Welcome to the Black Parade #3

  • DarkJem
    17 years ago

    But where's your heart?
    But where's your heart?

    hey everyone

  • Crazygirl yeh
    17 years ago

    But where's your...

    And I know

    *could we not do helena I prefer that song*

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Ok, listen Lenz.. (I love that nickname)..

    You could in no way, shape or form be freakier than me. I also don't believe you could be freakier than Breezy. So that really makes you 3rd.

    Everyone is singing their favourite MCR song, so I shall lead with my own.

    "A kiss goodbye, your twist shell,
    as rice grains and roses fall at your feet.
    We'll say goodbye a thousand times,
    and then tomorrow we'll do it again
    Tomorrow well do it again!"

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    I also don't believe you could be freakier than Breezy.

    ^ OHYESBBY! :]



    I love you. EVERYONE!

    Too many people to name. I'M HOME! SICK ;[

    It sucks. I feel like Ima cough out a lung, dude. So not cool.

    Bri [x]

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    [Edit; double post]

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Aww Breezy!... I hope you feel better *hugs*

    I would give you a real one, but you'll have to settle for a cyber one. My hugs are cures. They make people feel better (but not really). Haha, I mean it makes them happy, it doesnt make the sickness go away.. you know what I mean! :P

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    Haha. -Hugs-

    Thanks, babe. :]


    Though, not really. I feel like crying ;[ my body aches so bad. lol. I HATE IT.


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    [[Runs in screaming]]

    [[Stops. Looks around.]]

    [[Smiles and waves at Darien, blowing a kiss.]]


  • Liz
    17 years ago

    Darien, I had a really good response to your post. But I got distracted and can't even remember wtf you posted. And i'm too lazy to go back and read it. Haha.

    Brisa!! I love you tooo, shmexay!

    And Sheena!!! I want a kiss! =[ *sniff*

    No fair Darien gets all the fun.


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Awww poor Glen-duh.. *blows a kiss*
    I know it's not from Sheena, but it's something!
    It's ok if you had a response, I would have one too. I'm quick like that! hehe

    *gently tackles Breezy*
    Hi hun! Hope you are feeling a little bit better today.

    Sheena!!!.. *grabs Sheena's arm before she exits, pulls her in and passionately kisses her*

    How are ya sexy thang ;)
    hehe, I've always wanted to do that to a girl in real life!

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Oh, Darien, you should! How it would sweep her off her feet! =]

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Hehe.. I have no one I can do that to, but I really hope somewhere down the line there will be someone!

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago


    -Ish GENTLY tackled- :] Hiya darlin'! I'm staying home again today. Lol. I feel like a big pile of doodoo. ;[

    But I'm going to take Nyquil. hehe. That should help!


    Sheena!!!.. *grabs Sheena's arm before she exits, pulls her in and passionately kisses her*

    ^ Darien! Aw. I've alwayssss wanted a guy to do that to me in real life. I have no idea why. It's just, so cute! :] But seeing as how I'm still young.. I HAVE TIME :]

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Hehe, I'm not so young anymore, but it will happen sometime, because I'm a romantic boy like that. Unfortunately I don't have a girlfriend *sigh* hehe, but it's ok, I still have the rest of my life, however long it may be.

    *Hugs Breezy* aww hun, take care of yourself!!!

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    -Hugs Darien- Thanks babe.

    & That is trueeee. I'm sure you are a romantic boy :] Lol. That's always a good thing. AND YES! You have the rest of your life.. & I'm sure it'll last pretty long.

    Ok. Now i'm going nini :] I took some Nyquil. soooo. I'm starting to feel.. woooo.

    Haha. Love youuuu.

    Bri [x]

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Awww nini!!! My friend and I use that all the time! Well, she's my ex girlfriend, but we're still good friends! Reminds me of the good times we use to have. Sadly she moved.

    I hope it's a pretty long life, I'm looking forward to the future, but I'm taking my life one day at a time. Don't want to get too ahead of myself. But it's always nice to look forward to something.

    Have a good nini Breezy!! *hugs*
    *Tucks Breezy in*

    You can sleep on my lap anytime : )

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    What a good convo this is
    *in tears*
    So cool *wipes tears*

    How is life treating you all?
    I feel so alone nowadays that i always hang out at comp. laboraty,my only friend is flu and haven't come to skool for 2 days so i've been passing all my day on Ä°nternet...

    Uh,i need a hug too *sighs unhappily*

    See ya all

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Aww Laura *hugs*

    You would need to join the black parade to hang out with us. Yes.. we are exclusive : P

  • Colby
    17 years ago

    You all sound so crazy you know!!

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago


    & There's a simple reason for that: We [are] crazy :] Srsly. We are.

    Dariennn -hugs- Thank you for tucking me in :] I slept for like.. four more hours. Ahaha. I feel a bit better.

