PoweR of GiRls ForeveR (and unstoppable too)

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Oooh, if you are really that bord, could you do some of mine? just if you feel like it, cause i really love getting comments, i will talk later, but right now i really got too work (science and math) g'night everybody

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Oh course I will Gab!! I am extremely bored in the first place and secondly you've been such a sweetie to me, of course I'll rate your poems and leave comments. After that though I need to go to bed.. good night as well everybody. <3 <3



  • silence
    17 years ago

    That's great Marsha!!! Congrats!!! *gives you a gold star* lol

    thanks for introducing everyone gabriella! Hope you got that homework done.

    Welcome Kayla. Hope you enjoy out lil group we have going.

    *waves at everyone*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Your welcome, congrats to you too marsha!!!
    i finished some of my homework, but still so much is left *hides under desk*
    but i can do it!!! *stands up* *and waves at everybody*

    *hugs for ashlie and kayla* *and lauRa and marshamellow if they are still alive*

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    Yeah i'm still alive
    *hugs gabriella so tight that she can undertstand she's alive*
    And welcome you girl
    I'm laura *shakes her hand*
    how r u al?

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    K, i get it, *hugs lauRa super tight back so that she will understand that gaby understands that she;s alive*
    *hugs lauRa again in case she didn't get what she said before*
    im good!!! how bout u???
    im in school right now, it is like chaos over here,, except multiply it by like a miillionnnn and you still wouldn't be there yet....*shakes her head* crazy.

    *waves at everybody*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hey everybody *hugs for all!!* How are you all today? Hehe, before you ask I'm fine lol.
    Oh, I voted and left comments on some of your poems last night Gab, I wasn't on for long though so I wasn't able to rate much. I'll look at them again soon I promise =D And all the rest of the poems of the girls here for that matter hehe.

    *More hugs*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Hi kayla!

    1. Ashlie, with your man, I think the easiest way to write the list will be once he has moved in and than write things down as you remember or think of them, like if he walks on the carpet with grubby shoes, correct him than put it on the list lol *hugs*

    2. Congrats Marsha!!! totes happy for you haha i remember the agony that speech put you through so you really do deserve the gold lol *hugs*

    3. Hello Kayla, Nice to meet you, and its totes good that you have come to us haha a nicer bunch of people I don't think exists on this site hehe *hugs*

    4. Gabriella, I am totes cut that you didn't give me a hug when you hugged Laura and and Kayla and Ashlie and Marsha!... so.... no hug for you *turns away trying not to show the silent tears*

    YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO MY PARTY, its tomorrow night at my place in Townsville... so if your from america... you better get to the airport now haha

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Ohhh, lucy will you ever forgive me!!!
    i try to write super fast cause im at school lots of the time when im on here...*crying* but *wipes away lucy's tears* *hugs her* im so everly sorry...even if you don't hug me i'll hug you. i wish i could come to your party, but i can't afford the airpllane tickets. *blows kisses to everybody*

    thx kayla for the comments, i read them and they were really nice!!! you don't have to do more if you don't hav time. ;p

    xoxos to everyone and specailly lucy

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hey there Lucy =D It's nice to meet you too! I'm glad you think I'm so nice.. lol you're all been just so nice to me, how could I be rude? *hugs Lucy* It's okay.. you get a hug from me and Gab!!
    Don't worry about it Gab =D I'll comment and rate more of your poems soon I promise. It was just late last night and I got kicked off the pc.. needed a shower anyways >.< I probably didn't smell too great lol.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Lol, thx kayla you make me feel better.

    but luuuuuuuucyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! i miss you!!!!
    okay, im finished *giggles*
    buh bye ya'll

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Ok gabs! its hard for me too, and i just can't hold a grudge... *Hugs Gabs* now I'm just dissapointed that you can't come to my house warming party lol i am going to write myself off haha I'm going to get soooooooooooooooo wasted that I can't see the hands on a clock, I am going to laugh so hard and have so much fun! I really needed a party night, just to let loose a bit lol

