Philisophical interest

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    hey, names jason...i love what if thats a bit strange its more than most of you can if anyone is interested as well or wants to become interested or just wants to ask me something please get in touch.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Philosophy is an interesting subject. For one, you can ask such easy questions, but in the same essence it can be an extreamly hard question that no one has an answer to.

    For example:
    What is knowledge?
    What is Truth?

    What would be a genuine philosophical question? That is as difficult as asking, What is philosophy? I don't know of a satisfactory general answer. I would simply give examples. Socrates, who was always demanding general definitions of concepts, would not have approved, But Socrates didn't know everything and neither do we as human beings.

    Have fun with that lol

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I for one have always held truth to be solid...what is is. Perception is an individual take on truth and philosophy in part is the search for the true reality. A rock is hard is it not...would you deny that that is the truth. There are different levels of a rock being hard but in the end it is still hard. Philosophy is the search for truth and knowledge...and the beliefs one uses to achieve that end...that is not all it is...but a good part of it

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    "A rock is hard is it not...would you deny that that is the truth. There are different levels of a rock being hard but in the end it is still hard."

    ^^There are no absolute truths. The truth of a theory is merely its power to produce predictions that are confirmed by observations. However, different theories can produce similar predictions without one of them being right and the other wrong.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Joe you failed to do one prove my statement wrong...until you can do such your statement is pointless

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    ^^ Soft rock, also referred to as light rock or easy rock, is a style of music. There for not all rocks are hard :) Happy now?

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    i should be more careful in my example...the earth based rock that comprises a great deal of this earth...that rock and only that rock. If i were to hand you a earth rock...could you deny that it is not hard...could you claim that that truth was unatainable

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    "...could you deny that it is not hard...could you claim that that truth was unatainable"

    ^^ Actually yes I can deny that it is not hard.

    "soft" rock does not scratch glass but scratches fingernails; "very soft" rock can be scratched with a fingernail. Although, all igneous rocks are hard.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    alright perhaps i should just go ahead and get to my point here...rock like all things are a label...depending on what one defines under that label leaves others to either agree or disagree...but if one mans label does not match another then any argument on the topic is null due to the fact that they are really arguing on two different things...the purpose of philosophy as i see it is to discover not what a label is but to find out what that label truly defines...rock is rock...a hard rock is a hard rock, a soft rock a soft rock...but at its core each thing is what it is...definable and much we generalize and how vague we define plays a part in how true...or untrue our statements seems...there for it is the goal of philosophy to track down the most basic of each element...or to find the most specific and to define that as true

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Bravo, Bravo *Claps for Jason*

    Define: True/Truth

    Can you? Or can't you? Simple question :)

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I can and do define truth...truth is what are dealing with perception...each mans take on truth...but underneath all perception there is one truth. If you deny truth then you deny that your name is truly could and probably are could be female...there is not truth that you are male....tell me does it feel to be female?

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    ^^lmfao Jason, you have some valid points, but in fact I don't deny my name is Joe, I have proof, it's called a Birth Certificate, and yes I don't deny I am a Male, I have male But, in other words, you are the one that can deny if my name is truly Joe or not, for you have no proof. :) haha

    In any event, I don't deny the truth, I am just trying to make valid/debatable points.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    The truth is im having fun...this are the things i live for...these debates...that is all the truth i need

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago just validated my point...truth is claim you do have proof...think you for finally agreeing with me...if unintentionally

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Oh and to clarify...i dont really care what you do or dont have joe...and i certainly dont ever intend to prove it one way or the other...that is one truth i can do without

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    lol it was intentional, as I stated, I don't deny truths, I'm just trying to make valid/debatable convo. :)

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Ahh good...then i give you a pat on the back for playing along...twas more fun than you probably realize for me

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    lol It was actually fun for me as well, I love debating. Keeps the mind flowing :)

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Mind flowing, adrenaline pumping and give us something to do in a otherwise boring evening...we shall have to do this helps one to grow and mature intellectually with is ultimately my goal in life.

    Many thanks for a fun filled evening and until next time...good thinking


  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Ok, after reading about 3 of the comments...I realized how utterly pointless this all is.

    Yes, the rock is hard, or it is not..what now? What does that mean? Does it matter? Why should you care? What does acceptance of what is, is, grant you? Why not ignore this factor and accept things how they are naturally? Why accept anything? Why woud one question further? Why question anything? Why not? You can ask endless questions, and in the end, it is solely amusement.
    Which is all good and dandy :)

    Optimism can take us anywhere. It has, does, and will. Jason, you may think on something and ask "Why?" I may think on that very something and ask "Why not?" Which question is more fitting? We hold ourselves to our own beliefs. It is our beliefs that tie us down. You decide whether this is good or bad.

    And now...the big bam boom...why question anything? What does philosophy matter? Philosophy is just a word encompassing nothing specific...why not just say life? More correctly, HUMAN LIFE. I don't hear any animals questioning, "What is the meaning of life?"

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I like Freud's thoughts and books,and Conficius(i maybe wrote it wrong)

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    thats great...if you get a chance fill me in on some of it...there is so much that i dont have time to do and studying too many philosophies is one of them...if you want just pm me or something

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Darwin, sure sure..your big, well thought out words don't scare me. I think quickly, write quickly, enter quickly. It's magic. Do you believe in magic?

