How do you come up with your title?

    17 years ago

    I have the hardest times coming up with titles! I think if my titles were better, People would wanna read my poems! lol, help! I've seen such great titles and think... how the hell did they come up with that! i know it has to do with being creative............???

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    i know what your talking bout, but sadly i have no idea whatsoever

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Well usually I just write first, then pull the title out of context from the poem.

  • Twisted Heart
    17 years ago

    Alot of my titles come from The contest threads. The ones that don't, come from everywhere. I have a friend who comments on my poetry. Sometimes he will make a statement and I think, wow, that would make a cool title. Sometimes I just come up with something that sounds good and then write a poem about it. Very rarely do I write the poem first. If you are having trouble coming up with titles, it is best to write the poem and draw the title out from it. I like to give a twist to the title. It may seem like the poem would be about one thing, but then when you read the poem, it is about something completely different. I use alot of metaphors as titles. Other than these few things, I can't really tell you anything else. Sometimes a title will move you to read the poem, sometimes, it don't.

    If you write a poem and you still don't know what to title it, ask someone. If you belong to a club, ask the club members for suggestions. I have used this approach a couple of times, It does work, people will appreciate the fact that you value their opinion.

  • Deana
    17 years ago

    If theres a line thats repeated then I usually use that,If not then maybe the main idea or something catchy.

  • Coeur Cassa Sage
    17 years ago

    just write a poem. read it over and over. you will remember something from your past.

  • Dark Demise
    17 years ago

    I put my tittles on whatever my poem is about, or a tittle that makes people think about it, to put the poem in a understandable perspective with the tittle in a uniqe way,

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    i don't really know...usually i take the last line of my poem and use it as the title...or if there is a specific line in the poem that i really like i will use that.

  • adelinaxx
    17 years ago

    Maybe the last or first line, or the basic theme

  • samigirl90
    17 years ago

    I usually write the poem first read it and then try to get what i was really trying to say and figure out some kind of a catchy way to put it. I hope this helps!!!

  • Mello193
    16 years ago

    I get parts or titles of songs. Or if someone says something I like, I think about it and make a title....


  • Neil Marsden
    16 years ago

    I personally think that my own poetry has two main parts, the title and the poem itself.
    Both parts are of great importance to me and I strive to create a title that appeals to the inquisitve mind and also one that is a 'mini poem' in itself - a very hard task and one that I don't think I achieve that often to be honest, however it remains an objective.
    More often than not I only come up with the title several weeks after the writing of the poem itself and often this helps to arrive at a considered title. Having said all of that - I haven't got a clue!!! lol.


  • Dark Secrets
    16 years ago

    Hey...I have the same problem! I usually tend to read the poems that have an unexpected tittle, something you won't expect anyone would write a poem about or the titles that make you wonder what the poem's about like a date or time letters or numbers that make no sense being together something mysterious

  • Brittany
    16 years ago

    I had the same problem for the longest time.
    And my poems are finally starting to get read, and so maybe I'm titling them better?
    I try to make it something intriguing...something related to the poem. Think of what draws you into others poetry. What kind of title makes you want to read a poem?
    You can learn a lot by just observing how other poets on the site work. Just watch how they choose their titles.
    It's definitely an interesting learning process.

  • JEFF
    16 years ago

    Most of the poems i write come from within and when finished the title just comes to me.

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    I think you should look at your poem, look at theme, its connotation, and the style and instantly you'll find its title...