What was your hardest poem

  • Richelle
    16 years ago

    Hardest poem as in like, how hard the emotions hit you?
    Anything about depression is pretty hard for me.
    Break-ups, deaths, etc.

  • candice
    16 years ago

    I had to write about the abuse from my dad. hardest one to deal with and write about

  • ilu
    16 years ago

    I think my hardest poem was when i wrote the poem for Twilight Novel..I write as if Bella was so happy when she met edward and edward was so alone until she met Bella...

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    Now, my most difficult poem to write was probably "The Poem of Many Titles" which was written using the titles of previously written poems; it took a while. It came out incredibly well, and I haven't posted it because some of the poems within the content, which I used as a title, haven't themselves been posted, so I have to post them before I post the poem of many titles =]

  • Wolf Haines
    16 years ago

    My most difficult poem was The Hedgehog. took a lot of drafting.