    In response: Of course we are animals, but do you say we are equals? It is fine if you do. For all I know and think, we are. However, our intelligence appears to be much higher. No animal can compare..and yes, such intelligence and ability to communicate so clearly does bring other negatives..jealousy, greed, tyranny..the list goes on. Animals, OF COURSE, are able to communicate with one another. I have about 20 life revolves around animals more than you know. I study their behavior. I would be one of the first to support the idea of their ability to communicate...but question such deep, meaningless questions...pertaining to life? Why would they? It is our intelligence which draws out such fear, uncertainty, longing for answers that cannot be answered. I believe my cat naps and ponders...about catching leaves, eating dinner, being pet...but does she ponder..."What is the meaning of life?", "Where will I go when I die?" No. I am quite certain she does not. You cannot prove me wrong, nor can I prove myself right..but one can believe. Is belief philosophy? Belief and philosophy are both words. To say philosophy is a system of beliefs, or even one belief, then yes...animals are philosophers :) My cat believes I will feed her tonight. She believes I will sleep in my bed tonight. These can be called beliefs, or things taken for granted. I take for granted that my cat does not ponder the meaning of life. It is something I do not may be untrue, but I do not question it. What would come of me questioning it? Questioning whether an animal questions such deep meanings is just another form of philosophy. I believe there is so much that can be considered philosophy, so many questions asked...that philosophy is just a is life we refer to. Human life. Human life fears due to its high intelligence..this fear draws questions...fear that there are no certain answers...people like certainty. Why do you think religion was created? Religion cures people of their fear.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Darwin, I however COMPLETELY agree with your statement.

    Philosophy can get us nowhere. It is simply an answer to fear.

    The last bit you said, I agree with.

    You have NO idea how much I agree. Thank you.

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    Oh. Philosophical debate. Count me in losers!

    "If you get a good girl, you become happy. If you get a bad girl, you become a philosopher"

    It's a long time since I've philosophized, but viewing it from the other side now, I look back longingly and nostalgically.

    All hail discordia.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    "Of course we are animals, but do you say we are equals?"

    Darwin, I was actually referring to animals vs. humans...not you vs. me, or us vs. humanity in its entirety. However, interesting interpretation.

    I most likely will not email you, but I would like to keep in touch. Jason, the creater of this forum, myself, and another member, Liz, have created a poetry club: "Poetry World Domination." We would love to have you. A member of your maturity and intellectual capacity is a rare find.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Words we can use if we so wish, however we dont intend to consider life quite so seriously as to forget to have a little fun. You would be unwise to underestimate any of us who have joined what you consider to be a nonsenseical group of egotistical idiots, claiming more intellectual capacity than they actually have. But that error is obviously your choice. Good day and goodluck with your personal conquest. Though one thing doesn't make sense to said to not follow or lead but to be a stray, if that is your philosophy then would you really seek to captivate the world as you said? Followers are captivated, which means you would have to be a leader. Seems to me that you are contradicting your own beliefs in that.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Darwin, I think you need to take the world less seriously. Our club is different, can you say otherwise? That is all it is meant to be. Different. So many clubs on this site are run of the line, repetitive, same old...

    If you took all of the nonsense about world domination seriously, you need a catscan. Lighten up. I simply enjoyed your company and figured it would be nice to offer a place in our club. Forgive me for being friendly. Several of us take pleasure in debates, discussions, stories, contests, friendship, constructive criticism, sharing of knowledge, etc. If you do not enjoy said things, that is fine. No need to constipate that stunted humor of yours.

    Now...can we relax and try again? Or am I fighting a lost cause?

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Well now. I would say that such a heated statement would not happen arbitrarily. There had to be some reason for such a passionate response. I tend to think that that is the response of a man matched at his own game, though I do applaud you for backing up those emotions with valid information.

    Hypocritical...sure you are to an challenged Jane by comparing her to yourself 30 years down the road. Even if she does nothing with her life, unless you intend to 'captivate' even some people of this world purposely then I would take it as a week challenge due to the fact that where is that there is no standard but your own personal one to decide who has been more successful. You have implied that your 'philosophy' will be found, otherwise why challenge in the first place. An idiot is an equal to your so called intellectual in the eyes of society if he does naught with his findings. If you say that society is not important, only your own opinion, then why bother us at all...we do not care about your opinion, we have our own.

    And in case you weren't able to comprehend from what I have previously should have fun with life. I don't believe that i said you should have fun with words anywhere.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    One more thing. Can you explain to me how proclaiming my mad skills sarcastically, mocking such unintelligent word usage, is harmful? Sarcasm, my friend, sarcasm. In language, there are no rules. There are no laws.

    Do not judge me by a profile written in five minutes, displaying a humor and manner of writing other than your own. That is close-minded. I write for myself, none other. No need to deliberately insult my methods of language, that is nothing but rude.

    Take care.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I agree...let us calm down...debates are a worthy use of time. It is a way to further our intellectual growth. If any of us are unwilling to take criticism then we should not bother to join in.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Oh geez, look at all the fun I missed. :(

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I don't say take the world less seriously, just enjoy life a little more. What harm is there in what we are doing? We are gathering similar intellectual members to help expand what we know.

    yes joe, you missed out...but im not sure its over yet...unless you lock our thread

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    I sadden you? It saddens me that anything I could possibly say could affect you. Try being a bit more indifferent as to what others think and say, it will save you a lot of stress. Again, take the world less seriously.

    Do you mind embellishing as to how I was capable of affecting your emotions? I'm disappointed in you to be honest. I was beginning to believe you were a strong individual. How silly of me.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I happen to agree with the first. If you allow others to affect your emotions with their opinions...then you are dependent on a society and ultimately the society will rule you.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    hrmmm ok time for me to get reading to see what I've missed....

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    oh fun fun looks like I missed a nice heated debate...damit

    Keep it coming so I can get involved lmfao

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    We're waiting on Darwin. He takes his time..that or he is typing with one finger.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    lol most likely his middle finger if that is the case.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Does it really takes that long or is it that it takes time to come up with a verbose answer worthy of your preceding posts of superflous sentences?