Theories, thoughts, and opinions wanted

  • Twisted Heart
    17 years ago

    You have once again, brought up a few good points and I am not one to knock your opinion, but let me just say, from a woman's point of view [for I am a woman] that women may not be strong enough to win the fight, but we are cunning enough to win the war.

    I know from having been raised in a home where the males outnumbered the females three to one, that I could not stand up to them physically, but mentally, I was the victor in most every debate that was layed on the table. I learned real quick that to try to fight them with physical strength, was not the way to go. But just let me get them in a battle of words and they would cower.

    Because, like you said, a man is stronger physically a woman doesn't stand a chance [although I went to school with and have met some women who could take on any man] for the most part, physically, we are the weaker sex. So go ahead, guys, pat yourself on the back... before I dent your egos.

    A woman has a way of getting a man to do things he would not normally do. For example, have you seen the husband that is holding a woman's purse while she is in the dressing room trying on a dress that she knows her husband doesn't want to buy. Or the man that gives up his Friday night poker game to take his girlfriend/wife to some function he has no interest in. Just a couple of ideas that are random, yet you see these things happen every day. Women may not possess the physical strength to out fight a man, but we do have the persistance to out last them.

    Therefore, in answer to your question... I'd have to say women are the victors in most cases... so we are stronger.

    Just the opinion of an ole woman


  • limp
    17 years ago

    I don't think either to be honest.
    i think most of it depends on your upbringing and who you were surrounded by. a strong female character as your mother can bring you up to be a strong female when you grow up, but that can also bring barriers of trust because obviously, to have brought you up on her own she must have failed in a relationship.
    personality, parenting and self esteem pretty much send you on your way to being strong, but people can confuse strongness with enclosedness.
    I'd say women mostly deal with emotional problems better than men, or they can bottle them away. Overall men are physically stronger than women, but an excruciatingly muscly woman doesn't really take anybodys fancy in the looks department.
    I'd say either, it depends how you've been raised and who you are inside.
    Women can be a lot more vicious, but there's more male murders out there, women are more devious, and plan ahead, and men can be more spurr of the moment.
    Women would probably have more fun planning on ways to skin mens genetalia and men can suddenly have a punch up in the bar.
    I don't think men are stronger than women, or women are stronger than men, you'd have to judge it individually.

  • Kevin
    17 years ago

    This topic takes me back to when I was a laddy [which is Scottish for Kid]. We would have conversations like this.

    "Who is stronger? My Dad or your Dad?"
    "Super man could beat Batman"

    I mean no serious offence, but you can't really think this is a proper debate or discussion topic? Who is stronger men or women?

    You might as well talk about God least that would sucker me into a debate.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    We balance eachother out. Both strong in different areas, varieting on the individual, not the gender.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Did I seriously write 'varieting'? Haha, that isn't a word. I meant 'varying.'

  • Twisted Heart
    17 years ago

    Lets talk single parents for a moment... 83% of the single parents are women with custody of children. 89% of single women with custody of children have to work outside the home. These women get up every morning; get their children to school or daycare; then they go to work where they put in 8-10 hours; they come home, clean house, cook meals, get their kids in the bath, to bed and then do laundry and supper dishes. When this is done, they get ready for bed and literally fall asleep before their heads hit the pillows. The next morning it starts all over again. I am not begrudging the single fathers with custody, but come on. Most men can't or won't handle that kind of schedule. That's why most of them don't fight for custody. Statistically, its all in the numbers.

    I'm not meaning to make anyone mad here, but woman where built to bare a bigger burden [both mentally and emotionally] than men. But then again, men do have brute strength on their side.

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    Oh, Bob. Bob, Bob. You are a troublemaker. : )

    I think this conversation only breeds more ill will. The nature of the question wasn't really defined, so everyone's arguing different things.

    Instead of dividing the sexes even more, there's a lot we could do to appreciate each other better. So. Here's what I like about the girls I know:

    1. They are tough, and becoming more and more emotionally mature.
    2. They act goofy, without caring.
    3. They like being girls. They know that girls don't have to be ditzy, butch, girly, or 'b*tches.' They're fine just being themselves.

    Here's what I like about the guys I know:

    1. Most of them try to be manly. But they are gentlemen. It's rather cute.
    2. They can sometimes get more "into" video games and things than they are into girls. : )
    3. They offer their protection when we gals are in mosh pits, surrounded by roiling masses of sweaty teenaged boys.

    I, personally, like boys. They can be "dumb," yes, but so can girls. Men and Women... it may sometimes seem like War of the Sexes, but really... we work well together. One needs the other, in a worldwide human sense.

    Well adjusted guys don't need to assert dominance. And well-adjusted women don't need to put down guys in order to justify themselves. If we keep saying "___ gender is better than ___ gender," then we just keep making the same mistakes.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    It would seem Liz is sexist (similar to me), and Darwin suffers 'womb envy.' Either way, this is a petty argument. I stick to my original claim, it depends on the individual--physical, as well as mental. I was physically stronger than my last boyfriend, so I disregard the general thoughts of men having greater brute strength.

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    2. They can sometimes get more "into" video games and things than they are into girls. : )
    ^ You're telling this to the wrong female.

  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    Behind every good man stands a strong woman. Behind every strong woman stands that same man who listens to her every night an comfort her when things are out of order.

