17 years ago
Hahaha, Darwin will love such vocabulary. Believe it or not, I actually like him. His defensive, pompous, self-insured self..reminds me a bit of me. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
lmfao Jason it is most likely because he is trying to look super intellegent when really all he is probally doing is looking the info up on google. |
17 years ago
I highly doubt Darwin would do such an ignoble, dishonest, obtuse thing, such as look up his argumentative knowledge on google. That is an easy act of plagiarism to catch. I think Darwin here has a decent head on his shoulders..he simply carries it too highly. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
lmfao I think Darwin will love your voacb Jane. |
17 years ago
If he does not, I will not be saddened. That I guarantee. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
And Jane to your thread about "Humans" |
17 years ago
Congratulations. I see Darwin and yourself are of a similar grammar school education. Refer to my reply on that forum, Joe. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
I would myself consider humans above animals. An animal, by my definition, is incapable of abstract thinking. That is what makes us the superior species and ultimately...not an animal. But again that is using my definition of animal |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
And where would that be Jane, which Forum? |
17 years ago
Humans are animals. Humans are capable of abstract thinking, can you prove other animals are not? Perhaps we are much below their standard of intelligence...mice in a laboratory if you would. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
if you are hanging around joe i want to ask you sure i should have more awards than i do...i should have two for commenting on poems and for the discussion board...why aren't they showing up? |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
There is no proven inferiority. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
You speak of inferiority of physical attributes...i was talking about mental attributes. I dont deny physically we are week compared. Mentally...we are superior. We have the volition of choice...we are the one species that can choose to kill ourselves. |
17 years ago
Truth is what we make it. Always has been, always will be. We define truth subconciously. |
17 years ago
Do you know that to be fact Jason? Refer to my first paragraph. Broaden your mind and embrace my words for once, you close-minded philosopher, you. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
And Jason to answer your question, it is because the server has not been updated yet, once it has been updated, I am sure they should appear. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
thanks joe |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
haha, yes jane for the most part i am close minded...i attack things with an active mind, not an open mind...meaning that until i am proven wrong i will believe what i believe. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
And as Jane was saying, "Truth is what we make it" |
17 years ago
I'm done for now. I want Darwin to respond, if his righteous self will do so. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
Storm? wtf? |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
Joe, your claim is pointless. Theory and truth are not related. Theory by definition is not solid, not is only a possible set of terms for something where as by definition truth is sold, truth is unbending. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
Im with jane, unless Darwin posts Im done for the evening with this thread. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
lmfao Jason read it again carefully. |
17 years ago
Ah, excellent. You are back. I like you. Yes, read. That's usually how things work around here. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
hmmm...and you were getting onto me earlier about stating the obvious |
17 years ago
Shut up. I'm waiting eagerly for Darwin's response. I cannot be disrupted! |
17 years ago
Darwin, do you realize what is going on here? We're having a civilized, utterly pointless and yes entertaining debate pertaining to philosophy. Fear not for 'your world.' Naught we say here will bring life crashing down upon us, or YOU, for that matter. What you said is overly dramatic. Take the world less seriously, don't not take it seriously at all. Learn to enjoy arguments that broaden your knowledge and perspectives. Do you understand? |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
I wish you luck in your quest for knowledge Darwin. I have a feeling that Jane and I will be right there beside you even if you choose to ignore us. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
Wow this ought to be a rather intertaining converastion. *waits for something good to reply to* |
17 years ago
Darwin. You seem all too accustomed in casting others aside who may in fact, agree with your unusual and truthful opinions. I cannot tell you, yet again, how much I agree with your previous post. Never did I mean to display contrasting beliefs. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
Hrmm looks like Jane has some feelings for Darwin...dun dun dun *eats Popcorn* |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
Sad Darwin...if you are a linguist as you seem to be wouldn't you have been better off choosing a different word to describe your feelings such as...disappointed. We do not know how you interpret a word or how you define it. If you wish us to know the full context of what you say then please do expand and fully explain all claims. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
Ha. I tend to agree with you there as a whole should be taken more seriously and considered more completely. But how do you connect happiness to just physical pleasure? |
17 years ago
Darwin, are you meaning to think fun is evil?? You never have fun? I'm in shock. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
I would say that your use of the words were too broad. You of all people I would think would understand that a vague perspective, or in this case definition, can lead to vague conclusions. If you wish for us to comprehend what you said then you must be specific otherwise we are left to interpret as we see fit. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
What is the purpose of that mind Darwin if not ones own happiness? |
17 years ago
A mind is 'a' terrible thing to waste. So use it. |
Italian Stallion
17 years ago
oh interpertaion is fun...lmfao but in any event I happen to agree with Jason, leaving it up to us is not very nice, if you want to have such an intellectual convo. then elaberate. |
Rahl The Layman Lord
17 years ago
I feel i should go further on my last post. 'What is the purpose of that mind' You can gather all the information you wish but if you put it to no purpose...then it is still a waste. |