Stuck Between To Of The Sweetest Guys.

  • limp
    17 years ago

    Break up with your boyfriend because to be honest you don't deserve to be in that relationship. Go off with "Mike" who's "flattering" you by calling you hot. It basically seems to me like he wants to get laid, but if that's how you get your kicks then go for it.
    & if it was so "hard" breaking up with your current boyfriend you wouldn't have a crush on somebody else.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    I agree with BANGBANG!

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    ^They make a good point. You don't deserve your boyfriend- it's as simple as that.

    You're probably not mature enough to be in a relationship anyways, if this is the way you think.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    You are one sad child.

    Good luck with your miserable life!

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    ^Lis, I see what you are saying for the most part. But I don't know any girls who mind being called hot, to be honest. "Beautiful" does sound sweeter, but a compliment is still a compliment lol.

  • mistressxsork
    17 years ago

    I wouldn't want to be called ''hot'' .. only because it's not that great of a compliment.

    ''Beautiful'' isn't a great compliment either. People pass that shit around so much.. WHO THE HECK HASN'T BEEN CALLED BEAUTIFUL BY NOW?

    They're both played out and boring. Try to get something more exciting.. like.. ''You're not pretty .. but you aren't ugly.'' Lmao, if some guy said that to me, i'd laugh my butt off.. and then eff him:].

    lmaoo. kidding. xo.

  • Tony E
    17 years ago

    Okay calling a girl hot doesn't mean that you want to have sex with them, but at the same time it almost never means you want a meaningful relationship. You are mearly interested in their looks, I'm sure there are situations where a guy does actually want a relationship, but for the most part I believe hot means hot. Whereas calling someone beautiful usually means you think they have a great personality, good looks, and all in all think they are a good person.

  • xPerfect Chaosx
    17 years ago

    Not to be rude, but your sweet boyfrined, yea, he deserves better, I'm sorry, but honestly, you aren't ready for a relationship, and you aren't commited to him if you are thinking about this other guy. He honestly deserves better. You shouldn't lead him around on a leash like that....