Arranged Marriage O.o

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    What's your take on it?

    It's not really what it used to be. At least not in China. It used to be much more rigid. Now it's like an express dating service provided by the families of the man & woman. You'd meet up..get introduced..if both parties agree to continue the process, you'd date a bit..spend time together, work together, live together (with the other person and their family)..then one side (usually the man) opens up talk on engagement..another talk/meeting is usually set between the families..if both can agree on the terms..the engagement is set..there is a celebration...then the marriage in a set time later other traditions and complications...

    I've already started the process of the arranged marriage haha. I've looked at several potential girls without putting the intentions in the open (but so far no luck...haha). It should happen within the next two years though :D yea...sorry for a bit of a lengthy post. Let me know...

  • limp
    17 years ago

    well usually you aren't given a -CHOICE-, so i think it's wrong, but if it's just a chance to meet people your parents think suitable/good for you & to reject or accept then it's fine.

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I believe that marriage should be with a person that you meet by fate and love by all of your heart not from dating service or stuff like that
    If it would spread out all of the world,what will be the meaning of flirt and love?
    I know world's getting uglier and uglier every single day,but it doesn't mean you can't find your real love maybe it will cause you pain but if you live you should risk...And you can miss your dream girl when you are arranging wedding with those's a fact
    It's just my opinion but i think it's a fact too...

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    ^ Hardly a pity. Though saturated with romance...the world can use a bit of the good stuff like what you've got there haha. Faith in love is good :) I have fallen in love...but it's with someone that I wouldn't have to chance to I move on...

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    Yeah, Lucy has pretty much summed it up for me.

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    I completely disagree with Abby. Love is not some artificial material that humans can artificially manufacture.

    All the evidence around me suggests that, the closest thing to true love is of a wild, erratic and unpredictable nature. I hear people all the time saying 'i won't fall in love' - for whatever reason - studies, so called maturity, et cetera. And a couple of days later, they'll come back to me unable to restrain and refrain from their intimate emotions. (Cough cough Elysium ;)

    Love is an arrow of chance. And like all arrows, if you dare to take it out, you risk losing a chunk of you. Which is why most leave it in, I think.

    I think there is no such thing as modern arranged marriages, and that all forms of the act are ludicrious, absurd, and impossible unless that chance love occurred anyway, which is completely independant of the arrangement of marriage.

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    Wait until you experience intimate 'love', or experience an arranged marriage. Experience is the greatest teacher, and I don't believe love can be justifiably spoken of without prior experience. That might sound a very degrading claim to a lot of people, but, to state the obvious and intrinsic, 'I speak from experience'; I spent years philosophizing about love only to get hit with Cupid's arrow and have all those thoughts bled to the floor. Futile!

  • limp
    17 years ago

    yeah. i meant to say choice. not chance. ;|

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    And a couple of days later, they'll come back to me unable to restrain and refrain from their intimate emotions. (Cough cough Elysium ;)


    I know I went nuts about him. But he's finished tuition and I don't think I'll see him again (well, for now, anyway). It was a waste of time, you know; all that fantasizing about his eyes. Hah. Gawd, what was I thinking?

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    Wow...small sample but people seem to have really different views on it. Now it's a matter of how love happens? haha Interesting stuff folks. THANKS for sharing :)

    I've seen the light of both systems of marriage. In the end...I choose to let my family do the work haha I suppose it also depends on what would happen in the future. For me, I will still remain close to my family..since (being the son) I have to take care of my parents when they retire. So it also makes sense to have a wife that the whole family can get along with (so they can't complain too much when they were the ones to pick =P). If I'm moving out on my own and starting up by myself...then the choice could be different.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago


    ...Aheh. I mean.... er... ?

  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    I mean its possible to be arranged with someone you will end up liking, but I think in theory and in practice it is absolutely ridiculous :/ personal opinion

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    If someone is faithful about love...shouldn't love be able to conquer so much? Would it not be able to conquer selective meeting and not just "destined-meeting"? No one really gets to choose who they love - in un-arranged circumstances or arranged ones. So I think the same "test of fate/luck" and "romantically random surprises" apply to arranged "love" also.

    All opinions aside...who are we (every one of us) to sit here and generalize the meaning of love? We all see it differently. The system has been around for a long time...and if it's really that wouldn't have been around that long. Perhaps it's closing in on it's last hours but while it's still here and while it still does produce happy couples...I believe it deserves some more respect :)

  • ShootingStar179
    17 years ago

    Joseph, I like your ideas. And personally, I think that arranged marriage isn't a bad concept. I think love can grow if you let it. If that makes any sense.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Arranged marriages are basically blind dates... well, blind dates you end up getting married to without your consent, but of course... what's the difference?! lol

  • ChaoticallyMe
    17 years ago

    -_- I tried to explain that there is still choice involved for both sides. I suppose you just skipped every entry in this forum and just wanted to tell us what you think is arranged marriage. I will say it again. In some cases, people do have the choice of whether they continue the relationship and whether they get married with the person they are set to meet.