's sexual preference; you can do whatever you want. I just don't see why it needs to be made into such a huge deal; I don't make a big deal about being straight. It's just the way you are, it doesn't matter, and it SHOULDN'T matter to anyone.

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    Original poster: as long as you're comfortable with yourself, that's all that matters.

  • Sabree
    17 years ago

    I am Bi and i dont care if people neglect be because of it...i am proud to be.

  • Ashley
    17 years ago

    yea like if u want to be bi its your life no buddy can change that it's how u feel about yourself
    just dont lisin to what other people say cuz they are just jelus of you they just have nothing to do and feel like makeing fun of other people that want to be who they want to be
    that's what i think =P

  • Crazygirl yeh
    17 years ago

    i have no problem with bi sexuals. it's their choice you shouldn't judge them. and half the time i envy them because girls are more sensitive than boys. if that made sense.

  • Brittney Follett
    17 years ago

    I have no prob with bi gay or lez people. As long as they don't hit on me. :) I have gay friends, they are so much fun to shop with. You can tell them anything and do anything with them and you don't have to worry about getting into a relationship with them. I have a bi friend.. she's new on base housing.. and when she moved here she started liking me.. but on the other hand she like Jon as well.. as the days went on.. me and jon went out and now she hates us both for not noticing her beforehand.. she never said anything to us really. About lez... I don't really care about them but I don't like being hit on. I have been hit on. I don't like it. I like them as a person and nothing more. .. Oh by the way.. I have never fantized or however u spell it. About the same sex. Like maybe messing around but not seriously. So don't say everyone does.. cuz not everyone does. I'm repeating myself.. so again I don't have a problem.

  • Brittney Follett
    17 years ago

    I have no prob with bi gay or lez people. As long as they don't hit on me. :) I have gay friends, they are so much fun to shop with. You can tell them anything and do anything with them and you don't have to worry about getting into a relationship with them. Bi's are cool.. long as they don't got for me. I have a bi friend.. she's new on base housing.. and when she moved here she started liking me.. but on the other hand she like Jon as well.. as the days went on.. me and jon went out and now she hates us both for not noticing her before hand.. she never said anything to us really. Now we like to hang out sometimes just to be friends. About lez... I don't really care about them but I don't like being hit on. I have been hit on. I don't like it. I like them as a person and nothing more. .. Oh by the way.. I have never fantized or however u spell it. About the same sex. Like maybe messing around but not seriously. So don't say everyone does.. cuz not everyone does. I'm repeating myself.. so again I don't have a problem.

  • PoetryHeart
    17 years ago

    Humans will be humans, its in our blood that we just naturally judge people for who they are, but i personally have nothing against bi, gay, or lez's. People can be who they wanna be. they make their own decisions, and that is the way they want life to be for them. so for people who "discriminate" against them, thats their problem. they should work it out themselves, and not judge people even b4 they no them. I am straight, but i am not afraid to stand up for someone for any reason whatsoever.

  • lala
    17 years ago

    I personally don't have a problem with people who are bi or with people who are gay. Love has nothing to do with what gender you are.........Though I'm not sure if I approve of gay marriges......I'm still debating about that.

  • cowgirlstar26
    17 years ago

    personally and I don't care who is offended , make up your minds, you either like men or women how the He$$ can you be into both? I dont get it, and I dont want anyone to explain it. but heres a thought, if your partial to both sex's how are you ever going to be happy if you can't figure out which sex you are happy with, sounds like your going to have a very screwd up personal love life.

  • Jenna
    17 years ago

    Im bi and im proud about it!

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    I fuckin hate people that just gets grossed out when they find out Im a bi..
    Thats why I tell them Im not really bi anymore..
    Any since hteir so fucknig stupid in this town.
    They actually belive me.
    THe only person that is comfortable being with me as a bi is my bestfriend.
    Thank Lord that I met her.

  • She Is My Rain
    17 years ago

    I'm bi too and I totally agree with you Ryeann.

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    Christians believe that God made marriage and he meant it to be between a man and a woman.
    Therefore gay marriage is defiling that holy institution.

    17 years ago

    yeah man im totally bi and i love it. when a male gets to much for me i go to woman for the compassion and warmth, a couple of times i have had a relationship with both man and woman at the same time and they both knew.theres nothing wrong with being gay or straight. freedom to us all i say

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    "It TOTALLY bugs me when someone is lesbian but I have to accept that fact. Personally I don't want to be friends with anyone thats lesbian. It is VERY uncomfortable for me to be friends with someone who likes women ONLY. Sorry but thats my saying.

    I wouldn't stop talking to someone just because he/she is bisexual. That doesn't bother me but I tell girls that are bi that I'm straight and i do not like gilrs that way. They accept it and they don't try anything on me. "

    um... Isn't bisexual technically half a lesbian? I honestly think its kind of weird that you would tell somebody who is bi that you are straight and dont like girls that way. did you not get the point across when saying you were straight? I am bi and proud, but would find it very offensive if somebody told me they didnt like lesbians for some reason or another but were okay with bi people.

    And ryeann, there are a lot of people who are homophobes, which is weird to me because everybody is human, everybody has feelings, and many people should be okay with it. I go to a school that has lots of gay, bi, or lesbian people in it and nobody seems to care... but not everybody is like that. Dont let it bother you too much dear.


  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    "It TOTALLY bugs me when someone is lesbian but I have to accept that fact. Personally I don't want to be friends with anyone thats lesbian. It is VERY uncomfortable for me to be friends with someone who likes women ONLY. Sorry but thats my saying."

    And It totally bugs me when someone can't be around someone who is different than them. I'm sure it bugs people who are homosexual people too. So I guess we're all even.

    To the actual poster of the topic:
    I'm sorry you've had such a difficulty with the whole bi thing. I recently came out, after many years of questioning, and honestly, the fact doesn't affect me at all. A lot of people think its funny, because I'm a totally open person, but not funny in a bad way. My dad was amazing about it. My mother had a difficult time with it, but she still shows a lot of love for me(although we don't talk about it really anymore). Of course, I do live in the San Francisco Bay Area and go to school in the city so I'm in an EXTREMELY liberal environment.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    I don't see any straight people parading down the streets, broadcasting their sexual orientation, as if something to be praised (or complained about). Nor do I ever see white people representing their ethnicity or culture, and when they do, it's discriminatory and intented hatred. Why, when a minority group prances around, shouting out their pride, is it acceptable? Freedom of speech has become increasingly unequal. Just sit back and be who you are, why have parades? That promotes inequality, defeating the initial purpose. Drawing attention to difference, seperates cultures, orientations, skin colors, etc. etc. --And that's not how things should be. We should all be respected, no one bragging about seclusive groups or hiding in corners whimpering. Like I said, sit back and be who you are. No parading around like an idiot.

    (Am I on topic?)

  • lil mama
    17 years ago

    wow i just got yelled at by people getin mad at me becuz i said dat lez, bis were nasty........ now don't get me wrong here im not against them at all. i just don't get how guys get turned on by lez, bi.
    i don't even give a shit if your gay or what ever. well 1st of all when they do shit in front of you it just makes me feel real yea you know what i mean

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    "i just don't get how guys get turned on by lez, bi."

    why dont you ask a guy then???

    and no, im sorry, i dont know what you mean. it makes you feel uncomfortable??? then just say it!
