What's your most "different" poem?

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    By different, I mean it shies away from the genre you usually write in. Mine would have to be Sin-shine. Although it is about sadness, I incorporated a ton of nature into it.

  • Mo
    17 years ago

    Well I once wrote a poem in a letter style to God (who was inviting me out for a coffee) but then mixed it in with a poem about cleaning the house with detergent (which was metaphoric to cleaning out my life)... it was very different... It took on the style of one paragraph would be me talking to God about how I would love to come to coffee and how life was great, then the next paragraph would be about how I couldn't go because I was up to my elbows in disinfectant cleaning the shower and how the filth of my life was crawing up the walls in the bathroom... yeah kind of freaky/different!!!! But it was a time in my life when I was struggling between God, depression etc. :)

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    most definitely my poem, Resonating Candlelight. Very Eccentric
    Here is the link:


  • Gem
    17 years ago

    I've lately started to branch out to different forms of poetry so i hope that lately they all seem a bit different
    Probably my paradelle poem and 'Free' are my most different.

  • RainbowSlider
    17 years ago

    'Not There' is my most different one of all that I have written.

  • Karl Wild GG23
    17 years ago

    My most different poem was called "In a world of criticism" which I think is an amazing poem and everybody can relate to it in some way. Karl

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    Star (Palindrome)

    Animal's Perspective (Tetractys)

  • Perfection
    17 years ago

    I guess it must be the one dark poem I wrote... The other ones are sad so thats about as different as it gets in my case =)

  • Jamie Lorraine
    17 years ago

    Invsiable is my most different

  • debbylyn
    17 years ago


  • Simple Sensation
    17 years ago

    Probably the poem i wrote today called "Scent Of Dead", considering it's in the life catagorie, and ive got a message in it. And like osmeone who left me a comment said, it's really ironic i wrote a poem to do with life considering my user name... Lol!
    After that it's probably "Snow Children" which is acctually a cheerrful poem!

  • The Angel of Secrets
    17 years ago

    All of them, lol

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    Special not special needs

  • Sandra D
    17 years ago

    We Can Try is mine... i wasn't mad or sad, but just wrote something good about my family

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    17 years ago

    The record player

    it means nothing NOTHING

  • AlaSkA
    17 years ago

    I hear that all my poems are out of the ordinary and unique.

  • ImmortalKitty
    17 years ago

    Most of my poetry are either, love, or sad poems with a few religious ones, and I think only one ore two nature ones.

  • Biscuit
    17 years ago

    Most of my poems are differnet to each other but i think Wanted is probably the most unusual!