    Laura, I have the flu too ;[ I think it's something that's going around right now. & It sucks, badly. I've missed two days of schooll. But I -AM- going tomorrow, I don't care if I feel terrible.. I NEED to go. :]

    But for now. I need to study for the Math Test tomorrow, & since I wasn't there Mon. or Tues. I have to figure out how to do it myself. WOOHOO. Lmfao

    Enjoy all.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Ah, Darien, love, you [will] find someone. You're an amazing person; someone will see that soon.

    And Bri -- Haha, hello, dear! I missed you!

    And does anyone know where Jessy got to? =[ I haven't talked to her in ages and it saddens me.

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    Sheeenaa. Hey Hunny. I missed you too!

    AND GUESS WHAT ;[ blahblahblah. I'm staying home sick AGAIN for the THIRD day. [This is killing me]


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Awww Breezy *hugs* Why are you not getting better?.. Should I come down and take care of you? Geez!.. hehe : P

    I'm sure I will find someone Sheena, I mean I have found people i nthe past, I'm sure the right one is somewhere around. I'm not impatient, so I can wait. I'm happy now, so I'm not looking to rush into anything! I'm just enjoying my life! Whoot!

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    YES DARIEN! You [should] come take care of me :]

    Lol. I 've been taking Nyquil & sleeping all day. & it seems to help a bit. So , I 'm getting a little better. YAY! :]

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Breezy!.. I would come take care of you.. I really would .. *Hugs* thats the best I can do

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    -Hugs- Aw. I know you would :] Thanksss.

    -Sneezes- kfjsldkfjsdlkfj. er ;[

    I just woke up , again. I slept for alongggggg time.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Well, Darien, if you are happy, rush nothing and enjoy what life you have left. =]

    And, I hope you feel better, Bri.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Aww Breezy!.. *hugs* and thanks Sheena *hugs*

    I am enjoying my life. A lot more than I was enjoying it with her in it. I felt restricted, but let's not get into that.

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago


    Aw. Well, it's good you are enjoying life! You don't need to feel restricted. I know how that feels. lol.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Jess!!!.. how are ya??..

    Breezy, that sucks that you know how that feels! Grrr, I think we've gone through the same things when it comes to relationships. But.. from different point of views of course.

    Grrr @ Girls.. (but not you ladies of course)
    I love you ladies!..

    Will one of you marry me?.. Even though I already have so many cyber wives. Lol

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    Jesssssssssss! Woo. 'tis been forever & a day :]

    How is you doin, darlin'?

    Darien, yes yes.. it does suck. And yes, I do think we have been through the same things. lmfao. That's sad. haha. But, then again.. I've matured faster than most people my age ;[ Which sucks [guys wise] Cos.. I can't date anyone my age. They are sooo immature. And it pisses me off. haha

    And yes, Grrr @ Girls. haha. I dislike A LOT of girls. they are so bitchy. grr. lmfao. and they gossip wayyy too much. & they are way over-dramatic. Lol. THAT'S WHY I'M NEVER TURNING LESBIAN. lol.

    Okies. I'm done :]

  • Liz
    17 years ago

    Darien is a lesbian!!! haha

    But...I'll marry you!!

    We can be swingers! lmao.

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    hahaha dang, I'll be a lesbian if I get to marry Lenz!.. ;)

    and maturing is a good thing Breezy, also experiencing things, but it sucks when it's at a young age. I hope you take care though! Don't get caught up in trouble.

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I agree with Bri
    They're so sketchy and nasty
    I communicate better with guys than girls cos of that
    But my sweetie gets afraid of that too
    I was into girl group on class that so liar,tries to change you...,gossips..etc
    And they were really getting me sad again and again,so i left them behind and now in a girl group that the others really hate(evil me XD),now they hate me but i f**n don't care,only problem is this group smokes and i don't
    Life everytime gives one more chance.....
    At least i always lived that opportunity...so put your middle finger up to these kinda girls
    And nevermind them,just live your life as you want

  • Liz
    17 years ago



  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I'll marry you, Darien!
    Oh, wait... Are we already married? [That one post..Lol.]
    I don't know. Haha.

    Darien! I got my haircut!
    You MUST see!
    I'll see you on msn ONE day, I promise! We must corrdinate and get on at the same time, lol.



  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Yay!!! Sheena :)

    That makes me really happy.
    Emo boys are really, umm. Well I don't know how to put it nicely, but they're... No, sorry I can't even put it nicely..

  • BrixGoesxRawr
    17 years ago

    ^^ LOL Darien! You're great. ;]]

    AHAHA. Sorry, that just cracked me up! I'm a bit wooo today though. LOL


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Lol.. ok I'll make a note of that.. but im way too lazy to edit it :P