This is the first of a series of topics I have constructed dedicated to discussing your views on ethics in the consumer market.
Let me first ask you all a simple question. Are you an ethical consumer?
By that I mean do you care about the effects your consumerism has on the lives of others?
I ask this question, because many of us I feel aren't really thinking about how when you go to Star Bucks and order yourself a nice little cappuccino latte or a frothy sensual espresso your assisting large profit accumulating corporations to figuratively (screwed) over poor Ethiopian coffee farmers. Did you know that for every cup of coffee that is sold in Star Bucks Ethiopian farmers receive a measly 2 pence? Where the hell is the other 98 pence going? Well it certainly isnt going to the coffee farmers thats for sure
Now I don't know about you, but I don't feel right drinking coffee from such a highly unethical greedy, corporate, money-making, machine which undercuts the poor "trying to make ends meet" Ethiopian farmer. Nor do I feel good about the effects I as a consumer is having on the poor Nigerian farmer and his family who are being forced by some money obsessed fat cat to sell his good Qaulity natural products at an unfathomable low price.
I have personally boycotted Starbucks and no longer buy any of their produce. Now I can rest easy at night knowing my thirst of coffee isn't causing another's hardship. But the action of one person is not enough that is why I feel its so important for us as individuals to see the plight that people miles away are in. A plight which we have a responsibility as ethical consumers to help alleviate....and That's where your help comes in.
By purchasing FAIR TRADE Products, What is it I hear you say? Well, the FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent consumer label which appears on UK, US and other Europian countries products as a guarantee that they have given their producers a better deal.
So by purchasing FAIR TRADE products your not only getting the products you desire at a decent price but your helping to save the lives of poor farmers and their families in less economically developed countries. Imagine that every time you go to buy a good quality fair-trade product your helping to place food in the belly of an otherwise would-be starving infant living in some far corner of the globe. I say we stop making the fat cats rich and start caring about our fellow man.
Now remember, I am not saying you should buy Fair trade products alone for I am sure we as people have bills to pay and are limited by tight budgets as well. All I am asking is the next time you are in your local supermarket instead of grabbing for a Cadbury or a Nestle chocolate bar opt for the Fare Trade chocolate bar instead. Or the next time you reach for a jar of Maxwell coffee house beans (Which are major money contributors to the Republicans by the way ...meaning Bush's Clan) go for the Fair Trade coffee maker instead and help support that poor Cocoa bean farmer and as a result help support the economy of a developing country. So they maybe able to afford the building of schools for their children and hospitals for the sick and elderly. A penny really does go a long way to helping those who are less fortunate then yourselves.
So please my fellow people let us become ethically conscious of the products we buy and thus let us become ETHICAL CONSUMERS!
Now its over to you, Who is willing to become a more ethical consumer?
And seeing as I made a persuasive argumentitive piece, I would like to also reiterate the first question: Are you an ethical consumer?