haha YAY!

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    ^^OMG! You were raped? and now he's still pushing you around? and even though u went to da po no one will believe u that he's still bothering you? File a restraint order against him. Oh gosh. I'm sorry.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah its pretty much all taken care of now though, i do have a restraining order on him, the po did help, they got him for carnal knowledge but because i was only 14 i was a bit nervous and what not to go to court about it so i just left it at carnal knowledge, but yeah, im starting to fight back... hahaha GO ME ^_^

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    YAY!!! Go you! *backflip!* lol XD

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Ok ya'll, if given the chance, what would you do?

    Go back to dating your ex-bf or just move on to someone else?

    just curious that's all. plus I need a sign. hehehe sigh.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Well Marsha I guess that that would depend on if I still really loved my ex-bf or not. I had to make my mind up on something a lot like that and because I know that I'm not really the girl he wants I had to decide to move on :(
    I guess it also depends on why you two broke up in the first place and wither your wondering if you should go back to him because your lonely or because you really think that it could work out ^.^
    Sorry not to be able to give you a yes or no answer but this is all I can tell you and to listen to not what your head is saying but what your heart is saying deep down =) *WOW! I can't believe that I just said something so wise and intelgent* lol
    XOXOXOX Rhea

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol I broke up with him cuz HE was too clingy. lol can u believe that. I mean I want my space man! He's constantly calling me up and asking me how I'm doing or WHAT I'm doing whenever he's not with me. I mean come on! Do I look like I'll jump at the chance to do every guy I see geeze. hehehehe that was weird. *singing the barney theme song* heheh I don't even know the words.

    I love you, you love me,
    blah blah blah blah....... XD

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    if he was too clingy than, what makes u think he wont be now??? maybe he has learnt a lesson?bahahaha *yeah right... a guy... learn something* haha jks :) but yeah, u can always give it another go... you can always break up again :)

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    meh. I don't know, maybe I should go for Jacob. :/ Or that guy I met the other day that was hanging with Nathan. :'( So many cute guys, so little me!!!! XD lol

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    LOL I love hearing about all my friends love lifes! *then mine doesn't sound so bad and I don't feel so alone* lol My problem is that there's not all that many hot guys as far as I'm conserned around here and the few that are hot are either like 10 years older then me are my friends and I know that they don't want to date me *they know me to well* lol If I were you I'd go for Jacob or the other guy *I HATE guys that cling GGRRR They bug my SO much!!!* But what the heck! lol what ever flots your boat lol =)

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol Well, Jacob is the guy I've been trying to get to go out with other people, he's smart and athletic and Chris (my ex) is also athletic, but he's really sensitive and I mean sensitive, like emotionally, he doesn't care if he gets a cut or bleeds from a soccer game, but man when it comes to venting, he can vent. To me! I mean, he's a sweet guy, he's german but he moved here like 6-7 years ago. We were together for 2 years. hehehe I was madly in love. Then I guess I grew up a little, things just changed while I was traveling I guess. And I was away alot so I didn't want to hold him back, or a part of me just don't trust him. I mean come on, sensitive or not, he's a guy! So that's why I've been single for 2 months. sigh I wish I could say I love it, but....yeah.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    I know what you mean =P I really wish I could say I loved being single also but most of the time I'd be lieing if I did.
    Sensitive guys can be really great not only to be around but to date at times but yea, no matter how great they can be their still guys =P I learned how and why not to trust them, now I have to work on trusting them *deep sigh*
    I really don't know how to help you though since I'm having a hard time listening to my head and not my heart. Guess it's better to learn that now then later in life *hugs myself and tries not to start crying* :( Dang, life was so much easier when I thought that guys had germs and were nasty lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol yeah me too. when guys had cooties and you run away from them. hehehe this ain't one of those times. :P meh. Love is sooo hard to deal.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    Life did get a lot harder once I stopped think that all guys had cooties =P lol
    Have to say though that it can be a lot funner now though hehehe ^_^
    Yeah I know what you mean about love being so hard to deal with =P I'm almost 17 and I just went though all that for the first time *hugs myself and tries not to cry* I knew that a broken heart would hurt but DANG they never said that it hurt THAT bad! Him and I are still friends though and right now I'm having fun getting to know another guy that already says that he can see us going somewhere and that I'm worth the wait =) Baby steps though :)