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Do not let me ruin your fun!!! go be insane and have fun or else i will be very upset *frowns* so glad you forgave me!!! *hugs lucy super tight* hello!!! i really wish i could come to your party though, but im busy enough right here *sighs* but i will survive *yells* and *waves at everybody*xoxos

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Dnt worry, in a blind drunken outburst I will tell everyone at my party that you are sorry you couldnt make it and no matter how upset they might get i will tell them all that you just want us to have fun haha

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Ahhh!! Have fun without me why don't you! :P hehehe I totes wish I could be there, but nooooo I have to be heeere.... dang distance ^_^ hehehe Save some fun for me will you? *hugs*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Dnt you worry Marsha I will save HALF the fun for you because half is going to be tooo much for me anyway haha im totes excited, so far there are 37 ppl that have said they are coming, we have driven the Danny's Effy (Ute) into the middle of the back yard with a bar fridge on it for people to put there drinks in it lol

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Well you enjoy yourself Lucy!! Tell everyone I wish I could have been there aswell. It's 5 in the morning and I'm at work... what was I thinking when I left early yesterday?? Nathan started throwing up blood again last night :( I'm really worried about him. I hope he goes to an actual doctor today. I can't leave early again to drag him there. I spent the night over there last night but he passed out. *sigh* oh well. I'm glad everything is going well for all of you!!! *smiles and hugs for everyone*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awwwww... you're having a party Lucy? I wish I could be there, sounds like a lot of fun!!! *giggles* I love parties.. I try to go whenever I possibly can. Too bad there's this whole long distance thing, if not then I'd definitely party with ya!
    I hope your boyfriend starts feeling better Ashlie =( Throwing up blood... definitely not a good thing. Hehe, if he doesn't go to a doctor then you need to grab his ear and drag him to one! At least, that's what I'd do anyways lol.
    Anyways.. I need to go. Gotta get ready for school... blah! I wish today was Friday, I live for the weekends!!!!!!

    *hugs for all*

  • silence
    17 years ago

    'I live for the nights I won't remember, with the friends I won't ever forget'

    I live for the weekends as well most of the time. It all depends on how my son has acted that week. I don't see how stay at home mom's do it *yawn*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Throwing up blood?? thats awful yeah he really does need to go to a dr about that, it could be something serious! and 5am!!!! Ashlie you've got balls lol if I had to go to work at 5am I would quit haha or just be reali reali reali late lol.

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Well I was suppost to be here at 6 this morning but Nathan's bleeding again :( I'm really worried about him. He's going back to the doctors today to see what they say. I just want to go home and take care of him but I had to take off for my son's surgery in Feb and it wiped out all my vacation/sick time.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Oh no.. *hugs Ashlie* You should definitely make him go to a doctor, that's bad!! Like I said before, just grab his ear and drag him to one if you have to... after all, throwing up blood isn't something you do everyday!

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    *steps in singing smack that*
    How r u guys?
    I know i can't be online enough nowadays
    But it'S cos my goddamn semester-homework
    Missed ya all
    *hugs all*
    *steps out*

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Oooohhhh. lauRa don't leave. i know, i have goddamned homework school and it is so frickin annoying, but to cheer me up i watch weird videos on utube and come here.
    so yup.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    *hugs everybody*

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Hi everyone!! ^_^ Haven't been on lately cuz I've been glued to Youtube and then my internet connection played tag with me, I could hardly get a connection but whatev. ^_^ wat ya'll up to? Oh and Ashlie why is he throwing up blood?!?!?! Hope he feels better.

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hey girls!! I haven't been on lately eitehr lol... my weekend has been terrible!! How are you all though? I was only not being able to post on here and talk to you all =( It sucks... damn internet connection, damn family lol.

    *hugs everybody* RaWr!!!

