My Wife - Sheena..

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    hahaaha.. man I wish : P

    Sheena!! I haven't talked to you in forever!!! Where have you been??.. I've been sort of busy lately, because exams are coming up, but I haven't seen a trace of you on here in a while.

    OMG.. so I might be conforming to MSN once again because my friend bought me a webcam! Haha, I am going to be whoring myself around on MSN.

    So what have you been up to? How are things with you?? I really missed you!.. I hope things are good *hugs*

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    When I saw this my eyes got really wide and I was like . . . What the F-ck. . .

    And then, I open it, and see it was you! And I laughed, seriously, out loud. =]]]

    Now. To reply:
    Darien, my love! I know, it has been for ages since we spoke! I've missed you so. . . I was often wondering if you'd forgotten me. =[

    I've been sort of busy with school and work and all, but really, I stopped coming to the site for sometime because of all the stupid problems. It frustrated me so much that I couldn't update/edit a poem that I up and left for a few weeks.

    But, I'm back now! Have no fear! I have . . um . . 8? . . . new poems up and I've been writing more.

    WHOOO!!! Darien and Sheena can whore ourselves on webcam together! Lmao! What fun! I hope to catch you soon. =]]

    I've not been up to much. Things here and there, this and that. How have you been holding up? I've been ok . . we got back together, if I didn't tell you, but it's still kind of shaky. We'll work it out, though. [And besides, you're a much better spouse. Lmao.]

    I've missed you so! Oh, I have a new account on Deviant Art . . .if you have one on there, look me up. [I'm TheEcstasyOfSuicide {duh}.]

    Keep in touch. It really was delightful to talk to you again!
    Never loose touch again! [[Hugs]]


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Yay! Sheena!!!! I didn't know if you were still around, but I'm glad you responded! I really missed you!

    I shall figure out how to get this webcam thing working and then we can whore ourselves on MSN! Woot!

    Argh, I know what you mean about things getting frustrating. I haven't been able to write a decent poem in a really long time. The things I've written are so unoriginal and they seem more like rants than anything. I really lost my writing skills. I think I've strayed away from poetry and moved onto short stories. I don't know!.. but school and work are not as bad as other things.

    My situation is over with. I am slowly erasing everything in my mind. I know I won't forget about it, but I'm trying to make it not effect me at all. I'm trying to not care. It's really working out though. I'm finally happy again, so it's cool. I'm meeting so many new people, and we're hanging out, and I really needed that.

    I don't have an account on Deviant Art, but I can check out your stuff for you, just send me your link!.. I have some friends on there as well, but I don't have their links. Hmm, I'll think about getting an account, but I'm not artsy in that way.

    As for your situation, we can talk about it on MSN. I would like to know more!

    Hopefully we can talk again soon!!! take care!!!


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I love how it is taking us days to respond to each other . . . =/

    If you need help with the msn thing, just let me know. I've been through all the annoying problems.

    I'm really glad to hear this. I was rather worried about you; as you can imagine [and know] I know how you feel. I just got sucked back in . . . I couldn't let go when I probably should have.
    But, it's good to know you're strong and back on your feet again. I hope all stays that way. =]

    I'm not any good on Deviant Arts; that's why I joined. I need a kick in the ass to help my photography. There are some amazing people on there. =] I'll show you some of my work as soon as I get good. Lmao.

    Hopefully we'll catch each other on msn soon, then! I look forward to it!


  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Haha.. yeah I know!!

    Ok, I shall call you for those troublesome problems on my MSN!

    Well, if you are happy with what is happening then who am I to tell you anything different. Personally, I would have not gone back, but I know how hard it is, when you are or think you are in love with a person. I wanted my ex back, now, I could care less.

    I don't have an account there, but I heard many things about it. One of my friends has an account there, and he is amazing! This girl I had a crush on also has one, and she is good friends with that guy, not sure what their links are though.

    We must talk on msn soon, and I can whore myself on my webcam :)

    I shall ttyl!

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I'm getting on right now, but I doubt you'll be on. I really hope to catch you soon.

    I know you wouldn't have gone back, but it was my decision. I probably shouldn't have given her the benefit of the doubt, but I love her so much . . . I know you understand that.

    Lmao. My work is getting a little bit better and I just got an awesome new camera, so I should do alright. I'm excited because before I couldn't get close ups very well, wereas now I will be able to. =]

    I can't wait to talk to you soon! We really need to catch each other soon. =]

    See you soon,

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    I was on a bit last night, but I think I go on way too late. It's mostly because during the time of 6pm - 10pm, I'm usually out. Not working, but hanging out or at school. If I come home early today, I shall try and catch you. I really need to test this webcam out!

    Don't worry Sheena, I totally understand. I know it was your decision, so I am happy as long as you are happy.

    Ok, once I go on MSN, you can send me your link, and surprise me! Lol, I'm such an amatuer when it comes to photography. Hand me an instrument, hand me a pen, and that is my form of art. Music and Poetry. I might be able to do a bit of drama, but when it comes to visual art, I suck!.. I just suck! So I'm proud of you for kicking butt in that department!

