generation gap ---> destroys a friendship?

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    i have this friend, she's kinda like the best person i've ever met, but she's a lot older than me, like she's probably 45 and i'm 16. all my other friends are telling me that this generation gap is too big and its gonna hurt me at the what do you guys think?

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    One of my best friends was my teacher when I was 12. She was the person I told when I was being abused. After grade 6 I started going to the mall with her or out to dinner or sometimes a movie or we just go for a walk. I tell her everything. She has life experience so she always has good advice and she's not like my mom who would freak out if I said the wrong thing.
    She's... 39
    P.S. I'm 17 now, so we've been friends for five years which to me is proof that an age gap does not ruin friendships.

  • [[F3RG!3]]
    17 years ago

    i think that having older friends helps us to grow up. it seems that although she isnt really family, she is at the same time. you are lucky to have someone like that in your life. does she still teach?

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    no she quit teaching the year after my class.
    It's because my school is religious based and she left our church.
    She works in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University hospital. That's where her daughter Miranda was taken to when she was born and that's also where Miranda died:(

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    this friend i've been telling you about was my english teacher last year, she doesnt teach me this year but we're really close friends although pple around me dont appreciate it that much

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    I love english teachers!!
    Don't act all buddy buddy with her at school. Because that will bother people. Some people wish a teacher would take a liking to them and others just think it's weird that you're friends with a teacher.
    Do you see her outside of school? It's probably best to keep your friendship there.
    And while we're on the subject of being friends with teachers, my sister is my best friend and she is the french teacher at my school! So there!

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    yeah we don't talk that much at school because as you said it bothers people coz they always say like how come you're that friends with her and stuff like that. we talk on the phone and outside of school i see her. how about you, i mean do you act that friends around her at school?

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    yeah, most teachers at my school are more likely to be friends with their students more than just a TEACHER. but the thing is that this teacher im telling you about is really the best friend i've ever had. when i think about logically it is weird and what my other friends are saying is right, but then when i'm talking to my teacher, i'm like no they're not correct at what im saying coz i know that it was too blur

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    Okay I wanted to e-mail this to you but it doesn't look like your profile has that option so I'm just going to tell you my mini story.
    Up until I was 12 I was being beaten and sexually abused and I often alienated myself from other kids my age because they always seemed so happy and I wasn't.
    My diary was my best friend and I wrote everything I thought and felt in that book. But one day my abuser found it and read it and smashed a dinner plate on me. So... needless to say I did away with the book.
    I started writing things on various peices of paper at school and my teacher found something I wrote and approached me about it.
    I told her everything that had happened to me partly because she was listening and partly because I was holding it inside for so long.
    I remember her dragging me to the principal's office and making me repeat everything I had told her to the principal. The principal in turn told the Children's Aid Society and I got help.
    From then on I spent every lunchhour inside and we'd just spend the whole time talking. I told her every secret-even the ones that didn't matter.
    After grade six she quit my school because she and her husband decided to leave our church and she wasn't allowed to teach if she wasn't a member of our church. But we kept in touch, getting together every other week or so for dinner or to the mall or anything really. Then we'd talk on the phone now and then.
    I became more sociable and made best friends- lost best friends like any normal teenager. But she's the one friend that has not turned her back on me yet.
    We're going to dinner next week sometime... I have to figure out my work schedule first though.

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    your story touched me deeply. no my story with my teacher is not exactly the same.
    she always wondered the reason why i was always bored in her class and used to do the impossible to get my attention. im very dumb coz i never noticed all these efforts from her side for me. and one day i wanted someone to talk to about something and she was there and we talked and she explained to me a lot of stuff and then she told me that i was a very rare student. and then we started talking more and more and now she'll never be my teacher again but i think that it's ok coz i gained a very amazing friend. but the thing is that at school, she acts like she barely knows me and i hate that! but yeah well i have to live with it ... its really weird sometimes when you find a very good friend in the least expected place!!

  • Lovely Bones
    17 years ago

    You just have to be careful, and be sure that you can trust her :)

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    what do you mean by that? plz im interested in finding out

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    i think that it is good that you have an older friend! i believe that she will help u in a lot of situations cuz shes been through most of it and she will be awize friend that won't be a bad influence either.

  • Xx Eternal Fantasy xX
    17 years ago

    i agree with xoxokissesxoxo
    age doesnt really matter. actually if u confide in a very trustful lady at that age, things wont be that bad. she is much more mature than ur friends at ur age, and will give u better advice and guide u. and she will never betray u, really. if u tell a friend something and she shut her mouth, when u fight with her.. she will spill it all out. a 45 year old woman wouldnt do that, i doubt it. u wouldnt fight with a 45 year old lady and have respect 4 her anyway. age dont mata. but not all older people are trustworthy. like i wudnt tell anythin 2 my mum, she alwayz be tellin ma aunts and my sh** would be spreading b4 u say 3, even though they say " a mother is a daughters best friend", screw that saying. its stupid. u should trust who ever u feel is worth ur trust. not some1 who will spill ur sh** out after u had a fight.

  • RainbowSlider
    17 years ago

    Do you pick your friends or do they pick you?

  • emmerz
    17 years ago

    i think its probably pretty wise to have these friendships - just think of them as your 'mentor' even, helping you out along the way. and its all good for them too - ive got an older friend like this, and she says she loves talking to me because she remembers what its like to feel young again.

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    i know she is the only person that i truely trust...but she's hurting me A LOT. it's like she's ashamed of me or something like that i dont know.she doesnt allow me to act totally free when i'm around her but i'm 16 so i can't make her wish totally come true. and she always have to go...all the time. i just wish for ONE time to be able to tell her, me , you can go. because i never get to finish what i have to sat because she is always in a hurry. i dont know its probably just with me that she do that