I need to help her

  • Riffy
    17 years ago

    One of my friends is suffering from Bulimia and I'm really worried about her.

    Recently she broke up with her boyfriend and it made her really depressed. Because of that, she stopped eating properly, and puked up the little food she DID eat.
    Now they're back together but she's still not eating.

    I don't want to force her to eat. I've been trying to spend meal times with her but that's difficult because she goes to a private school far away.
    Any ideas on what I can do to help her?

    Thank you

    Riffy xx.

  • Riffy
    17 years ago

    I actually agree with you on treatment, she's had it before and got through it, but I'm not exactly sure who to tell or how to get her treatment.

    Her boyfriend...well to put it bluntly, he's a prick. None of us understand why she's with him and he constantly has mood swings which he takes out on her so I doubt he even KNOWS about it.

    Thanks for the advice :)

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    Ok talk to someone you trust, like mum aunty etc..... they are bound to give dvice. Id hate to be in that situation. you gotta stay strong though and stay by her shell need you hun xxx alex xxx

  • Riffy
    17 years ago

    Thank you both loads :D
    I've invited her over to mine for tomorrow and I'm going to sit and talk to her.
