The symptoms of a broken heart usually manifest themselves through psychological pain but for many the effect of a broken heart is physical. To describe the feeling of a broken heart is almost impossible to explain to someone who has not already experienced it. However, the following emotions and feelings are associated with what is known as a broken heart:
It is an ache, a deep ache from the core of the body. It is a longing for the past, when you had what it was that broke your heart. It is the feeling that it is not worth getting out of bed in the morning for fear of the pain. It is untreatable. It is -in most cases- the loss of any respect for yourself. It is the only emotionally related syndrome which has no definite cure, some psychologists say time is the best cure whilst doctors say that there is no cure for an emotionally broken heart, whereas the more physical stress cardiomyopathy is a serious illness and must be treated.
Despite feeling a hue of depression and pain over nearly everything, the person with a broken heart must not become a recluse. Although at first one may find relief, being a recluse will only make things worse. Walking in the streets or fields is a way to refresh your mind, having time alone is helpful as it lets you think about the situation which caused the broken heart. Although the person with Heart Ache may not want to see anyone at all, it is essential that they talk to someone. Any member of his or her religious body, or even a friend (and rarely, family) are those best to seek empathy or guidance from.
Even the most extreme introvert will find it helpful to have a 'shoulder to cry on' or just to talk about how they are feeling. Perhaps even multiple.
A human heart once 'broken' can be mended, time heals a broken heart, a new relationship -in some cases- also heals a broken heart. But a human heart can be broken more than once. The symptoms remain the same. The increase in probability of contracting stress cardiomyopathy increases however.