haha YAY!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    just wanted to say HELLO EVERYONE :) because i am bored and someone should talk to me haha!!
    so....HELLO EVERYONE :)

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    HHHEEEYYYY!!!! i am bored too! what do u wanna talk about?

  • xXxAngelEyes007xXx
    17 years ago


  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Oh wow, me too. hehehe XD

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha yay... anything... anything at all... what are your phobias haha i have a aracnaphobia... the spider one EEW.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Argh! Phobias are obsessive fear. hehehehe I have a lot.

    *Akward moment phobia hehehe
    *Tight spaces, claustophobia I just like saying that
    *fear of boredom like right now! Ahh! Ahh!
    I'm also a germ phobe. and whatever hehehe I need to get a life. I'm like a shell just floating around. Whooo whoooo.....

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    haha....i don't really know what type of phobia i have...i will have to think about it

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    ooooh i just figured out that i am afraid of heights too haha my friend took me up in the forklift, i was sitting on the falks and she raised me up and i was FREAKING out so yeah, i will add that one to my list haha

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago


    I have a phobia of drowning. In my entire life, I almost drowned like twice.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha my great grandad drowned but they bought him back to life or sumthing... i duno, its confusing... and so he said that it was the best way to die because after u breathe in that first mouthful of water, everything goes quiet and blank... but he sorta cntradicted himself by shooting himself in the end... wierd! haha

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Oh wow... Tell ya the truth, I just have a phobia of dying. lol :P

  • ~*SugarCube*~
    17 years ago

    how are you?

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Hiya! Totes awesome! hehehe

  • RainbowSlider
    17 years ago

    I have a fear of females. Man, this thread scares me, lol.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha thats awesome lol i have a fear of fish... we eat them these days but one day i just know they are going to come out of that ocean and eat us too, thats how the dinosaurs became extinct haha :)

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Lol I'm getting such a kick out of this one xD
    I'm scared of drowning, spiders, and all sorts of other things that I'm not going to tell you lol xD
    *** Rhea ***

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha some secret phobias haha thats sounds juicy Rhea lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    r u sure you don't want to 'spill' it Rhea? :P hehehehe

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah haha its not like this is a public forum or anything... who are we going to tell HAHAHA :S

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Lmao That's funny Lucy xD
    I'm pretty sure that I don't want to spill them =)
    1. I'd start to look really crazy *more then I do*
    2. Yes some of them are juicy
    and 3. I love making people work for what they want to know ^.^ lol and besides, I know to many people on here that would no dought love to get me lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    sigh. I'm hurt that you can't trust us. *fist over heart* oooh, I'm curious! Spill it! *puppy dog face*

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Lol Well of course I trust you! Duh! *shakes head sadly and wonders just what kind of people I'm talking to* lol Ducks to keep from getting hit by the things flying towards me lol
    Oh alright! I'll tell you a few :P
    Chickens, bugs, snakes, all kinds of slimy things, touching raw meat *I'm working on that one*, pumpkin and watermelon seeds *I know, I know*, getting fat lol, and my brothers and a lot of guys. :P
    There are you happy Marsha? I now feel so crazy and pathectic! :P lol
    I could go on but I'm going to bit my toung *or how ever you spell it! I can't spell today!* lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    OMG!!! You think that's crazy. I have this obsessive fear of not having the guts to touch a gross picture. I know that it's just a stupid picture but I just can't stand it. Like if there's a dead animal on a page or blood or gore or anything under the category of gross and even though it's just a freaking picture, I will not touch it. When we're doing stuff like reading books with gross stuff, I ask her to turn the page for me, but now she knows so she just does it without asking. hehehe I don't know, but I'm just screamish about pictures like that. I can touch the real thing, just not the pictures. lol how's that for pathetic. You're probably rolling your eyes right now aren't you? :'( lol XD Well, not that I just revealed my craziest phobia, you now know how much of a phobe I am. lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Oh I forgot, if you people don't have a club to join yet, PLEASE consider joining Passion For Poetry Club!!!!!!! I'm begging with my knees on the floor! We have really good members and there's a lot of stuff to do and if you want some really good friends, it's THE place to join! XD Only because I'm on it, and it has my approval. lol jk Seriously, it's off the chain. But PLEASE Please!!! Would you join if I said my life depended on it?!?!?!?! Cause it does!!! Know how I'm deathly afraid of boredom?!?!?! If I don't tell people to join and the club dies, they said they're gonna make it boring! NOOO!!! I....must..not......let.....it....h-h-happen. Urg *faints* lol jk they aren't that mean, that was over dramatic. XD but still. It's off the hook.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah im in it too haha it is good, we just need activeppl in it because we do have a few members BUT NONE OF THEM COME INTO THE DISCUSSION BOARD!!! we reallly need more people, me and marsha are the only ones that talk in the forums haha and yeah marsha was joking when she said its only good coz she is in it... its actually only good coz im in it haha jk marsha :) and Rhea your phobias excite me, oh how i wish i had a friend like you... the practical jks would never stop haha and yeah Marsha i have the same problem as you... i can't touch a picture of something gross either, but i also can't watch it on TV and if it comes to seeing it... NO WAY haha i can't touch the real thing or look at it either, nope, haha not my thing at all, as a matter of fact i can't even look at a scratched knee, :( dnt laugh at me please :P

