Bi-polar Boyfriend

  • PygmyPuff
    17 years ago

    My ex is bi-polar, I mean I dont mean any offense to anyone with the disorder, much of my paternal family has it as well as a mild case myself, so Ive learned to deal with it, but lately hes been extra swingy and he's starting to upset me.

    Does anyone else have an "other" with a mental problem like this?

    How do you deal with it? Do you ignore your feelings when you know its just one of his/her "moods"?


  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    The guy i'm with doesn't have bi-polar disorder... but he can be very moody. He says not to make a big deal out of it when he's in one of his moods, but of course i can't help but be affected by them. I'm not going to be happy if he's sitting there grumpy and pissed-off at the world. i especailly can't ignore it if it seems like I'm the cause of his moodiness.

    ha, sounds like a wonderful relationship, doesn't it? : P It's really not as bad as it sounds.

    I think, though, in a loving, honest relationship, he'll be able to let you know when he's having a mood (if he knows himself) and would be able to tell you that he still cares for you, he'll just be cranky or depressed for a while. I hope? Anyway, good luck.

  • PygmyPuff
    17 years ago

    Its strange, he doesnt notice them until I point them out
    and then he denies them until I remind him of certain activites he did during the time


  • Lost†In†Eternity
    17 years ago

    Ah, the bi-polar plague strikes again >< Both my girlfriend and I are bi-polar (hereby shortened to bp. shorter to type). It's strange. I don't know if it's BECAUSE of one another, or just out of the random, but it seems like if one of us is in one of those pesky moods, the other most likely is in some sort of the same state. Mainly, just let him know you're there for him if he's depressed or down, and if he's angry or irritable, tread a bit lighter than usual and take care what you say. AAAAND, here's one REALLY important thing to remember: if he's happy, and I mean really up there, cloud-nine happy, don't let something stupid get to him. Help him take things lightly. Cause that ultra-high happiness can turn to rage much too quickly...God, I hate that ><...Anyway, I hope this helps a bit...Good luck, and I feel for you (I live with my grandmother. She's bi-polar in a BAD way. It's not fun sometimes. She's much worse than I am...or maybe I just deal better. Who knows?)

  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    He's your offence but, why is he bothering you. Mostly you should be asking when he is your current. I'm confused on this.