Wants a long distance realationship with a guy.

  • Tiff
    17 years ago

    Oh man, theres this guy.
    Named Elliott, that reeeeeeally like, but he's from Western Australia, and I'm from Victoria, it sucks.
    I really love him, and it hurts.

    How can I convince him to have a long distance relationship with me?


  • limp
    17 years ago


    you can't CONVINCE anybody, you just have to ask. if he says no it's not the end of the world. it's hardly like you love him.

  • HisAngel
    17 years ago

    Long distance relationships suck, and also it depends on how much your gonna see the guy, i live in western australia but theres this that lives in new south wales who we both want to try for a relationship but because we will only see each other every 6 months if that we have decided that its probably not a good idea to try and start a long distance relationship.

  • JR13
    17 years ago

    Me and my girl had a long distance relationship for a good while and yeah we had our ups and down but we still makin it 3 years and 5 months with 9 days....I 've already met her parents and her family its workin out fine but look in order for it to work you have to make sure that he actually tryes cause if he doesnt hes gonna cheat and stuff and that aint coo.like me i really felt something for my gurl and all these girls were throwin them selves at me and i aint take it yeah i know it seems kinda unreal cause i know guys are some.......but nah not me i really wanted it to work. i mean dont get me wrong i did cheat on her like twice but i ended up tellin her though. you can read my poems and you'll know what we've been through but 4 real! he has to want it if he really wants you .