17 years ago
Why is it that I find myself thinking a lot about life, and how it came to be? Somethings that man has came up with are just plain dumb! How did it become when someone dose not like someone else because of their skin or the way they look, it's all of a sudden called a stereotype? What bothers me the most, I must say, is how it was even thought of, and how it was gave a name. I ask myself lots of questions that I know will never be answered because it's all about the mystery in life, but why does it all have to be a mystery? Is it just because I'm a teenager who wants answers ? Does everyone go through this? |
17 years ago
Email me; these are not mysteries in life, these are simple questions that have simple answers, contrary to popular belief. And you are right to ask these questions. Most of the unthinking masses go on living under their confused veil of ignorance. |
17 years ago
What if I told you it's not a laughing matter, and I feel like you're mocking me ?.....haha Just kidding :P I suppose they seem simple...It's just always on my mind, and I always have so many questions that come and go. There are days where it's what I think about non stop. I guess it's not really a bad thing, just goes to show I'm 'aware' of the world around me, possibly. I don't know...It's all giberish. |
17 years ago
I'm sorry, but what you wrote didn't make sense...Are you saying that I'm in pain or something? cause I'm not. I'm really always happy. These are only questions I dwell on. I don't think they're seasonal either.'Obsession' I'm not obsessed with these questions I think about. Plus, I laugh all the time. I never go a day without laughing. I do believe laughter is the best 'remedy', as well. |
17 years ago
It's fine. I accept your apology, David. I was just having a bad day when I wrote the first one. I was also reading a book that was sorta on that topic,and it got me thinking. Sorry I never answered sooner, but I had left for Easter holidays. I do appreciate you trying to help me. A little goes a long way. What I wrote may have confused you, I know now when I read it back I confuse myself. I could have been a littler clearer , I suppose. |
17 years ago
Honestly what I have found in life is that these questions can be answered however each person has a different deffinition a different outlook on what they feel is right. If you want to find the answers to these questions then you must answer them yourself because your the only one who really can. Its the same thing with religion I believe. Can they really tell me what to believe or that there belief system is right when there are so many. |
17 years ago
Questioning is a big deal its what makes us special as a species. Questioning things and coming up with new ideas are how we have advanced through the ages and I guess you could say its our most unique quality to beable to look past reality and dream our own dreams. How do you think the light bulb was invented :p |
17 years ago
I don't like math either. Yet, I'm in a honors Math class. Stupid,eh? Why does life have to throw so many curve balls? I'm doing one thing then something so sudden comes along and it always gets me stressed so much. When I get stressed my hair falls out, I've never seen so much of my hair last month then ever, I was getting worried, I love my hair to pieces! Everything just seems like a giant puzzle these days. |
17 years ago
It is said, hind sight is twenty twenty. We shall not know the mysteries of life until life has come to end. That is when it will all seem so clear. Let us muse over these things a little but not complicate our minds to them. |