Somebody Please Help Me

  • RomeoJuliet
    17 years ago

    Well, here's the thing...

    ...I started going out with this guy when I was 14. He was sweet and kind, all the things a bf should be. We were so happy together and it was fantastic. We had been going out for over a year when out of the blue he dumps me for someone else who lives miles and miles away. I was completely heart-broken. I would cry every night, I cry when I saw him for the first couple of days, I even nearly started self-harm but I didn't. After about 3 mouths thing picked back up and we were good friends. Now here is the probably a week agao he told me that he still loved me and if he could have me back he would but he won't dump his gf. We met up on the Sunday and we had a great day as 'just friends' but then he kissed me and some other stuff happened. I feel the same...I really still love him but I don't know whether to stay with him even though he still has a girlfriend or just tell him its me or her? Please help me because I am really lost and confused and I can't take it anymore.

  • xPerfect Chaosx
    17 years ago

    Well.. if he dumped you for another girl, and now just wants to have you on the side, yeah, sounds like a real good guy to be with, NOT! Honey, he doesn't deserve you! You should NEVER take a back seat to anyone! Here's the thing, he doesn't really love you if he won't leave his girlfriend for you, plain and simple. Find someone who loves and respects you. I hope this helped

  • No one feels as I do
    17 years ago

    Okay, hun, this guy is a dumbcracker. He's so caught up in being Mr. I-can-have-as-many-as-I-want, that he don't realize how bad it's gonna hurt you, and the other Chick. He's playing you. I know from experience. Don't do it, unless he dumps her first. It['ll never work, and the aftermath of the whole 'two-timing' thing, is well, you know. Payback and after math is a freaker.