Add a line!

  • pilar ann
    18 years ago

    Okay guys, here's how it works... I'll give the first line and then someone else will give the second and the another will give the third and so on and so forth... Got it!

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body

  • *~elika~*
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me

  • No one feels as I do
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more

  • Willow
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back

  • Tricky Daze
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them

    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

  • x.Athame.x
    18 years ago

    My sanity is fleeting

  • x.Athame.x
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting

    *Sorry, forgot to put it all together.

  • christina marie
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday

  • AbsOlUtElYnOthIng91
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

  • .K.i.T.t.Y.
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    telling me all i did was wrong

  • x.Athame.x
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me

  • aDORKable x3
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head

  • x.Athame.x
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me

  • Tricky Daze
    18 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

  • *~elika~*
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly

  • Baby Rainbow
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me

  • DeathsRose
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me

  • waiting 4 some1
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

  • deanna aka nana
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car

  • DeathsRose
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me

  • xXxAngelEyes007xXx
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life

  • DeathsRose
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life
    When there wasn't much to begin with

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life
    When there wasn't much to begin with

    Something is trying to stop me

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life
    When there wasn't much to begin with

    Something is trying to stop me
    from breaking through the ice

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life
    When there wasn't much to begin with

    Something is trying to stop me
    from breaking through the ice
    A void of darkness and compelling shadows

  • xXxAngelEyes007xXx
    17 years ago

    The rain is pouring over my motionless body
    As I peacefully lay here in the grass
    With only my thoughts to comfort me
    Maybe i'm free at last

    As I think more and more
    The memories flood back
    Nowhere to hide from them
    As they viciously attack.

    My sanity is quickly fleeting
    And I am getting wet
    Drenched in the memories of yesterday
    That I just cant seem to forget

    They are spinning around me
    Not able to leave my head
    Forever silently haunting me
    But haven't taken over yet

    I open my eyes slowly
    but no ones here to save me
    Only enemies surround me
    Ready to take my life

    Then I see a flickering light
    i can feel it warmth as it is so bright
    A tender calling from afar

    now i'm noticing it's her wicked car
    Ready to attack what is left of me
    Ready to end this life
    When there wasn't much to begin with

    Something is trying to stop me
    from breaking through the ice
    A void of darkness and compelling shadows
    calling me further in to my tunnel