Advice Needed!!!

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    Well this is a long story, I'll sum it up as much as I can but I really need some advice, I don't know what to do...
    Ok I wrote a poem, which was sort of nasty, and my best friend thought it was about her...WHICH IT WASN'T, but she thought it was and she won't believe me, and then other friends started getting into the fight so she told me not to mention it at school because she didn't want people in our the next few days she talked to me at school, and everything, but on the internet today, I asked her if she was still mad at me and she flipped, saying that I was making it a big deal and that she had forgiven me, but somehow I was supposed to know this, because she never told me or gave me a sign, I thought she was putting on a show for our other friends, so she flipped out, and she thinks this is my fault that I didn't know, and.....I don't know what to do...she's one of my best friends and I don't know what to say so I don't loose her, if I loose her as a friend I'll have nothing....I really need some advice on what to say to her...please help me.....

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    No one has any advice for me...?

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    All i can say sweets, is talk to her.
    Let her know that she's really upsetting you and it's not like you're a mind reader or anything.
    She might have some bigger problem that she's taking out on you.
    So.. talk i guess
    Good luck

  • skynerraw
    17 years ago

    I'm trying to talk to her...but she just gets mad because I say something wrong....I'm making her madder if I talk to her.....but I just can't stop trying...

  • Helen
    17 years ago

    Hmm i serjest leave her for a while to carm down, and if you do talk to her dont bring up the subject she may just not want to talk about it and just forgive and forget...

  • AllysonWonderland
    17 years ago

    Just tell her wat u said on here just tell her you didnt mean it about her and you didnt know that you were making a big deal out of it you dont want her to be mad at you cause you dont want to loose her and if you did you wouldnt know wat you would do with out her. tell her that and just see wat she sais if she doesnt forgive you then shes not a good friend in the first place so dont be sad
    i hope you 2 work it out and have a good time together i love you all!

    -mcr is my hero-