
  • Nick who Plays Pool
    17 years ago

    This is dedicated to my slowly going insane. I've been having dreams lately, some ending up to be nightmares, some just wierd. I'd like your opinion of them because some are really bad.

    1) I dreamt of a man, a older me with a phone sitting on the bleachers in the gym at school with my cell phone. There were people infront of him, but it only showed him. He asked the people infront of him if he should take it in private or public. After a couple seconds of silence he said I should probably take it in private since some of my calls are sneaky.

    I then woke up confused with my phones alarm going off.

    2) On a dark street with the lgihts flikering and in my mind I tell myself it's boston. The lgihts fliker and randomly go off, then from behind me I feel a sharp pain and turn around. I stare into the darkness right at the tip of my feet, unable to see anything and then I see yellow lights and something lungs out at me and jumps on me.

    I woke up scared as hell.

    3) I pretended I was at my dad's house, which thank god I don't ever have to go to again, but anyway's. I was at his house, his new wife who usually yelled at me was silent starring at me. My brother stayed next to me all throughout the dream looking straigh forward. We walked through a strange house with christmas lights in it and headed up to a attic with a couple of beds in it.

    I realized it was a dream and woke up. I had a similar one last night, but it's pretty much the same as the first.

    What does it mean?

  • Ellie
    17 years ago

    No clue what it means, but I've been having alot of nightmares lately also. Crazy.

    Anyway, just a random post. B-)

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I have no idea what it means sorry.

    I once had a dream that I got shot in the back and I woke up and my back was sore, it was like I could feel it. It was scary.

  • your loving sistertwin
    17 years ago

    Once i had a dream that i was trapped in a truck and thehandle part of the door was broken. I looked into the little hole and saw these MILLION tiny little bats with glowing green eyes. Then i saw one with red eyes that flew out on my face. Then the door opened and i was let out, with the little red-eyed bat still on my face...my most common one- ive had about 6 times total throughout my whole life...first time when i was 6- a man kidnapped me and rapped me and beat me till i almost bled to death. i finally got away and i was running down this harbor. then this guy comes out of no where, walks right past me to the guy chasing me and beats him to death. I've just recently met that guy who saved me, the man of my dreams, literally, lol- when he was 6 he had the same dream, only he WAS the guy who beat the bad guy to death...creepy huh?

  • your loving sistertwin
    17 years ago

    My most recent odd dream, i HATE spiders by the way(ewww), i had a dream that a HUGE brown recluse jump on my back and crawled around and BIT each one of my finger tips, ewww! i woke up scwerming in my bed, like i was trying to get the spider off me, and my fingers hurt, lol-
    i usually dont have many normal dreams- ones that make sense...just odd twisted ones...

  • Gary Jurechka
    17 years ago

    I have always been fascinated by dreams. Years ago I had dreams that formed complete short stories. For a period of a few years I could not remember my dreams at all. Lately I have slept 20 minutes or an hour or two, and been awoken by dreams-actually in a half dream/half asleep phase, where the dreams are so vivid and real (have even been aware of moving/talking/what I said when dreaming). I think dreams are a great source of inspiration material. It is now an accepted 'science' that our dreams are actually ways to solve problems/situatuions of our waking ('real') life. Everyone's symbols are different and have personal meanings( as in, flying, or falling, or dogs, or certain people, etc. doesn't have the same meaning for somebody else)-to solve our 'problems', we must determine for ourselves what the symbols mean and interpret our own dreams.

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    What's wrong with you Gaz...suddenly you started putting spaces between your capitals and your full stops!

    And pigs are flying!

  • Nick who Plays Pool
    17 years ago

    Pigs can fly, chimera :) Pig mixed with eagle, the ultimate killing machine.