Has anyone ever gotten hooked on pills but not taken them as an

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    20 years ago

    once i took like 45 aspirin...i wanted to almost die but not quite...I just wanted to scare my ex...it was REALLY messed up and stupid of me.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    20 years ago

    yeah...it turns out that they were 81 mg aspirins so it wasn't that bad. If I had taken 45 real aspirin, I probably wouldn't be talking about it right now...

  • lilhippyangel
    20 years ago

    Dude, for real, shit like that isn't something to mess around with! I was on Caffeine pills for a while, and my bf at the time asked me to stop I got to the point were I was hiding them, well It ended up eating the lining in my stomach and I have made stomach problems! I mean I know it's not aspirin or anything but you really should watch what your doing to your body! Ten years from now your going to wish you didn't!!!

  • Mlkdipdcookie ©
    20 years ago

    once i took a variety of like 22 pills, some vicodin, mostly tylenol pm, ib profin, and some other crap. i guess i was trying to commit suicide, but i was pretty sure that wasn't gonna be enough to do it, so i was just satisfied with the fact that it would knock me out for a while. it was definitely one of the stupidest things i've ever done. i had the worst stomach ache in the morning; i tried to make myself puke it up, but it wouldn't work. i've never felt worse; plus, i was suffering the emotion devastation of the fact that i was still alive, which made it suck that much more b/c i had to call my parents from my dorm and have them bring me to the hospital. telling my mom what i had tried to do, that was a heartbreaking conversation. i was so sorry, she was so hurt, i was so frickin nauseous. thank God i didn't have to have my stomach pumped, but i did have to have blood drawn like ten times to check for liver damage b/c of all the tylenol, and that was punishment enough (b/c i have the biggest fear of needles). anyways, needless to say, after six hours in the e.r., i swore off the pill-popping forever that night. seriously, it's just not worth it.