Need Advice Please....

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    Ok, my best friend got a new boyfriend, and that inspired me to write a couple poems, not about her, and now even though the poems are made up, she is mad at me because of them, and she thinks I have a problem with her boyfriend which I don't and no matter what I do she won't believe me...I need advice, what should I do???

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    Talk to her, explain what they're really about and that poems are just an expression.

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    I have, she doesn't believe me!

  • Crystal Gaze
    17 years ago

    Well if she doesn't believe you. Then she doesn't want to. Maybe she doesn't really care about her boyfriend and thats why she used your couple poem as an excuse to say you have a fault with her boyfriend when really she has faults with him...

    I dunno if that makes sense. And I don't really know if it's my buisness but you did post it and i don't know her so I shouldn't judge her, but think of it as a suggestion.