  • Daz Mellow
    17 years ago

    Hehehe ^_^

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    MY PARTY ROCKED!!! it was totes the best and everyone will be talking about it for a few weeks haha we had everything you need at a party, a guy passing out in the back yard, everyone was dancing and yelling and making so much noise, everyone liked the music and it was just fantastic!! it was like a party you see on TV haha there were people everywhere and my friends Will and Todd were at the doors letting people in and anyone that wasn't on the list or that we didnt know they would kick out haha they were my personal bouncers it was soooo good lol i got an hour of sleep and than had to wake up at 6 am for a staff meeting haha that sucked!! i was still drunk for it, 1 hour of sleep didnt kill of all the alcahol i had in my system lol and at about midday my hang over kicked in haha so i went to bed lol!!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    I bet your party rocked hard Lucy!! Too bad none of us could have joined you =( That would have been lots of fun!! Haha, your own personal bouncers huh? I need some of those... where do I sign up? lol

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Hello girls!!

    glad your party was so good Lucy! Does sound like something out of a movie! lol

    Nathan is fine now. (well he's surviving anyway) he has an ulcer and it was acting up. Back to work tomorrow though :) Tomorrow is our one month!! We don't get to see each other but I'm still happy. He's moving in in the next couple of weeks.
    Now my son is sick though :( He got a fever yesterday and it hasn't broken yet. That's what the surgury was suppost to fix but it didn't I guess....

    anyway on a better note i've been at work since 5 this morning so i'm delerious lol
    *hugs everyone* talk to you soon *sits in the corner to pass out*

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Oooh if it makes you feel any better Ashlie for the last 3 days i have worked 8am-4.30pm at my day job and than 5pm-11pm at night all in the same day, just to get home, go to bed and wake up thwe next morning to do it all again... i have had so many redbulls my heart is shaking lol i really need to quit my night job its at KFC, just a little casual position to earn some extra moneys lol but i was only supposed to work once a week, now they keep calling me in and im sooo tired, and i cant say no when they call me in because I am a 'team trainer' there, like a shift assistant or whatever it is and yeah when they call me in, they really need me lol so i think i might just quit

    and Ashlie, your son... I really hope he gets better soon!!! and thats good about Nathan. thats sucks hey, something goes right than something else goes wrong, Nathan gets better, your son falls ill. :(

    *hugs everyone*

    bye bye lovely people

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Yes they are both getting better though. I stayed out of work this morning to take care of my son and he's feeling much better. Nathan seems to be find now so maybe things are looking up.

    I wish I could get a night job but I don't want to take that much time away from my son. I need the money though. oh well. Hopefully things will get better for you too :)


  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Hehe, hey again everybody!! Seems like I'm being left out on all the fun.... awww =( I'm trying my hardest to post as much as I can I swear! Hehe, it's okay though =P
    Is everybody doing alright? I'm fine ^.^
    Btw, Lucy and Marsha... somebody posted something for you two, wanting to know where you two were and if you were okay. You should reply to her soon =P seems like she's very fond of you two hehehe.

  • silence
    17 years ago

    Yeah I'm left out too. It's ok though. Everyone's starting to go their seperate ways. It happens.

  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    I missed you guys!!! im being left out as well in some things cause i am like only here once a day for 5 minutes. *frowns* but im glad you guys like haven't disappeared *hugs kayla and ashlie super tight* yay!!! *waves*

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Awwww ^.^ I guess we're all odd balls then hehehe. It's okay though =D We haven't disappeared or anything and aren't going anywhere. At least, I'm not anyways lol. I'm glad you two are alive though, not much posting has been going on this one, mostly just in the Recklace post.

    *hugs Gab and Ashlie* I'm glad to see you two again ^.^ How are you both?

  • Just Lucy
    17 years ago

    Whats happening to us??? we barely tlk nemore, we used to be so close and now.... i feel lost lol
    we r never aloud to break this group up dammit!~!!

  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    Well.. I can't say much to that Lucy because I haven't been together with you all that long, but I definitely agree with you!! We're all pretty close, I talk to most people here... I really wish we don't all seperate. We need to stick together until the end!!


  • firexdancer
    17 years ago

    Lucy!!! that's what i was like saying in my head the other day. bravo.
    *hugs to ya'.ll as well*
    i love you guys i wish we could talk more as well but at least we like keep in touch so yea.
    hello *hugs everyone again*