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol well, when I was with Chris, I seriously thought we had something good going on, and we did, but I'll let you on a little secret, *whispers* I'm afraid of commitment. I was with him for 2 and a half years! That's a long time for me and I'm just not really touchy feely yet. I guess he just wasn't 'the one forever' he was just the one for then. I wrote a bunch of poems about moving on and stuff but he just said they were nice, I'm not even sure if he read them. oh well. cuz the dealy with me is, I just don't want to get hurt. It's like when you've never fell, and when you do, you're not ready for it and it hurts worst than it's suppose to. You know, like building the immune thing. And like I've had pretty bad stuff happen but that was it. crap happens and you deal with it, but all those time I had people to go to. but if it's about that lovey stuff, I can't go to my mom or my friends, I'm not good at sharing my feelings anymore. I've been kind of disconnected to my friends and my mom is borderline nearly coming close to cheating on my stepdad. :/ meh. so here is where I can vent. ya'll r like my new bffs. lol XD well, so that's about it...I think...

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    wow i have missed heaps! i don't mind the single life, probably because im not all that touchy feely either, i can't stand clingers, it shows lack of strength sort of thing and yeah, i dnt kno, i also have trouble trusting guys at the moment aswel after shit that happened so for me, single suits best for now, i just broke up with my bf too he was nice and real sweet and had a smile to die for but yeah, i have too many problems myself to sort out before i can bring someone else into it. so single is best for me, the no strings attached thing, its good to know that someone cares about you when you do a have a bf but i guess i dont want him to care about me, because than i feel guilty for it, wow its reali confusing, im 17 years old and still havent sorted out my life, i have had a pretty tough run with guys in my life, the first bf i ever had when i was 13, we dated for 2 yrs and the only reason we rnt now is because he was killed by a motorbike. and than i moved to townsville, and i met dean and we dated for 9 months and he crashed his motorbike and passed away, and now im 17 and have had nothing but small relationships since all of that happened, both by motorbikes, its too hard too feel that pain again, after going through it twice, ive decided being lonely is bette than that but slowly im getting over it and moving on lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Oh well, we're not even in our 20s yet so not thinking about a sers relationship is the best way to go. XD But man, ^ a smile to die for. I'm picturing it right now and I can't get rid of the sparkling white teeth, but I don't date guys for the whiteness of their teeth. lol I like guys that are smart, and like so many things. I'm more of a function than form kind of person. You'll never know what you're missing if you limit yourself to just one type. Like not seeing the forest for the trees....if that makes sense, but yeah. so now my main source of romance is romance novels, and I happen to be writting one myself. It wasn't suppose to be entirely romantic, but I guess my lack of love led it into that direction. I'm only page 21 cuz I was on page 25 but I deleted those 4 pages and started all over becuz they were what you would call, explicit if ya kno what I mean. lol so I reserved it for when I'm ready to start writing in a more explicit detail, plus I want a little climbing and not for the story to move too quickly. Add a little close-to here and there but not quite. Sigh, I need to get a life lol but still, if you can't have the real thing, you can just imagine it right? but I swear, these stuff are getting me sadder and sadder everyday. I'm getting jealous of the characters lol XD

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    I guess I just need a little TLC.... sigh hehehe :P I could totes be an actress.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Okay, so there's this guy, I just think he's completely ignorant and stuck up cuz he said that anyone who cannot use proper grammer is simply stupid and when he say that they are, it means that they are. Isn't that just stuck up? I mean come on, it's pretty shallow to judge someone's intelligence by how they act, speak, and chose to carry out their lives. Just cause you can't score more than the average on an IQ test isn't doesn't mean you're completely dumb. No one is perfect is perfect and the whole world knows that, anyone who chooses to live in their own smarting bliss is quoting him, "ignorant". Puh-lease. I can lol, g2g, ttyl, and shorthand however I like thank you very much. Oh and quoting myself, "I say, people that underestimate other people's intelligence based on how he/she speaks, acts, and live, is simply ignorant and stuck-up. You know who you are." XD hehehehe that was weird, just needed to get that off my chest. bleh. I hate people that thinks they're above others.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    THANK YOU!!! (applauds Marsha) WELL SAID WELL SAID!!! thants exactly right! and to add to that i would like to say that if you cannot understand g2g, ttyl, sexc, lol, lmao, and so many more than you yourself may not be the smart ones. ITS NOT HARD, we should be able to type what we want without being critisized and pushed down below the rest.

