What was your hardest poem

  • Jamie Lorraine
    17 years ago

    What is the hardest poem you ever had to write?

    mine is "the unbeatable fight" it is about my cousin who had an accident 2 yrs ago

  • John Mandeville
    17 years ago

    They all flow out. I'm either hit in the head with a brick, or nothing at all. Probably why I write very few poems, I don't search for them, they find me.

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    Dear, dear Diary.

  • Hunter
    17 years ago

    None of my poems are hard, they come out of me like the others

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    The one and only sestina (side by side, heart to heart) that i will ever ever write! lmao

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    Many...related to the nadir-ous experiences with love.

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    Urm.... its called why

  • Deana
    17 years ago

    " A Mothers Love" My moms whole life was her children since shes not here anymore it made it very hard emotionally.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    It's funny... my easiest poem was my longest poem, and the hardest poem as "Beget This Love" where I actually used a dictionary for a few words!

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    More than Useless.
    Me coming out of the closet =]

  • TracyM
    17 years ago

    My hardest poem,

    "do you remember"


  • ImmortalKitty
    17 years ago

    I don't think that any of my poems were really that hard, they mostly just flow whenever they come.

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    For the last... several months, I've been intermittently trying to write a poem version of The Little Mermaid, in aabb quatrains. It's 5 typed pages long right now... and not done. Argh! It's not even very good! But I have to finish it, because there's no way I put that much time into writing it, only to leave it in my journal forever. No, no.

    17 years ago

    I would have to say happy poems are the hardest for me i can write about death or being sad and they can just flow out but happy on i cant even put on papper

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    "For the last... several months, I've been intermittently trying to write a poem version of The Little Mermaid, in aabb quatrains. It's 5 typed pages long right now... and not done. Argh! It's not even very good! But I have to finish it, because there's no way I put that much time into writing it, only to leave it in my journal forever. No, no."

    I've already done that in ABCB quatrains, lmao
    It was my english coursework and was well over 60 stanza's. I had to post it on here in three sections =)

  • Oceansoul
    17 years ago

    because she was waiting for me to write it and it had to correctly give my feelings toward her ,without her having to ask about my feelings,
    so an all explaing , hopefully well written poem , that carried high expectations

    :) the poem did had the desired effect and all is well
    I just love poetry

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Greedy hands

  • Vane
    17 years ago

    My hardest poem is "Trauma Within"
    cuz its very personal

  • ari
    17 years ago

    Ohh, god. i've edited and re-edited so many. i think the hardest ones were 'stony tragedy', 'tick tock' and 'puppet master'

    i couldn't get the endings right for stony tragedy or tick tock, and i was going to have to read the puppet master one aloud, so i was really stressing about that one. normally they just flow out, though, which is really nice. but if i try to write something with mesaning, it takes a lot more time.

  • EoB
    17 years ago

    The nightingale

  • Chemically Corrupted
    17 years ago

    My hardest peoms are ones about my friends

  • Elizabeth
    17 years ago

    I think mine is a cross between "A Painfull Farewell(Trouble Letting Go)" or "A Fragmented Bond" and for two completely different reasons. "A Painfull Farewell" because it was something that I really had to go through, it was so hard to look back and to remember all those feelings and all that pain just because I loved the person that poem is about SO much. And, "A Fragmented Bond" because I was trying to convey something so really, something so true ... I wanted the people who read it to be so involved in the poem and so consumed by it so that they would truely understand what it would be like to be in that situation. Also because, it's a fictional poem ... I wrote it after a brother of my sister's ex was murdered. In a way the poem is dedicated to him and his brother, but when I wrote it I was trying to think about what I would feel like if that had happened to my sister because they were really close as are me and my sister. I remember crying well I wrote that peom because even to think about losing someone so close to me was overwhelming.

  • SpEcIaLmE
    17 years ago

    I never try and write a poem i will just be watching TV or laying in bed or just be upset and an idea will come into my head so i grab a pen and the lines usually just flow right out :)

  • the simple girl
    17 years ago

    Um, most any poem that I am forced tow rite. For example I was in the class Creative Writing last year and it was about the worst class ever. I can't be forced to write because then it just turns out crappy. But of the poems that I have written and have submitted to this website, probably "Simple Thoughts from a Simple Girl" because it was hard to get all of those thoughts from my head onto a piece of paper.

  • xXMohawkedMahemXx
    17 years ago

    Mine would probably be ... *Wake Up and See =[*
    Tis about my sister... and her abusive bf spliting up the family all the time...


  • Christina
    16 years ago

    None cuz i only write when im inspired lol and then the thots just keep a comen! lol

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    I wrote a poem, "You Are The Cheese" while almost in tears. I just felt so alone, and I had about twelve friends that day ditch me, and then a few people came down in the cafeteria after school (where I was writing) and started talking about my friends. I got so pissed.
    And I don't think they could see me, and they started talking about me, and about rumors (gay guys get a lot lot lot of rumor time in high school) and I just felt so betrayed.

    That was one frikken bad day.

  • Stephanie Naylor
    16 years ago

    My hardest one to write is definietley my best

    its called

    "on a date with death"

    16 years ago

    Writting about my horrible past was hard I actually
    cried while writting it but in the end it was like letting go of it.

  • Richard Machado
    16 years ago

    My hardest poem, is the one I can't write, other than that it's just fun to write.

  • Kenny
    16 years ago

    The next one is always the hardest for me. I have to live everything I write so you just never really know.


  • kevin Boundy AKA the ghost
    16 years ago

    It would have to be the tragic poem i wrote called "not just another love story" nine pages long at the begining it didnt start off well then it came out incredible read it if you like

  • Gizmo
    16 years ago

    The green green grass of Ireland, it took me a very very long time cuz the rhyming is awkward, but its got a hidden messgae for my bf

  • Gizmo
    16 years ago

    Oh, and daddys little angels.. it was a hard story to tell

  • JEFF
    16 years ago

    (I Ask For Only One) full of emotion and trying to find the right words made it harder to write.

  • A Phoenyx in Flight
    16 years ago

    The hardest and painfulest poem i have written is the one call "I Just Want" i was crying when i wrote it because i felt so alone and depressed wheen i wrote it.

  • Dino Dhamphyr
    16 years ago

    "Love, How Often I Think Of You".....

  • homebound
    16 years ago

    The hardest one i wrote was Papa why? because it was hard to remember him after all the accidents and since he passed away. I almost felt guilty for it.

  • Pete
    16 years ago

    I think mine is difficult for a slightly different reason to most. I was tryin to emulate the style and flow of "The Raven" by E.A Poe, in my poem "The Pigeon" It was the most difficult poem I have written, but also the most rewarding.


  • mysterious
    16 years ago

    'I hate you Yet still'
    At that point in my life, it was really hard. For some reason after I wrote that poem I felt so much better