***This is kind of long, but please try and read it if you can and give me some advice***
so me and my friend (lets call her Amy) have been pretty close for the last few years. Like 3 or 4 months ago, i considered her one of my best friends. but about a month ago, we were put in a situation where i had to spend basically my whole week with her, except for when we went home at night to sleep.
i could tell that we had had enough of each others company, so i detached myself a bit, but she was still bugging me - it all started with one of our guy friends (who we both showed an interest in).. we found out he had a girlfriend, so my initial thought was to back off - for *Amy, though, htat didnt even cross her mind. she still went after him, and then, whenever he would give her a hug, she would come up to me and be like "i win! " - and she would constantly say that. it got to the point where i just said to her "Amy, just stop - youre pissing me off", because she WOULD NOT stop. then of course she went around saying "shes mad at me", trying to get sympathy from others.
so that was a month ago. since then, things have only gotten worse. i thought that it was just gonna be some thing that we would go through, and then we;d eventually make up and go on with our lives. but it hasnt. the thing that kills me is that the whole issue has just been left hanging there- i do admit that right now, i think that if she really wants to fix it, she should come to me (am i wrong in thinking that?). cuz frankly, im tired of always being the bigger person, and i would like for once for someone else to try and make things right.
and the thing is, it isnt even about the guy anymore,its about how shes not even trying to repair something that was so 'valuable' to her before. ive tried bringing it up, she blows me off or blows up at me
i know shes been telling everyone else about it too. i overheard her saying "well, i dont know WHY shes mad at me!"...dont cha think that maybe if you asked ME then you would get an answer?
sorry about the length, but i just dont see where to go from here. ya i know, i should talk to her, but im wondering if that will actually make any difference now..
so is this worth fixing? because right now, its just really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel