When you love someone....

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    Don't you ever get that feeling that something might happen to your boyfriend or girlfriend when you guys get off the phone together? And you just wanna call them back up and still see if they're still there.

    Okay maybe this will tell you guys a little better what I'm trying to say. For an example you see and hear the town of where your love is and something happened there or a tornado watch or tornado ripped through there or just afraid that they're in a car accident? Don't you just want to call them up and hear their voice again and make sure they're okay? And you just wanna tell them one more time that you love them and tell them to never forget that.

    Are you afraid of losing the one you love so much? To another girl or guy or it's 'their' time to leave this world?

    It's seems like I'm more like venting then actually asking a question but hopfully you'll get what I'm saying.

    God I miss Wesley!!

  • StJimmy
    17 years ago

    yes, I know exactly what you're talking about! I feel that way with my ex. he is my life and I worry about him every day, even as he walks home from the bus stop I worry that he won't be back the next day! So, I know exactly how you feel


  • .K.i.T.t.Y.
    17 years ago

    Yea I understand. You worry even when there is nothing to worry about. Uhm. Ir eally don't have much to say. But I hope you see Wesley soon!

  • xPerfect Chaosx
    17 years ago

    I totally know how you feel, because my b/f drives, and the roads get really bad here in the winter sometimes, and I'm always worried about him... lol, but it's not just my b/f, I do that w/ my friends too!! lol

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    I mean yeah I feel that way for any of my friends that I REALLY care about.

    My best friend Tonya had a tornado rip through her town and so did my aunt Nancy

  • nEvEr EnOuGh
    17 years ago

    yah im always thinking like if he goes driving with his friends or something that they mite get in a crash or something...i get wat u r saying...

  • Anne Garcia
    17 years ago

    Yes.. I feel as if right after you off the phone with them, I would think.. OMG! What if I never get to talk to him ever again!? So that's why it's good to do everything you need today, do everything like there's no risking of what tomorrow might bring. :)

  • aDORKable x3
    17 years ago

    I know what you mean. My boyfriend lives four hours away from me and it's hard not to see him everyday. I never know what's happening (becasue he doesn't have a cell phone) and it's hard to ask myself what I would do if he was ever to leave and never come back.... I agree with ^ on their poing of doing things today...


  • Gem
    17 years ago

    I worry the same as everyone else but i guess a little bit less than most considering we live togther now, but you always feel a pang when they leave.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago


    Wesley is in Georgia.
    I'm in Wisconsin.

    I'm kinda worried for him because he lives in the Tornado Warning area and because he lives in the country on a country farm road away from town they have no sirens (its not worth it). But you know all the southern people claim that they know everything and can tell when tornado's are comin' or a bad storm coming their way. Man I must be old (lol jk im only 14) cuz I have no clue how to spot a tornado until you hear that big whirling funnel right in front of ya face lol. I was tryna make something funny out of all this but I guess I'm typing everythin for nothing.

    But yeah. He called me last night before he had to go and he was trying to get all his horses in and I guess a HUGE tree landed on a lumberyard. So he had to radio his dad from work and someone else *forgot who he was to Wesley.* You should've heard his 'Oh My Lord' when he saw a small tree that landed on his house but he told me not to worry they're moving into another house but I couldn't help but laugh so hard.

    Yeah.. Sorry that I wrote so much.. I'm just really bored right now. NO SCHOOL!! YAY I CAN"T BE ABSENT FOR BEING SICK! lol.

    How y'all doing?

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    Britt, yes he is.

    My favorite thing to watch is Rodeos. And he does Rodeos for FFA and hes suppose to be on Dish (some kind of system for T.V forgot :( ) and I don't have it and he's suppose to have himself on T.V on Sunday. I'M SO MAD!! lol. I want dish lol.

    But yeah he is. He's pretty intresting. Told me that sometime this summer if my grandma and his parents will let me that me & him will work together so I can go down there and see him for a day or two. I was surprised that he said that, then thats where we got into the convo about 'seeing people in person' that we online date n all that. But yeah.. I'm getting irelevent.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    And Britt, 19 aint old either. lol. I wonder who's the oldest one on here.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    I'll be careful. I dont give out anything thats very personal to me.