Lost a friend to suicide. Read this

  • Mlkdipdcookie ©
    20 years ago

    i'm sorry for your loss. you're right, suicide should never be taken lightly or as a joke. i know from past experience that friends don't always know what to say when you tell them you're suicidal. but you don't feel discouraged about not knowing what to say to your friend because most of the time they just need someone to hear them and they want to kow that someone loves and cares for them. and people who are contemplating suicide should talk out their feelings; that's why this place is so cool. most of us don't know each other at all, but when there's a need for an ear or a shoulder, someone's always willing to be there to help, even if they only offer to listen, that can mean the difference between life and death.

    again, i'm sorry about your friend. and if you ever need to talk, just holla atcha girl. ;-)


  • olivia
    20 years ago

    im very sory 4 ur loss .. i know how u feel and its very hard to acept plus uicide leaves teh rest behind with so many unasnwered questions and lots of whys and if onlys .I lostmy bro to suicde when he was 13 it was heart breaking and i still think to myself evry day what could i have done to have prevented his pain but noone knew.I iwll pray ur friend made her journaey safely and 4 the friends and family she left behind.

  • bianca
    20 years ago

    yeah um my friend just awhle ago told me she was going ot kill her self and i told a counsler and when she asked if it was me i told her no. Was i wrong to lie to her. I feel really bad but i didn't want to wake up one day with a call saying that she was dead. What should i do?
    Love always
    PS~ sorry for your loss

    20 years ago

    wow, i am so sorry about your loss. I know its hard. I went through almost the same thing. i wrote it all out in my poem called 'my friend kim' the sad thing was, we were only in the 5th grade. But some people don't feel like they can be themselves. 'Jane Doe' might have been upset because people always expected things from her or thought she was perfect or i don't know, there can be many reasons people just dont see but i take suicide seriously and think every one should. Thanks for shring your story. Take care

  • Paige
    20 years ago

    i tried 2 kill myself allso, but did not suceed,
    I told some people but the didnt think i had enough guts.
    I took heaps of pills and was in a coma fo rbaout 3 months.
    But now i no that that was such a big mistake, and im glad i didnt die, so for those who mite think about it trust me, its not worth it