  • xXxAngelEyes007xXx
    17 years ago

    so whats new to all??

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    =^_^= lol well it's true I'm sick of people critising ppl they don't even know. and to just judge them by their way of life? that's just hypocritical. and just cuz I don't use 'big word' it doesn't mean I have the IQ of an ass. It just means I don't see the point in using words when they mean the same thing. Why bother saying 'verdant' when it just means green? I know that some people prefer to use those words and that's fine, but just cuz other ppl don't, it doesn't mean they can't. I prefer saying what I feel and actually mean instead of working my way around it geez. Call me stupid for that and I'll thank you, cuz being stupid, you can just keep learning new things, being stupid is better than being ignorant. There are some ppl like that on here. Not to mention names. Cuz it's just the way they are, looking down at ppl, making them feel inferior just so they could feel better about themselves. I'm seriously sick of that crap. It's the 21st century ppl! Live, Learn, and Laugh! XD hehehe oooh, I'm on talk spree. hehe

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    hehehe Hiya people =)
    Wow look at all I miss just in three days =P lol Oh well *I mean this in the best way* it was worth it though =) I've had the best week of my life *as far as I remember that is* lol The good guys of the world aren't dead *surprise of all surprises* lol Guy that has only known me for two weeks today is trying to sweep me off my feet and you know what? It's working =) Yesterday we hiked all the way up a hil outside the town I live in and when we got to the top he pulled out a blanket, two wine glasses and a bottle of 7UP. I couldn't believe that he would do something like that for me ^.^ He's such a gentleman most of the time that I don't know what to do with him =) He's a speed freak and one of the biggest daredevils I've ever met to =)
    But anyway, Yes I agree with you complately Marsha. I think that I just met that person to and OMG I had to bite my tongue so hard not to say anything =P I don't know why I have to be nice to people like that when their not nice to me =P Yes if you are what some people like to call stupid then at least there's hope for you and you can learn whereas theres no hope for them because they think that they already know everything *you know what I always want to do to people like that? Bit**slap them so hard that they don't wake up* and no I don't have even the littlest temper ^.^ lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol ooh, fiesty ;) hehehe 'He's a speed freak and one of the biggest daredevils I've ever met to'
    that's not true, :P you haven't seen me yet!! hehehe :P jk What's his name? *pleased with myself* *halo*

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    lol Yeah =) Both of us are very fiesty lol and dang proud of it ^.^ lol You haven't met me yet either Masha =) But I like doing things when I know that no one will see it *I like to cover my tracks the best I can* lol
    Lance =) and I sure hope that he doesn't read this topic *crosses fingers and hopes real hard* lol It would puff up his head really bad then it would be my fault that he couldn't walk though the doorway lol xD Oh well, so far as far as I know he stays in the Love and Romance forum and hasn't come here yet lol
    So whats up in the world of Masha and Lucy? Anything fun, crazy, naughty or boring? lol xD I'm really tired and I get really strange *more then normal* when I'm tired ~_~ lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol well well well, naughty you say? Well, I haven't done anything naughty for 2 days if that's what u mean :P lol jk I'm just plain Jane this week. Catching up with myself a little. A little self pampering. ^_^

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    yeah same, not much going on in my world, accept i have been offered a job out odf town, i will travel alot and have a company car laptop mobile and credit card and fuel car for the company haha YAY but i have only just found a place to move to now, its the same town i live in and everything and im moving there with 2 mates this weekend we can move in, but yeah i think i am going to take the job out of town... i like the sound of not having to pay for fuel haha.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    hehehe that's totes awesome! ^_^

