Love or...???

  • brin macnamara
    20 years ago

    Tell me guys, how do you know when its love or just infatuation?

  • jennifer
    20 years ago

    Love is when you feel like you would die without that person in your life. Infatuaution is just that, you only want her or him because there beautiful.

  • brin macnamara
    20 years ago

    Sunny, Thats just it - I can't for SO many reasons.

  • brin macnamara
    20 years ago

    No. Shes beautiful cos I love her..... (I think)

  • Unseen Exposure
    20 years ago

    When you know, you'll know.

  • jennifer
    20 years ago

    Thats good she beautiful because you love her:) Do as Bob says that's good advice.

  • Sarah
    20 years ago

    I agree with Bob, it is much better to live with your heart exposed than with it all closed up. There was a line from some movie/book/story (the name of which I cannot remember) that sums it up well, I think:

    You saved me from an eternity of "what if"
    With a moment of "yes."

  • ShadowedPhoenix
    20 years ago

    Tell her!!! When it's love you'll know and if you just want to be near her and kiss coz she's beautiful then it's lust! When you first met her did you think wow she's beautiful and I have got to be with her! Or was it only after you got to know her that she became beautiful?
    I hope this somehow helps you decide and once again TELL HER!

  • Nici
    20 years ago

    I think that the difference between love and infatuation is.....

    Love is
    A deep emotional attachment and affection towards a person. If you love someone you would do anything for them and even more to prevent them from being hurt.


    Infatuation is
    A unreasonable passion or attraction to someone. Often people are infatuated with people who they do not know that well i.e. celebrities and the most popualr girl at school. People also become infatuated with others that they know they cannot have a relationship with (those already in a relationship). Infatucation does not last.

  • Mustardhart
    20 years ago

    Let time decide. love last, infatuation doesnt.

  • Sinister Soire
    20 years ago

    i agree, love you can know without ever having seen the person, which makes the person so much more beautiful when you do see her,, there is trouble if you saw her before you ever talked to her though and then when you did talk to her, you have already been subject to beauty and then everything becomes more complicated.. sorry i cant help