    I do not think that either sex is stronger than the other. They both have there strong points and both have their weak points. I do think that they compliment each other, as it should be, and when you have a honest loving couple you will never see where the weakness of one begins while the strength of another steps up. The reason ... they are a couple and compliment each other.

    I have heard from most of you that the woman is stronger simply because she can handle the labor and delivery of a child. Let me point out that it is normally the father of that unborn child who puts up with the woman and her mood swings while she is carrying that baby. It is also that same man being cursed, yelled out, threatned, smacked, and sometimes worse while the woman is forced into surviving labor and giving birth.

    In the end we need each other. If looked at and judged fairly there is no weaker sex. When we are with our soul mate then there is no weakness to be seen, only a strong, united family.

    Give credit where credit is due. DO not beat a man down because he failed to give birth. Instead praise him for putting up with that crabby woman, going to the store all hours of the night to soothe her strange cravings (only to finally make it home and find the craving has past), holding her hair back while she is puking her guts up, offering her a cool wash cloth to combat the hot flashes, telling her she is beautiful and does not look fat at all when she is showing, comforts her and holds her tightly when she breaks down in tears for no reason, and then is there panting with her through labor and encouraging her to push just once more through delivery.

    Is a man stronger than a woman for being there, no. Is a woman stronger than a man for going through it, no. Instead they are complimenting each other and bringing out the best in one another.

    When they are united you will not see a weekness.


  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    "2. They can sometimes get more "into" video games and things than they are into girls. : )
    ^ You're telling this to the wrong female."

    Heh heh, yeah. I can get way into my games as well. It was a generalization, but just about my own personal guy friends.

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    While very rude and arrogant, Darwin makes some good points. Sherry Lynn said it best though!

  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    Thanks Rachel.


  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    "is a foundation stronger when two rocks are bonded or separated"

    It depends on the weakest part of the foundation. It is often said that the chain is only as weak as it's weakest link, or a football team is only as weak as it's weakest player.

    If the foundation is built on love, honesty, openess, trust, humility, respect, and so forth then combined it will out last, survive, and even prosper from everything it must endure. Even an act of nature or war could not break it.

    If the foundation is based upon lies, deciet, violence, controle, abuse, and so forth then the foundation will surely shatter every time a pin drops. Though the outside may appear tuff and sturdy the true test comes when the band-aids are removed and every scar left exposed.

    Houses have layers of cements for foundations; often times the center is the most protected and also the weakest since it holds most presure. However, the blocks surrounding the center lot give more support and when all sides are formed and connected correctly then the house will surely stand tall and survive the toughest storms. Much like humans and relationships.


  • KaKaSHi
    17 years ago

    God....we men are being fooled....
    we thin we rule the fact...the women are giving us the illusion that we are...=P
    realise how women never pay...its part of their
    they know we need them to reproduce...and they know we know that they are the ones who suffer...
    pregnancy,labour, make up, high heels, bra's, high heels....and even THONGS!
    thats why most women make theit men work
    while they're "taking care of the children"
    and they get maids and helpers and all that
    men know they got the better end of the deal after all...
    its why we serve women..not in public...or officially..but we do....
    and if ur a man..and ur not serving ur woman...u should=P

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    How shallow. What is this realize (misspelled) women never pay? It's part of their scheme? I beg to differ with that. There are many households that have both parents working. My household for example, my husband and I both work, opposite shifts so one of us is always home with the kids. We share all responsibilities. My husband does not serve me not do I serve him, we work together to run our household and our lives quite efficiently. i would also like to point out that women do not "make" men work. People have free will which is why so many dead beat fathers exist and so many women work while their lazy boyfriends or husbands sit at home and do nothing..I wonder if any of them know about this "making" someone work.
    Other situations also exist:
    If a woman has no education for example and has children, if she were to also get a job in addition to the one she forced her husband to work (LOL) they may end up paying more for daycare than she could earn. Every household has different circumstances. Thanks for the laugh!

  • Unseen Exposure
    17 years ago

    Its a key and a lock situation ...
    a key without a lock and a lock without a key is useless ... but together they serve a purpose.

    women cant exist without men and men cant exist without women ...

    so for all you feminists out there, admit it, you need them around ... otherwise, who else would you nag on?

  • mel
    17 years ago

    I think that pysically men are stronger in some respect however women do handle pain much better (we give birth for goodness sake) he he he
    anyway erm... i think women are stronger mentally and we seem to have more common sense then most men nowadays! thats my opinion hope no one is offended please dont be mel x

  • Fan Angeleo
    17 years ago

    Men have a way of doing things, mostly to impress women. So women have an advanage but their use it for similar reasons which makes them equal.

  • Michelle
    17 years ago

    You can't really ask which is the stronger sex because generally, there isn't one. If you want to talk considerable categories, like the obvious physical trait, then usually men are stronger than women. However when it comes to something like motherhood, emotional conflicts, or multitasking women usually exceed. But then again you cannot generalize even these traits because, as it was mentioned earlier, we are speaking of individuality (and there are quite a few women out there who could beat the boys at soccer and there are guys who have been better moms than their wives have).

  • Phantasmagoria
    17 years ago

    Neither is stronger, while one is said to be stronger in mentality one is said to be stronger physically. I don't think there is only one answer, it constantly changes. And remember, steroids can play a part as well lol.