What to do...

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    I don't know what to do.

    It feels like me and my best friend aren't as close as we used to be.
    Sure we talk everynight. But not for as long as we used to. And we hardly ever do anything together anymore.
    She is always doing stuff with her boyfriend. And even if I make plans with her, she asks him to come along.
    She lives with him now too. So thats going to make it harder to do anything together.


  • Darien
    17 years ago


    I know the feeling, everyone sort of goes through it. It's as if she found herself a new best friend in her boyfriend. We all have to let go of our best friends sooner or later. Just like a mother has to let her kid go when they first go to school. She's still there, you can still talk to her, she's still your friend. I know you're a little jealous, and that's ok, we're human, we're built that way. But understand that she has a boyfriend now, and she's trying her best to make the relationship work. She wants to spend time with him, and as her friend, you should try to accept it. It's hard, but as a friend, you should be happy that she's happy.

    Hope that helps..

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    'We all have to let go of our best friends sooner or later'

    I agree. It's difficult - I've recently become a boy friend and have realised this difficulty. But friends and best friends are not permanent. Nothing escapes the wrath of time.

  • silence
    17 years ago

    My best friend has a 'husband'. They live together and have a kid together they just aren't officially married yet and that makes things difficult. She wants to hang out but most of the time either he won't let her or he wants to come. It makes it worse that I am a single mother so it makes it harder on my son to see her boyfriend and her son playing together. He doesn't leave my son out or anything but it makes me sad to see them together. She's still always there when I need her and she knows I'm here for her. We e-mail each other all day every day but as close as we live we don't hang out much. *sigh* time changes everything I guess...

  • Infected with His Deadly Love
    17 years ago

    Thanks people.

    I don't want to lose her. I still want to be friends. And I am happy that she is happy.

    Its that she never tries to do anything with just us two, never. Its always me who tries to plan it. Even then its hard.


  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    She may try to do things with just you, but her hubby weasels his way in, or doesn't realize he is not always wanted.

  • ~*SugarCube*~
    17 years ago

    Try telling her you want to hang out with just her and ask if her boyfriend can come another time or something.