Symbols in Profile

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    17 years ago

    Am I the only one unable to post hearts and such symbols in my profile? A month ago, I was able to, but it doesn't seem to work anymore...

  • David
    17 years ago

    who does need symbols in your profile name.

    its just a waste of space, a childish thing that ppl do to make their name pretty, or with CaPiTaLs like that all thru a poem or quote.

    plain annoying!


  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    17 years ago

    LOLl yes i do agree, but they add... color (you know what i mean) to your profile (not username... just in ur profile). anyways, its just something i noticed...

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    the hearts don't matter,
    my only problem is that lots of the time i can't edit my poems, now i think that is more important than putting little hearts in your profile.

  • LadyPearl
    17 years ago

    Maybe this has been repeated but when I tried to change my profile name, an "A" symbol kept showing up.