I Cried Again...I Missed My Friends

  • XSugarSexSuicideX
    17 years ago

    I miss them so much...I rarely ever get to see them, and when I do, it's only for a short time. *sighs* I love them so much...I cry for them every night, and smile for them every day. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

  • David
    17 years ago

    thats the hardest thing, you make friends and then sometimes they have to go, but just think

    you can still see them, so they haven't movd too far away.


  • x.Athame.x
    17 years ago

    Thank you sweetie, and I miss and love you too. We'll see each other soon. Promise.

  • XSugarSexSuicideX
    17 years ago

    it's all fine when you can at least talk to them on the phone and stuff, but what do you do when they leave you for good? yes, i do miss my friends a lot, but just as much, i miss my two friends, Jack and Jake. both are no longer in this world, and just typing this makes me realize how hard it is to bear. *sigh* jack committed suicide, and jake died of blood loss. i thank all of you for your kind words...i just wish i could see them again. thanks again.
