Do you have any help for me?

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    Ok me and my best friend both have liked the same guy for a while now, and neither of us though anything was really going to happen so we just vented together. Now he asked her out and she said yes. Well thats not really fair to her she did ask me if I was ok with it, but what was I supposed to say? She had been waiting for this to happen for like...years....So I said I was fine with it. And now they're going out and I'm trying not to be jealous but.... I don't know what to do, if I talked to her she might end up breaking up with him which I don't want but..... Have any useful advice anyone?

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    Yeah. Either one of you love him, or none of you love him. My guess is that it's the latter. In fact I'm pretty sure it is.

    You'll get over it; will you be with this guy in 5 years? No. So let their 'love' live its short and fickle life in peace. That is what I say.

  • Teria
    17 years ago

    you were suppose to tell the truth, first off.
    And, second.. I agree with liz.
    except the 'true friend/ best friend' thingy.
    Life is life, we all have our own.
    You make want you want out of things that come your way.
    Your best friend is dating a guy you liked, and she asked permission.
    You should have told her no.
    Since you didn't tell her no, you have to deal with the consequences.
    Which is jealousy.
    He's obviously not the man for you.. And, probably not the man for her either, if he comes between you and her.

    So, just let time run it's course..
    & deal with it.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    Hah, this reminds me of a little situation I was in. Although, I got over him as soon as he went for my friend.

    Just prove to yourself that you're not upset. Batter your friend when she's sleeping or something.

    :), joke.

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    But she is my best friend she did talk to me, so maybe it's my fault, I didn't want to ruin it for her, I've known him longer but I'm more of a friend than girlfriend type, she is a true friend, and I didn't want to ruin it for her because I knew if I had a problem with it she'd have said no..... do I sound to selfish now? I said no to her because I didn't want to sound selfish or make her regret listening to me

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    ok well thanks you all, I know its my fault I should have been honest and I do just need to deal with it and be happy for her, its not worth our friendship