Girl Fights

  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    Okay, this is rediculous. Pretty much a serious issue too in all schools. I think I speak for everyone when I say that girl fights are the most violent, and pointless fights you will ever see.
    Yesterday at my school, there was a 6 girl fight. One girl had another sit ontop of her and was getting knocked the crap out of her. While the girl that was getting punched, she was pulling that girls hair, and getting kicked in the head by 2 other girls. Two were fighting because one was trying to get that girl off the other, so she got pissed and pucnhed. There was hair EVERYWHERE. We're talking handfull and clumps of hair. It was gross. I have seen at least 6 girl fights this year. The rest, I've only heard of. Girls are evil. Lol. Now we know why it's hard to find friends.

  • bubbles2424
    17 years ago

    I agree
    There's been a few fights at my school too...pretty much everything you said..a girl got pissed and kicked the shit out of another one pushed her up against a locker and there was blood and hair everywhere it was SOOO nasty!!!

  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    Well, this fight never seen a girl punch like this. She punched the girl so hard her arm was shaking like crazy and not just that she didnt' even skip a second she kept punching over...and over..and over again. i've NEVER seen a guy punch like see a Yeah. Lol.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    I think it's girls take things so much more personally than guys.
    Girls will b**ch for months before it finally blows up while guys have a punch up straight away and it's over the next day.
    Girls hold a grudge for ages and bring an army of friends with them.

    we're quite evil really

  • TracyM
    17 years ago

    I've only been in a (girl), "fight" once. what i want to know though - why the hair?


  • BeautifulxMess
    17 years ago

    Ah..I think they are funny. I've only slapped a girl once but that was because I just snapped for the moment. And relized what I did and walke-well..she walked off first but yeah. That was the only thing and I was in 6th grade. Lol. But they are pretty dang hilaroius. No offence.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    Girls = Evil

    I can speak from experience lol.

  • Chemistry
    17 years ago

    "I've only been in a (girl), "fight" once. what i want to know though - why the hair?" <It's an easy target :)) you just grab and pull. Besides girls love their hair, it would be pretty sucky if you'd have to walk around without a clump of hair.

  • Tara
    17 years ago

    Lol i totally agree , hair is the easiest to grab!
    but ya i have never been in a fight fight but i have gotten a chunk of hair pulled out of me just because this girl was jelous of me ( i can't help it if i am beautiful and hot).....(jk jk lol)----but like ya i guess girls just are way to easy to get in a fight with just don't piss them off then i think you are ok----tara

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    If you had any idea of the increase in gun crime in England, or on that matter, your own country, then you wouldn't be calling girl fights 'violent' nor 'pointless', dear.

  • Marcus
    17 years ago

    Just because gun violence is up doesn't mean girl fights are nonviolent, or have a point. That's not a connected statement.

    I think one reason girl fights are nastier is because they're on more even ground. When two guys fight, you usually see the winner come out on top pretty quickly, and friends back away to watch. When girls fight, the friends join in, and the winner isn't usually very discernable.

  • Lucifer
    17 years ago

    When i was in school i had to break afew of my friends (girls) fights up and ended up with busted lips, black eyes and cuts.
    I think girls can fight alot rougher sometimes and can get carried away but i would rather break the fight up and suffer a lil cuts and brusis instead of seeing my friends continue fighting the way they do.
    x lucifer x