What do you do when...........

  • Willow
    17 years ago

    if i could get advice on what to do.

    what do u do when....
    your best friend stabs u in the back??

    your best friend has taken back a girl she swore she hated??

    this girl you best friend took back had caused her alot of pain before and you know she will do it to her again??

    this girl has turned your best friend against you in 3 hours??

    all you want to do is scream and throw sumthing and hurt yourself because of all this??

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    not a true 'best friend' if she is against you :]

    you deserve better.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Then she isn't a true friend.

    Like Bri said, you deserve better.

  • Willow
    17 years ago

    thanx u guys.

    she is one of the best i have ever had. has this ever happened to any1 else???
    if so share ur story plz. it'll make me feel better about the situation.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Not exactly like that.

    But in year 11, me and friend went to McDonalds at lunch time. We left straight after class.
    And when we got back our other friend was angry because we went without her.
    The reason we left so quick was because we were really hungry and we knew the line would be big and we only had an hour.
    And then we got into this huge fight. And we shared a locker and she took the lock off it and never told us, so snyone could of gotten into our things.
    And yeah, now she is a drggie.

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    17 years ago

    *Hands over chainsaw* here this makes everyone feel better ;). Tell her to go jump in a lake and find better people to spend your time with. She's not worth it.