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Being in that club is like being in a marathon. I'm just gonna copy and paste the ad over and over. hehehe I think I'm gonna annoy ppl with my overly dramatic post anyways. Sersly, tell me the truth am I annoying?!?!?!?!?! :'( hehehe :P cuz if I am....u ain't see nothing yet! Plus, my personality makes up for my depressing poems. XD

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    sigh. I feel like we should be the manager sometimes. then I can't blame them. They must have a life. hehehe jk Well, they did say they were often busy but still. :'( the ditched us!!! Wah!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah dn't worry i feel like we should be the manager... or at least the assistants haha because yeah, they r all too inactive... it really does bug me lol i have a board in there for tara to answer to, its been up there for a few days now and she hasnt gotten on it... thats dissapointing.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    I know, but go check some of the posts on there from me, I just added new ones a few mins ago. It's crazy, but hey, it adds life to the place. It was too quiet for my liking. I can HEAR silent quietness. Oh gosh, that's weird, I even freak myself out. lol :D

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    hahahahahahaha no worries, i shall go to them and see haha god yes it is quiet!!! it sux lol its a lil.... toooooo quiet haha

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Oooh, haunted....sigh. I don't get paid doing this but man I'm still doing it. lol ahh fun stuff eh?

    If want to have fun,
    Then come join me!
    At PFP!
    Yay!! Whoohoo! PFP rox!
    *crowd cheering*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha im just taking a stab at this but have u been a cheerleader at any time in ur past at all?

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    yeah. co-captain and they were as nice as to still let me keep my position since I've been off a lot. But whenever I'm traveling, I just send them notes and vids of my ideas to them, so it works out and whenever I can, I go to some of the games with them. I've been thinking about recreating some of the stuff like uniforms.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    nice work haha thats awesome!! i used to be a cheerleader, but than i got a fulltime job and a casual job and it just didnt work in my favour to do all three lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    yeah. I do a lot of things, but I'm quite lucky to be able to still do them cuz a while back in like october, I broke my leg in a surfing accident. Wasn't paying attention and I just flipped out and I wasn't far off the shallpw part so my board is like destroyed, well broken in half anyways and broke my leg. I thought I would never ever be able to do the things I did again, but man, was luck on my side. I did a lot of things before January 07 like figure skating, surfing or any kind of sports, but since I agreed to work with my dad and stuff, I didn't want to juggle things so I dropped my FS 'career' and just turned to doing that stuff when I had time and so now I'm juggling school and well, nothing. So that's basically it. I don't really have to go to classes cuz now I'm doing like assignments on line or just sending them in and watch vids of lessons. Now I'm just back home bored to death.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha yeah wow i do figure skating!! it was never going to be a 'career' for me here though because i was a lil bit too clumsy haha but yeah i love it i can't do it so much anymore because this guy that i really hate (shaun adams) he is the ice hockey team captain and yeah i used to be the figure skating captain (leader, teacher) and yeah he sort of ruined it all for me. i cant go very much anymore because he is always there and i get hurt, he hits me and pushes me, but he waits until i leave to do it so he can't get in trouble and banned, and noone will listen to me because he's the captaion of the hockey team so yeah, they dont want to ban him sort of thing, its just messed up and its our only ice skating rink in townsville. sux hay.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    oh wow. if he's your age he must likes you :P well, just becuz he does it doesn't mean you should give up. Do what u want no matter if the jerk pushes you (literally) around.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah he is 4 yrs older than me, 21 and the reason he does it is because i went to the police when he raped me, all my poems are pretty much based on it so yeah, but lets not turn this into a sad and depressing post haha hows ur day going lol

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Hiya all you strange, wonderful people ^.^
    I want you both to know that you guys have really brightened up my life here on this site =) *thanks*
    Don't worry Marsha, I do the same thing with the gross pictures *sorry, have to catch up with things* lol
    and yes, I'm sure that the practical jokes would never end Lucy *sticks tongue out at you* You've got to find me to play them on me though HA lol
    Want to know something really bad? *of course you do* *ok* lol The reason I'm scared of pumpkin and watermelon seeds is because my wonderful cusons always loved to tell me when I was little that if I sallowed the seeds, they'd grow in my tummy and come out my nose and mouth :P lol Crazy I know! But I'm still scared to sallow them *covers face and blushes* lol
    And my day went pretty good besides running into the guy that lives next door in one of the stores I went to *I broke his heart this winter when I told him that I didn't love him and didn't want to date him* and spending time with my ex *the one that all my love poems are about and who is still one of my friends* How 'bout your guys days?
    Well I have to go take a shower and get to bed. I don't want to look tired tomorrow when I met the guy that I've been talking to like 3 or 4 times a day for the last week but have never met in person =)
    *he's a friend of my best friend so I trust her choce of guys for me to met* and so far I like him but you never know that could change :P lol
    Sweet dreams you both =)

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Awww look you gave us a nickname. :P Wonderful Strange people. lol OMG! that's what I heard too! Like when I was 9, I swallowed a watermelon seed and I was sooo scared because when I was 7 my cousin told me that if I swallow a seed, it'll grow in my tummy. lol I couldn't get over it. She said I'll look like I'm pregnant and that I'll pop out a baby watermelon. lol I was sooo gullible. *blushing*