What do you when you think your friend is making a mistake

  • MrsBryAnt
    17 years ago

    I think my friend is making a big mistake in her life. she has decided she doesnt want to be with her boyfriend anymore she wants to be with another girl. she has known her boyfriend a long time and have been good friends for ever. they love each other more than anything in the world. she met this girl over the computer and she has never met her in person. i dont care if she wants to be like that because i have nothing against. she thinks i do but i really dont. i have tons of friends like that. but she has a tough family life and i dont want her to do it for attention. i know her dad is against gay people and he is real racist. i know he will disown her if she tells him and this is why i think she is making a mistake.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    You can't tell her 'anything'. You can give advice and tell her what you think, but it's her life and life is about making mistakes and learning from them
    And how do you know it's a mistake, my parents own parents thought that them having a baby was a mistake yet they love me to bits
    You don't know, she has to live her own life

  • MrsBryAnt
    17 years ago

    Trust me i know her dad. i have seen him say mean things to people like. i have seen him tell her who and who she cant hang out with because of who they are and what they believe in. she is 17 and hasnt really had a life because she is slaving away for him and he doesnt think she should hang out with people like that. i know i cant tell her what to do that wasnt the point. the point is i think her and her boyfriend should stay together. i have seen her do this before. she did it for attention to see if anyone cares. thats why i think she is doing it again.

  • MrsBryAnt
    17 years ago

    She has never met the girl or seen she knows nothing about her. she just seen her on a friends myspace page yeah and it doesnt have a picture. she is not really lesbian anyway. and yes she does love here boyfriend. i have seen them together. but never mind now cuz she decided to stay with cuz she found out the girl doesnt really like her she just wanted a girlfriend but now she has one.

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    You can advise her, and give her your opinion as many times as you feel you need to.

    But chances are she won't listen. And you'll probably start to get on her nerves.

    The only really effective thing you can do is be there for her when everything blows up in her face- If it does.

  • MrsBryAnt
    17 years ago

    Yeah things are now working themselves out. and just something we dont talk about we talk about more interesting things. like school, poetry, guys, & stuff like that. the subject has been dropped.

  • Fluffy
    17 years ago

    Let her do what she wants. It'll hit her soon that she was an idiot. Meh.