It just amazes me.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    You know it's amazing how every one has their side of a story in a simular case and you all admit your mistakes. You all voice your opinons and everything. That amazes me. Why cant everyone be like you guys?

  • LithiumSacrifice
    17 years ago

    because a lot of people are ashamed.

    or they are so self centered they dont think they did anything wrong.

    lol could be a lot of reasons.

    we're stronger to admit our faults.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    I agree with what is said in a number of instances but also ask you to remember...we are online, we are not faced with real people, just words on a screen. We can not be hurt here like we can in person...thus people are willing to be more open, share more without the risk of being judged and hurt as they would in reality.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I am not open. There is a lot of things not even my real friends know.

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    Like someone said up there: we are just the internet. We're only hiding behind words on a screen. Nobody wants to be judged by people they know, but online-- who cares?

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Just because its online, doesn't mean I'm gonna go around telling everyone all my secrets. And its not because I don't want to be judge or anything.

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    The statement was a generalization to which there are exemptions, yes.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I have met a lot of wonderful people on this site that I will tell some stuff to. But not all my personal stuff.

  • LithiumSacrifice
    17 years ago

    im not open.. some of my friends dont know much about me either..

    im open through my poetry which i dont share often with them. as said, it is easier to share via online.

    but if my friends know of my faults or if it involved them, in not afraid to admit my faults and be open about it. I just dont share my past events and faults anymore. i have either been forgiven or i still hurt from those. and no one needs to know.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    My best friend knows more about me than anyone but there are some things in my past that she doesn't know about.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    I'm surprised everyone posted on this. I was gonna think you guys were going to ignore it.

    keep on going people.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I am, but no one else is posting now.

  • LithiumSacrifice
    17 years ago

    "We are special... just like everyone else." - lol. in responce the the topic post. hahaha.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago


    Jeez you all got great minds. No wonder you guys are always such good poetry writers.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Everyone is a good poet, if it comes from the heart.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Like a lot of the people above me said, we're on the internet here and it's easier to take the truth(like if someones says that your poems stink) or say the things that really hurt when you aren't facing a person for real.

    I don't like most of the people I know reading my work but on here it's diffeint because, although I have a lot of great friends on here, they haven't met me and don't really know what's going on in my life and there for don't judge me like most of the people that have known my most of my life or think that they now know everything about me through my poems.
    I can also handle the people on here's support and honesty better then when I'm faced with it and have to see their faces, or really their eyes.

  • LithiumSacrifice
    17 years ago

    Infected With his Deadly Love - you say every poet is good if it comes from the heart. BUT good is an opinion to the reader. What may be good to another person may be bad to another. so we all can be wonderful amazing poets.. and at the same time we can be horrible ones. =p

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I see what you are saying.
    Then the people who think its bad, need to learn a few things.
    And btw, my name is Sarah.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    17 years ago

    How is your day going everyone?

    Not so good here. My grandpa's brother just died yesterday morning. I'm still broken by that.

    && hi Sarah.

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Mine is going ok.

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    Hi TheWorldFell&UWerentThere

  • LithiumSacrifice
    17 years ago

    hello Sarah.

    -my day happened to be good. =]

    -i am also sorry to hear that.. my grandpa passed away in January.. =[

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Hello LithiumSacrifice

    Thats good then.

    I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa aswell.

  • Xx Eternal Fantasy xX
    17 years ago

    hi every1

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    hey! well most people on her have never met before so they don't miond teling people staight up how they feel or what they think.