Philisophical interest

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Yes I am. :)

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Why did you avoid me question Darwin...and what are you going on about now? All of us here are thinking. Do you really consider us the slime of the universe. I dont, we have held a conversation with you. You are not used to having an intellectual working back against you...and thus seem lost as to what to do but clam up and get emotional.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    um it's called I have a life other than stay on this site 24/7

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    :) Mission accomplished. Damn me where? Might I ask..I don't believe in hell.

    Darwin, pleasure/fun is not simply primitive. It is a reason to breathe. Once you have gathered all of your information, which you inevitably will not, for information is unlimited...what will you then do? What is your reason for living? To simply bear the burdens of the world, gather, gather, gather..endlessly gather and never enjoy an ounce of happiness. Where is your love of life?

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    You seem to love your words and your speech Darwin. I hope they are there at that lonely funeral, I hope they keep you company through your life.

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Jason keep it nice man, that is not very nice to say.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago fear only being unable to answer my question otherwise you would answer it. You are incapable of doing so fully thus you will hide under a cloak.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    Sorry Joe. Just why get worked up about vocab and such ....they are only labels. It is whats behind them that is important.

    But more so, sorry Darwin

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Ok well this is getting kind of long, so Time for a new one...