17 years ago
Hi you guys, i just felt like starting another one, cause the last one was locked, so there we go!!! |
Just Lucy
17 years ago
Hey!! my full on weekend off, turned into a work marathon lol i was called in on saturday and sunday so i had to work with massive hangovers and never got to watch my dvds in airconditioning lol but there is always next weekend lol yay!! hopes for a better weekend than lol |
17 years ago
Oh, thats sad that you didn't get to watch your dvds in airconditioning, but LOL you sounded like you did have an exciting time!!! i slept over at my friends house, ya i know, kind like a kid thing to do, and a bunch of us played truth or dare all night long, well at least some of us stayed up... only the strong survive!!!! yup, it was soo much fun, cause i haven't done something like that like in forever, but yes, i will wish you luck for your better weekend, maybe you will get airconditioning |
Daz Mellow
17 years ago
Argh I HAVE to finish this speech cuz it's due tomorrow but I feel so bad. :'( |
Tricky Daze
17 years ago
*hugs gabriella* |
17 years ago
Aw thx, yup i care bout this post even though i can't really talk that much on it, it is super duper important that it never ends, so it never will!!!! |
Tricky Daze
17 years ago
Yea hun..we won't let it end..*laughs* |
Tricky Daze
17 years ago
Aww honey..yeah we all care bout you |
Daz Mellow
17 years ago
Hey ppl! I'm loggin in for school lol I should be home in a few hours but what the heck. I just gave my speech a few minutes ago and my friends said it's pretty good but I'm thinking otherwise anyways, if ya'll are interested I can send to you guys. ^_^ and I hope I get a good grade for it cuz I didn't stay up til 2 in the morning to write a piece of crap! Argh man I'm nervous..... what if I fail?!?!?! |
17 years ago
Marshamellow mwa ha ha, of course you won't fail, i had to write an essay for school this morning, and even though i thought it was gonna suck, i made it with like happy colors!!!! so yea. it was on the book animal farm, have any of ya'll read that??? i think its a book you like have to read to go into college.. it was so depressing, i hate how they always make us read stuff like that, it's not like we need it or something!!! |
Crystal Gaze
17 years ago
Rofl! I wrote my essay last minute like over my lunch hour infact and I passed with the best mark in the class. |
Daz Mellow
17 years ago
Hehehe ^_^ I think I did great on the speech but whateva...Mine was the longest in the whole entire class and it was embarrassing standing up in front of people....but hey! I did great...I think. :D |
Daz Mellow
17 years ago
Hehehe |
Tricky Daze
17 years ago
Hi hun! |
Tricky Daze
17 years ago
About that thing about your bf |
17 years ago
Ohh, i feel like that some days, where you just sit for hours and don't do anything at all... (declines the champagne(it makes me feel sick)) *toasts with sprite* still, congrats!!! i know you can do it!!! |
17 years ago
Why are you going to sit all alone???? |
17 years ago
If he's told his sister and his parents, then you should be pretty sure that he's serious... but he sounds like you could always have him moves out if your not comfortable and he would understand what you mean. *hugs (you need as many as you can get.)* i think youll be fine. im sending you luck and hope so you better be!!! |
Daz Mellow
17 years ago
Awww that's great ashlie he sounds like a really a sweet guy and one that will totes respect your decisions ^_^ so happy for you!!! yay!!! Oh and guess what?!?!?!?! I got the grades back for my speech!!! I got a 100 on the speech itself and 100 on the presentation, you know where I had to read it in front of 30 ppl. ^_^ I'm totes happy!!! la de la de la dee.... hehehe how are ya'll doing today? |
17 years ago
You bet you can, we need as much insanity as we can get,, |
17 years ago
Hey everybody =D Thanks for the welcome Gabriella! I can't wait to talk to you all.. I am really in need of some friends on this website lol, I've been so lonely! Oh well, at least I'm starting to get to know people now =D Yay!! *giggles* I'm very insane and I promise I won't let any of you down!!! |
17 years ago
Your welcome, *hugs* i hope you have fun!!! |
17 years ago
I'm cheating *lol* im actually spposed to be doing homework but you know.... |
Startle Me
17 years ago
Hello :] |
17 years ago
Hehe, homework huh? Sounds like fun.. I had some math homework but me and a few friends actually worked on it during class *gasp!* so I don't have any right now. |