Neglected poems!

  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    First of all, whether you are a recognized poet. Second of all, the time of day, week, season, and around which holiday. Third, how many comments the poem already has. Third, favorite lists saying new poem. Fourth, you promoting your poem in the request part of the discussion board. Fifth, whether or not you hold contests. Sixth, your name. Seventh, the title. Overall, promoting is the most important.

  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    First of all, whether you are a recognized poet. Second of all, the time of day, week, season, and around which holiday. Third, how many comments the poem already has. Third, favorite lists saying new poem. Fourth, you promoting your poem in the request part of the discussion board. Fifth, whether or not you hold converts. Sixth, your name. Seventh, the title. Overall, promoting is the most important.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I believe The Son Of Ecstasy summed that one up for us.


  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    When I go to someone's poem list I look for titles that sound appealing to me and the category of the poem. I never read explicit poems and I never read anything that has cutting or dying in the title. For the most part I like to read Love, Friendship and Nature poems. Other titles can lure me in for the read though if it sounds interesting or sounds like it would be something I could relate to.

  • Esther
    17 years ago

    Lol, i think i am gonna start commenting on all the older poems, rather than all this new stuff

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Now. The Son Of Ecstasy and I were stating what people LOOK for. Like the cover of a book. We did not state that that's ALL they look for . . . though if a poem is very long, it is less likely to get read.
    The question, moreless, the topic was Neglected Poems and him and I were stating that that is HOW the poem gets read. It has nothing to do with context until you read it. Everyone on this site reads a poem for one reason or another: Popularity of the poet, the title, quality of the poems produced by the poet lately, ect.


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    It is true.

    what i mainly look for is the title of the poem, and if i have read any of the authors work before and if it it in my opinion is even worth reading.

    but i often read older poems.. i enjoy going to my poems and scrolling down to see if i have any new comments and BAM i ahev one on my OLDER poems. it gives me a chance to revisit and revise an older poem. so why not help someone else do the same?

  • Cindy
    17 years ago

    Dave all your poems are awesome. I have read them all. If I find a writter I enjoy I usually work my way through all of their writings....and then I also go to the newly posted poems and read writers I have never read before. This site has so many talented writers.

  • BlackJade
    17 years ago

    Totally! People read The Thunderstorm by BlackJade. I don't care if its good or not. Just comment and tell me what you think

  • Ashleigh Skye
    17 years ago

    I think the category, the title and the fact that a lot of poets aren't really known very well on this site... also it kind of sucks but ive notice the ones with the fewest comments tend to stay that way unless you start asking people to comment on them, casue most people will go to the one with lots of votes.

  • Simple Sensation
    17 years ago

    "You have to have a good title that will draw ppl in, try in the title MaKiNg SomE WorDs CaPitALizeD, that sumtimes helps or add ~~~~ or ^^ and @ signs, they make it more appealing to the eye"

    I personally wouldn't read a poem if someone wrote the title of their poem like that. It would acctually put me personally off reading the poem as i think the reader would of written the poem with loads of shorthand writing (Like = lyk, right = ryt stuff like that) and it would give me the impression that the reader didnt care to use correct english in their title so why would the poem be any different? Then i would go and read another poets work. But thats just me personally, no offense intended to anyone..

    I personally look at which catagore the poem is in first, i love nature poems so i would g o for them. After that i would read poems that i find i could relate to. Also the title of the poem is important. When commenting i would tell the reader the title drew me in. I odnt know, if someone is a member of the club im part of id read there poems. If they comment on one of my poems id return the favour. If i know about the reader, id read there poems. Ive also started looking at people favourites, i look at who my favourites have on their favorite lists... And stuff like that. People need ot make themselves known to the mebers and then they would get more feedback.

  • BrokenREALiTy
    17 years ago

    What Contemplating Suicide said . Putting in signs & tYpInG lIkE dIS annoys the crap out of me . It makes me want to strangle the writer, even if their poetry is good . I` didn`t wanna read through all those posts, so I might be repeating xD

    "I'm glad that this opened up such an interesting conversation. It brings a few questions to mind though. Why do readers dislike a long poem?"

    Really, why do they ? The minute I say it`s long, tehy`re like oh god I don`t wanna read it anymore -.- I mean, one of my really long poems got a lot of comments (considering it`s MY poetry) . But I do wonder about that ...
    I think it`s mostly category and the title that draws people in . Many people have told me that my title "Vivid Memories" made them wanna read it more . o_O

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Just use words that touch your heart. They are bound to touch others.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    17 years ago

    Well, some poems are more noticed than others, thats just the way it is...

  • Jamie Lorraine
    17 years ago

    I think that some are sometimes better than others and that you express yourself better too

  • Pat Secord
    17 years ago

    Well i notised this too... like lol i wrote a really bad poem and i got notised cuz it sucked.. lmao but then i Rote a fairly good one.. which alot of my friends thoguth was really good and i only got two ratings l.. lol but i wish more ppl would havelooked at it...

  • Corinne
    17 years ago

    When I first joined, some of my early poems were ignored. Now that I've been here a few months, I've deleted a few of those poems and reposted them, and now I've gotten votes and comments on them.

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    Yer i have a few like with one vote then one with 80 votes crazy lol

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    Yea, it seems like my poems that are my featured are the only ones commented or the ones on the latest list, my other ones are never commented any more

  • Rusheena
    17 years ago

    Yeah, I've read some really good poems with no votes or comments. I'm new so maybe my poems will get more comments in time.

  • Hey Brittknee
    17 years ago

    I wrote a poem about this called "Forever Glorious" about all the poems gone unread

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Out of all the poems I have I only have 4 that have no comments, however, they have all been read for they have ratings. Odd how people are willing to rate but not comment, most likely because commenting takes longer than rating.

  • AlaSkA
    17 years ago

    I wish i had more readers ):

  • ImmortalKitty
    17 years ago

    I have been having the same problem. I write mostly the same genre, however I find that tons have been completely skipped over. I try to read, rate and comment on the ones that have the least ratings and comments myself. So that equal critism can be applied.

  • Stephanie Naylor
    17 years ago

    If u want some poems to be read commented or voted go into the FORUM to post for people to do that and ecxhange for it, its really easy

  • HopefulxRomantic
    17 years ago

    I don't think it's worth being that desperate for a comment. I think it's alright to name your poems in the discussion for a case in point, but to beg people to leave their two cents in exchange for you doing the same belittles the whole intention of the comment system. If people are only commenting for a favour, you won't receive a true or honest opinion, and the whole function will be degraded into a popularity contest rivalling many of the members of MySpace.

  • MaSkEdSoUl
    17 years ago

    I kinda agree with the person above. I've seen some people that do that and they leave one liners like "I liked it. 5/5" or something short that doesnt really tell you how they really feel about that poem. All they want is comments in return.

  • m4mm07h
    17 years ago

    Yea i just did a poem on the explicit fourms (madman's llust) and like 4 people viewed, none voted, 1 comment. this comment was "i liked it, great job." I find it annoying how someone doesnt even post tword the poem.

  • Lesbian Natalie
    17 years ago

    I went and read my poems last night infront of bunches of people...I know why some of my poems don't get is because I was the weakest poet there...My poetry is good for a beginner I