What Complain/Praise Does

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    When you "complain" about a poem (via the link on the comment) that comment goes into a waiting area where the mods can review it.

    We have three choices:
    1. leave complaint (that leaves the comment)
    2. delete comment (that deletes the comment)
    3. delete + penalty (this deletes the comments and issues the commenter 3 penalty points.

    we only issue penalty points for very rude and/or profane comments. If someone just says, "D*mn that's a great poem", and you want it gone, I would delete it without penalty.

    If you have duplicate comments or comments you made yourself that you wish to delete you can "complain" about those too, and they will be deleted without penalty.

    If someone is leaving unmeaningful comments or comments not related to the poem that you wish to be rid of (for example: Loved it! 5/5, Hey girl... comment me, Good poem, etc etc etc), those will also be deleted without penalty.

    If you have complained about a comment but it hasn't disappeared, feel free to message a mod and explain why you want it gone and we will check it out and delete it or explain why we feel it should be left.

    *Recent addition: you may now appeal penalty points you've been given... so be sure to check all emails that come from P & Q. When you get the email that alerts you to your penalty, there is a link you must follow. When you get to the appeal form, be sure to login in before you submit the appeal.

    Remember that we can make mistakes, too.. so if it's a penalty that looks like it may have been a mistake, please think twice before you rant and rave at us in your appeal. You can simply put, "I hope this was a mistake".


    Yes, currently the "praise" doesn't really do anything. But somewhere on the server, all the praises are being tallied.

    Janis intended to do some kind of critics award. If we start leaving well thought out helpful comments on poems and people start praising them regularly (and stop praising "good work!" comments) that award may eventually come about.
    Added Feb 7, 2008 - Currently, the mods are keeping track of the praises made and posting a "Comment Winner" every one or two weeks.


  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Now that is a huge help, i had no idea about penalty points and what not so cheers for posting this =)

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    How many penalty points does it take to get an account suspended?

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Thanks dear!

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Yes, it takes 10 penalty points for an account to be suspended. Doesn\'t matter how you get the points, it is any penalty points combined to make up 10 points for you to be suspended.

    Peace, Joe

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    Ahh. I accidently hit complain to a comment someone left one of my poems. I didn't mean to, and I don't know what i'm supposed to do to tell whoever it is that looks at the complaints that it was an accident. Can someone help me?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Elisabetta, the original post states that if you have a duplicate comment, you can complain about it and it will get deleted without penalty.

    Tammie - unfortunately, if it already got deleted, we can't get it back. If you know who made it, you can explain and ask them to comment again

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    Oh I don't mind if the comment got deleted, although I do want it there. I was more worried about whether something would happen to the person that made the comment that I accidently complained about. But I doubt it. So, thanks for your help. =]

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    It says at the top how you get the penalty points...

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    How long are penalty points effective? Do they ever expire?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    I don't think so.. but now, when you get the email telling you about the penalty, you can appeal it.

  • Hatori
    17 years ago

    Is there a way to know if I have any penalty points currently? I hope I don't have any.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    I would say ask Janis... but then he will be flooded with people asking him if they have points. You are supposed to get an email when you get penalized. So if you don't remember getting any emails from the site, then you probably don't have any.

    Maybe that is something else Janis would consider putting somewhere. Maybe on the login page like the new comments thing.

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    I'm curious as to now, with the new praises, when we post what we are praisign the comment for, where that submission goes to? Does it go to the person that submitted the comment, or someone else?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    The praise comment will be viewable only by Janis for now. If people continue praising unpraiseworthy comments, he will make it go into an approval area where the mods will review it and approve or deny the praise.

  • Simple Sensation
    17 years ago

    Er... has the praise been removed? Did the new idea of why you want to praise not work good or something? (I just remembered i wanted to praise a comment i recieved yesterday... i hardley ever praise but i thought the comment deserved a praise, so im just wondering..)

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Did you guys update it? Now you can just remove stuff on your own and have a form to fill out for praises.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Remove is the same thing as complain was. It still gets reviewed by a mod before actually getting deleted, but now you have a place to say why you want it deleted.

    The praising will now be done by senior members only. They can praise ANY comment...meaning they can praise the comments on anyone's poems.

    There are guidelines they will go by.. so if you are a commenter wishing to get your comments praised, then take a look at the guidelines....


    A moderator will review every comment praise before it is accepted. A good comment, worthy of earning praise points should do at least 1 of the following:

    Offer an insight into the meaning of the poem from the point of view of the reader, or what they thought the writer was aiming for.

    Offer advice, politely put, about how to potentially improve or alter the poem.

    Express the personal feelings of how the piece made the reader react, which should be more varied than the standard empty response: "Hey good poem, love it, good work".

    Write any kind of response, not covered by the above examples, that has some point to it, something of worth of interest that is linked to what the author wrote.

    These examples are not exclusive, in that if you comment and do something not mentioned you are not instantly disqualified from ever earning praise points, they are examples of the kinds of responses the moderator team feel would be worthy of recognition. Just keep in mind that everything you write really should be explained. So if you think something need to be changed about a persons poem, don't just tell them what to change without explaining why, and even how or you will not get praise points.

  • Painted By Colors llInLovell
    17 years ago

    I've seen people being So Rude on comments.

  • I love jake
    17 years ago

    I don't complain on my comments i like them

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    How can we see our penalty points?

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Yeah...Joe or Sher, can you please let me know how many penalty points I have?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    You have 2 points, Jane

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Cool beans. May I ask for what?

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    Nothing. Janis or Dainz originally hoped to give Awards to members who have been praised for giving really great comments. However, so many people praise comments like, "omg, this wuz amazin, keep it real," that an actual assessment could not be done.

    So now Praise does nothing.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Well, I'm sure praises are still being tallied... Janis just has to decide what he's going to do with the info.

  • Tiffany
    16 years ago

    Um just a quick question, if you get penalty points, do u get notified?

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Yes, you should get an email... be sure to check your junk mail.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    16 years ago

    Already, people abusing the Praise feature:


    ""ill praise your comment if you want to comment it (but i wont praise one-liners)""

    Also, her icon is self harm related.

    Shouldn't this not be allowed?