    I really do hope to catch you soon too!!!

    Take care,

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I hope to catch you soon. =/ I tend to get on early, around 3:30 - 5:30, for then I talk to my other half the rest of the night, do homework, and eat. =/ We MUST try to catch up!

    Thank you so, Darien. I'm glad you support me. Yesterday my 'friend' and my girlfriend talked, and they got into a fight . . . and to cut this short, in the end my 'best friend' called me a whore, that I wasn't a good friend, and that my girlfriend would leave me and she never would. What kind of friend is that? Needless to say, we're not friends anymore . . . and I straight out told her to her face that she was no where near as important as my girlfriend. I was rather proud of myself, sticking up for the one I love and all . . . I mean, even if my girlfriend [does] leave one day, I know that I stuck up for what I believed in. =]

    I'm not too good, lmao, but I do try. And that's what is important. I'll improve with critic and time. =]
    And it's the same with me; give me an instrument or pen and I can do anything. =]

    Take Care Doll,

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Sheena! I guess I must have missed you because I came really late! I hate school a lot, but I did manage to squeeze some fun into it.

    I do support you Sheena, it would not be the same decision I would have made, and I sort of understand all three point of views. Yours, your best friend and your girlfriend, and I would not be able to say which one is right. Every decision you make has a action and reaction. As a best friend point of view, I totally understand what she is saying, because she doesn't want to see you hurt, and I am like her, but I would not tell you anything a bout being a bad friend or she will leave you. I would still support you no matter what. As for your point of view, I can understand you want to stand up for the one you love, as I have done in the past. Now, I could honestly care less about what happens to her. I'm sorry, but I don't trust cheaters, and I would never forgive them. But that's just me. I have my justifiable arguments for it as well.

    Lol, I'm glad you are improving your skills! I am a very good critic and very honest when people want me to be. Especially if I know the person wants to better themselves. Like on here, people do this for the ratings and comments and stuff. I just tell them what they want to hear and vote for their poem, but if it sucks, I will tell them. Also, if there is a poet who likes honest comments and wants to better their poetry, I can be a very harsh critic.

    Hehe, I can be whatever people need me to be : P

    Hope to hear from you soon Sheena!
    No school tomorrow! Maybe I'll see you on!
    *hugs* Take care hun,

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Ahhh, we'll catch each other one day, I promise!

    Exactly [about not calling me a bad friend and such.] She should have accepted the fact that I love my girlfriend and I will never leave her. I probably should, but I never will. I understand you guys are just looking out for me, but I'm a big girl; I can take care of myself. And I'm [certainly] not a bad friend. . . I don't think. I understand. It's just . . . I love this girl more than anything, and I'm hoping she learned her lesson, you know? Give her the benefit of the doubt. If she [does] do it again, however, know that I will confidentely call her a whore and leave, never to speak to her again.

    On here I straight out tell people what to fix. Usually I tell them the same thing: Use more description, spell correctly, this sounds better this way, improve flow by doing this . . . ect. I remember that someone kicked me in the ass and left a comment like that telling [me] what to do, and look where I am now! I'm improving every day and I like most of my poetry now [and I'm very harsh on myself.] Hell, I'd love to see what you would say to some of my work. And I've commented on yours a lot, so you know what I think. You've never disappointed me.
    [Haha, do you remember how we met? Ah, fighting over comments . . . Lmao.]

    Ah, I have spring break after this week . . . so, maybe I'll be able to catch you late at night, eh? I hope so!

    [Hugs] Take Care,

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    I was on for a bit yesterday, but I was really tired, and I ended up closing my laptop and going to sleep.

    I'm not sure she would have learned her lesson, I am crossing my fingers in hopes she does. I really hope this girl feels the same way about you, because I don't want to see you get hurt. You aren't a bad friend, but I think you did over react, and I am telling this to you honestly as a friend. It's a defense mechanism. In my opinion, I think you should apologize to your friend, I mean, if it seems worth it to you. Friends are really hard to keep. The decision is totally up to you though, I support you in what you do, but I will definitely step in and tell you, you are wrong. Like I have done already. I hope that makes sense to you.

    Sheena! How could I forget how we met. Thank goodness we were both mature about the situation! Otherwise we would have been holding long grudges against each other, and totally miss out on how amazing we both are!

    Hopefully we can catch each other!!! If not, have a great spring break!..

    *hugs* Take care,

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Ahh I'm sorry, I've been on and off here lately, not long enough to stay and reply! Forgive me.

    Anyways, now that all that up there seems far away and distant, what shall we speak about now? =]

    And about apologizing to my friend; I will not, because she called me a 'w|h|o|r|e' and told me that 'I didn't know how to be a friend.' If you can say that to your 'best friend' you were never truly a friend.

    Anyways. I don't really care. I have my love and that's all that matters to me. We're doing great now. =]

    Haha. Anyways. Less depressing topics.

    I had this really weird dream last night . . . I always seem to have weird dreams that would make excellent books. ;]. How helpful, eh? XD

    Well, I'll talk to you later,