Gay-Straight Alliance (anybody is welcome)

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    Greetings, I am Molly Rebecca Christina Knudsen, a lesbian from Cousino High School. I came out as bi originally, but finally decided I was a lesbian when I lost total interest in guys. I'm here to help anybody who isn't accepted to accept themselves, and help those who just need to know they are not alone. I am from my school's GSA branch. There are currently 7 members at the school's GSA. I refuse to hear any degrading comments about the Gay-Straight Alliance so if you're going to be rude, please leave.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    So many of my friends are in the GSA at my highschool. (I joined too, btw.) I think it's great to have that kind of a support system.


  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    :) I agree, hopefully people are as supportive onthis site.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    From all of the discussions I've seen on here, I'd have to say that most people are pretty supportive. Of course there will always be those few people that will opose, but I think the number of people who support outnumber the people who don't.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I hope so, I really hope so.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    I really like how you put your full name and where you go to school on the internet. That's really smart. Don't be weirded out when some old man or lady is waiting for you outside of your school asking you for a minute of your time...

    Think a little..

  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    ^^^As harsh as he put it, he's right. You shouldn't put your full name and school on a website, in fact I'm sure there are rules against that.

    On the other hand, my name is Jasmine and I'm bi and I'm a proud member of the GSA

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Pick a fight ot argue?.. No that would be you.

    If I wanted to pick a fight, I would argue against the GSA, do you see me doing that? No. I stated the fact that she wrote her personal information on the internet. It's called being concerned for someone's safety, not fighting.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I never said that's my full name did I.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    And besides Darien, you never were concerned about me. You seem to enjoy trying to fight me on every little topic I throw out there. Why is that, I'm really curious now.

  • shes a killer
    17 years ago

    Okay, i'm not bi or lesbian...i'm straight, but there alot of gays in my school, most my friends. hell i even dated a (now) gay kid, and i have a big crush on a bisexual one. i support you 100%!!!

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    Sweet. :)

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    And I thought I'd be safe from Darien here, that old man or lady doesn't scare me half as much as he does. lmao

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I promised I'd accept everybody though so I accept him too.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    "Greetings, I am Molly Rebecca Christina Knudsen"
    "I never said that's my full name did I."

    Wow, can I call you Ms. Contradictory instead? It's also funny how you 'assume' I'm some old man, or old woman, when you clearly see my profile.

    "You seem to enjoy trying to fight me on every little topic I throw out there"

    Fight being the keyword. I'm sorry, but I don't recall trying to 'FIGHT' you on this forum. As I said to before, if you call what I wrote as fighting, then you're picking them well.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I never said you were some old man did I. I said the old man scares me less than you do. And I'm not naturally evil or a fighter, it's people like you who make me that way. and it's guys like you that turned me off to all guys in the first place.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    And Molly Rebecca Christina Knudsen actually isn't my real name. I was adopted, my original name is Melinda, but I dislike that name so I use my adopted name.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    And I was merely stating what you stated and twisting it to my liking. you'll find I do that to a lot so I avoid quoting them directly. I'm not a copycat, I'm just what most people call a "freak" at my school.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    "and it's guys like you that turned me off to all guys in the first place"

    Guys like me, excuse me?..
    You don't even know me, so don't assume you do.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    You act like you're hot stuff, you challenge everything I have to say, you don't stop talking long enough to listen to what people have to say, and with that alone you're just like my ex-boyfriend. Except I broke him down and let him have it, you I'm trying to be nice to.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    I challenge everything you say, because you're wrong. How am I acting like I'm hot stuff?

    Go ahead and try and break me down, I would like to see you try. Because unlike you, personal insults have no effect on me.

    Plus you don't know me, so whatever you think you know about me, would be wrong, and would just be a pointless argument.

  • omgitsmina
    17 years ago

    ^^Wow, this thread got totally off topic.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    You're challenging what I say right now and amazingly enough your pic screams narcissistic. please if you desire it so much go ahead and prove me wrong.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    It got off topic because he's been following me to every thread I create!

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    "It got off topic because he's been following me to every thread I create!"

    Lol, I wouldn't waste my time with that.

    My picture screams I'm not ashamed of myself. What does yours scream? Insecure.

    Ohh, and if you notice. This was the first personal attack I had against you. Read my posts, you'll see what I'm talking about. Technically, you started the arguing.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Ohh.. and Molly, don't act like you didn't take this forum off topic, because you were part of it too. You provoked. You retaliated. It takes two to fight.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    Yeah, but it only takes one to finish it, who will do that honor?

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Go ahead.. seems like it's important to you

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Getting back to the topic,

    At my University there is a GSA that I am a respected member of. I was the freshman rep last year, and I gave talks to the new members. There is over 750 members throughout the campus.

    PS. Now I shall leave this forum, unless Matthew Hall has any other smart remarks, then I shall carry this off topic again.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    "His is why you are immature and pathetic"

    Where exactly?.. you say something, but you don't prove it.

    I live my life strong thank you very much. Don't worry about me.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I'm fed up with all the bloody arguing. just stop it already! I promise to leave it all outside of this topic because petty arguments really have no place here. Back to the topic, I haven't spoken to my girlfriend in two days and I'm starting to worry about her, is this normal? Am I going insane? I swear I'm turning into my ex-boyfriend with how much this bothers me. And that was scaring me too.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Why don't you try calling her?.. or is she off away somewhere?.. I'm sure she has a reasonable explanation, just don't over think it.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I don't know where she is and she wouldn't give me her phone number because her phone doesn't work. Plus she lives in Ohio. I can't just go over to her house and see her when she lives in a different state than I do (mostly cause I still can't drive at all)

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    Email her, find out what's going on. You can't assume she is avoiding you, so just hope she responds. If she doesn't after a week, then you start to worry and question the relationship. I mean, if she really cared, she would have made contact. Email, phone, or even snail mail.

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I tried e-mail, but she never checks it, either that or she just won't answer. I'm practically ripping my arm apart with my knife, just trying to figure out where she is. I'm just hoping she's only having computer trouble, and that it isn't something more serious.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    Shes prolly fine. Its only been a few days. maybe shes just busy?

    dont get your panties all in a bunch..=]

    ON TOPIC- i wish we had a GSA in my school. we have enough gays/lesbians/Bisexuals. but theres no one to start it. and i have way too much stuff to do..

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    And I found out she is in fact fine, just working later than she used to. And as to the GSA, find somebody to start it.

  • Darien
    17 years ago

    ^ I told you, you had no reason to be so worried..

  • Molly Knudsen
    17 years ago

    I owe you thanx for helping me keep up hope.

  • The Sky is Falling
    17 years ago

    Why is it these type of threads along with the emo ones always break into fights? o.O Why don't we all just get along?