Coming Out to Parents *YIKES!!!!!*

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    So... I've been thinking for a while about telling my mom I'm bisexual. I'm sure shell be completely cool with it, but I have NO clue how to do it!!!

    If you have told your parents your sexual orientation (as in gay bi or lesbian) or have a way to tell her or some emotional support to offer me... HELP!!!!


  • HopefulxRomantic
    17 years ago

    I'm straight, but I've had quite a few friends and girlfriends who have been bi-sexual. And I agree fully with the above method. One of my ex-girlfriends came out to her parents with a videotape which she left on the coffee table with a note saying, "Tell me if you still accept me." It did not go down well.


  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    ^^ thanks. I'm going to do it... I just have to give her some time first. she just broke up with her boyfriend (they were dating for 3 years) so its definitely not the best time to tell her...

    I WILL DO IT THOUGH!!!! and soon.


  • donna
    17 years ago

    My parents found out I was les 2 days after I started seeing my first gf... I just came straight out and told them I was in a relationship, My mum asked who is he? I replied it's a she... she said OH!! Do ya wanna speak to your dad? lol... Think it was a bit of a shock seemings the relationship I was in before was a bloke and I was with him for 10 years... I think they both still secretly hope I will get back in a male relationship, but they're kewl with my sexuality as long as I'm happy so are they... Besides I think 5 years on they are realising it is not just a phase lol

  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    Yeah, there really is no rush, just make sure to sit her down and tell her calmly and be prepared for every possible reaction. Good luck! :) I recently came out to my mother...eek! But my mom's strict avid catholic.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    My mother would disown me if I told her I was bisexual.

    Good luck! :).

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    ^^ gee... that really makes me want to tell her!!!


  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    Hm. i think i will either do it tonight or tomorrow night...

    wish me luck!!! (and NOT disownment!)

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    17 years ago

    Lol I'm sure she won't disown you! Best of Luck!!

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    AH! i couldnt do it last night because she was on the phone. i cant do it tonight because shes on a date. i cant do it tommorow because i have to stay after school till like 9 and shes going out with her friend!!!!

  • The battleground in your heart
    17 years ago

    I know u want to tell her but slow down and quit worrying so much or u will worry yourself sick! Best of luck.

    ~Sexy Beast~

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    I told her... yesterday. I figured I needed to because I have a girlfriend now... so it was kinda important to tell her. she was surprised and said it was probably just a phase. then:

    "does sandy (foreign exchange student living with us) know?"

    "yeah... so does trysten (my little sister)."

    "oh... when did you tell her?"

    "last summer."

    "that was almost a year ago..."

    I think eventually she figured out i wasnt lying.

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    ^^^ thanks!! Its so weird... like im still in shock that i dont have to keep a secret from my mom that ive already kept for such a long time...

  • Lori Lee
    17 years ago

    Well, just out of nowhere be like "mom, I like this girl and she's just totally amazing and she makes me happy" or something like that. I'm bisexual and i told my mom a long time ago. I just told her like out of nowhere. "amanda is my girlfriend, deal with it". she didnt like it at first but now shes cool with it...but im with a guy now. and i have a baby

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    That's weird.
    I just recently told
    One of my closes peeps
    That I was a lesbian.
    I asked her if she thinks
    I was over reacting
    She says yes.
    I don't know...
    Maybe I am?