How to mend a broken heart...

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    We've all had our share of being the listening ears, bearing shoulders, and tissue box holder. What are the right things to do and what are the 'don't's? I suppose I'd like for us to share specific ways of approaching someone with an aching heart. What do you think?

  • Rahl The Layman Lord
    17 years ago

    The biggest key I honesty. What we tell a person might not be what makes them instantly happier or at the far extreme they might not want to hear what you have to tell them...but you can't sugar coat something. Tell them nothing more than the will be best for them in the end.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Wow, I couldn't agree with you at all.

    A broken heart demands dishonesty? Are you kidding me? Sympathy isn't going to make things better. It's not going to erase memories, or change the past or erase the hurt. Time will do all of that. Taking care of yourself is what is going to get you through it, not lying to yourself, or having people lie to you. Chocolate and cups of tea? Next you're going to tell me smoking and alcohol will help.

    Lying is never acceptable. Lying can never be a virtue, nor honesty be a vice.

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    17 years ago

    ^^^ Lying is acceptable in some cases. Just your presence is usually the best thing to help mend a broken heart. Being there is letting the person know you care and don't want them to be alone. Of course some chocolate and a special night out with friends always helps things move along a bit better.