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    That is SO cool Lucy! I so happy for you =) A job that you not only get to travel but they pay for your gas as well? WOW O.O lol I hope that it goes fanfastic ^.^
    Guess what? He hasn't really asked me yet but Lance wants me to be his girlfriend *YES!* ^.^ lol I already told him that I don't say that a guy and I are dating until he either asks me to be his girlfriend or introduces me to someone important to him as such and he's going, "I had a hard enough time being brave enough to hug you the first time let alone ask you to be my girlfriend" lol He met my mom yesterday *and they liked eachother* now I just have to make it through him meting my dad *shudders* lol

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Thats awesome Rhianon!!!! i am totes happy for you, i hope that goes super good for you!!! there is no problem with fellas meeting my parents coz most of them end up coming over now (even though they are ex's) just to talk to my parents lol coz my family is pretty easy going. oh yaya, Rhianon and Lance sitting in a tree hahahahahahahahaha sorry, my immaturity got the better of me that time lol.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    OMG!OMG!OMG! He asked me! He asked me! *still grinning* =) I said yes! lol
    Sorry 'bout that *grins* Never been asked to be a guys *galp* girlfriend before lol Everyone says we're perfect for eachother and even though he asked me in a email *he's not very brave on some topics* I didn't even really have to think =)
    LOL you can go right ahead and be just as immature as you want ^.^ I'm very immature around some people *like Lance but he asks me to be myself* lol I'd tell you to go check him out but he hasn't added a profile or any poems yet =P *he goes by Impulse on here by the way*
    lol WOW! Now I have to go try to get to sleep lol =P
    Thanks for being there you two and being such great friends =) I needed someone to tell and thought of you guys right away =)
    Rhea xD

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!!!!!! *Screams my head off* hehehe ^_^ that's totes awesome for both of ya'll!!! Lucy has a new totes benificial job and you have a new boyfriend *awwww, happy tears* hehehe and I'm like going on an fly-through spree writing my story and I'm STILL on the 22nd page, but oh well! And OMG!!! I just can't get over it, Rhiannon and Lance, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!! ^_^ hehehehe sorry, just love doing that. It's becoming a habit.

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    OMG!OMG!OMG! haha Rhiannon I'm so happy for you!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! thats so special, pffft, it doesnt matter how he asked you, just as long as he did!! lol, well your in a super mood and its just put me in a totes good mood too haha YAY Marsha YAY for lying through your book, when it gets published let me know so i can look out for it ^_^
    and I will tell you when mines been published too :) I'm on my 64th page hehe :)

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *smiling* wow, your soooo lucky, both of you, *waves* la la la la la la la
    *airhug* good luck!!!

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol yeah like I'll ever get THIS published, I'm a little too embarrassed about it. It's got so much personal experience in it. lol like all the dealio about my ex bf and all that crap. except for the love part. There's lots of loving in it. Which is probably why I'm writing it. To replace real love. :'( aint that a bi-atch. lol sorry, but yeah, it's totes awesome that Rhiannon and Lance are going out!!! *chanting the love song* lol =^_^= YAY!!!!! Man, I feel like I'm soaring on the wings of love myself, well, either that or the conditioning. lol Still, Yay!!!

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    hahaha yeah, good times good times, im so bored
    I'm alone at work so i tried to fix up the paint that has peeled off and so i painted over the dodgy parts and it turns out the pain i used is lighter than the actual paint on the walls.... oops :S haha sux to be me, i'll just leave it there though because it looks better than the undercoat haha. woe is me lol

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    lol I like painting....lol that was random

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha yeah i love painting too. which is why i tried to fix it neway, but you cant win em all haha. OMG work is so slow today i have NOTHING to do.

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    sigh me too. well....I do, but I'm lazy lol

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    haha i just cleaned the office and the workshop and the warehouse this morning because of boredom, and i have nothing to do now... =[ *sigh* i need to do something... maybe i could wash the forklift =]

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    why would u wash a forklift? Wouldn't u rather be talking to me? :P lol