Does writing a poem about your depression get you even more depr

  • Untamed
    17 years ago

    I don`t know weather writing and reading your depressing poem maintains your dejection or decreases it.

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago

    Hmm, i guess it's possible to feel worse, say you realised soemthing more sad after writing a poem.
    But you're meant to feel good after writing out your feelings.
    Sihinta xx

  • Fan Angeleo
    17 years ago

    Writing or reading about feelings helps you out of depression.

  • Narphangu
    17 years ago

    I think, in my case, it was dwelling on everything that hurt me the most. The problem was that I wasn't sure what was wrong exactly. I was totally lost(and still am, from time to time.).

    After I wrote something down, even if it didn't quite express what I thought it needed to, I could go back and read it, and add to and change it, until I was okay with it. Besides that, the time I spent reading it helped me understand why I was so upset; things I would never have completely realized without my poems.

    I think, in my case, it's reading other people's poetry that can bring me back down... because if I can't necessarily understand their point, but can feel their pain, I find myself at a loss once again.
    Which is why I generally avoid the saddest of the sad poems.

  • Beautiful Chaos
    17 years ago

    It is a release for me. There are some things that are much easier to put into a poem than a conversation. I don't feel hesitant or cautious when writing.

  • crystaljean88
    17 years ago

    It dont make me more depressed. if nething it helps make me get it out and afterwords i would read it and try to understand why i feel that way. i dont have many people i can turn to talk to so poetry is my only way out. even though not many people comment on them like i wish they would so i can see how people feel about them..

    17 years ago

    It really doesn't depress me when I write about negative things.

    I mean, sure it could have that kind of effect on people, but not on me.

  • The Black Angel Lloyd Rose
    17 years ago

    Well, i used to have bad suicidal tendencies but im fine, well, alot better now, i do get the rare thoughts, but i just use those to my advantage when i write poetry. It helps, but on occasion, when i do get in those moods, i dont write, because it makes me think about it too much. rather than that, i wait until i dont have any suicidal thoughts or depressing thoughts before i write. it helps.

  • Cassie Cain
    17 years ago

    I think that writing what you feel inside whether its hatred, love or laughter makes or brakes you. its actually rather healthy to express what you feel rather then letting it get bottled up inside. so when im depressed and i write poems i dont get more depressed then i already am, because my depression doesnt last as long as everyone else's.

  • fatal bliss is the best way to die
    17 years ago

    I agree writing about your pain and suffering is helpful well to me so i don't think that it gets you deeper into depression it helps you get out of depression

  • claire
    17 years ago

    I don't think writing depressing poetry hurts unless it is a lot sadder than how you feel. reading poetry by others is different - it can be totally unpredictable.

  • fatal bliss is the best way to die
    17 years ago

    Ya cause writing about stuff that you don't feel just makes it worse for you and makes you want to do that i had friends do that

  • Tess Beautifully Broken
    17 years ago

    Righting poems and stories and songs are my escape from my feelings.

    when i'm depressed i write and write and write until finally all my feelings are on that piece of paper or in that computer and my depression or my sadness disappears.

    the better the poem the happier i become

    end of story

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    17 years ago

    I find that although sometimes when I write about my depression it makes it worse because i see things in what I wrote that I hadn't before normally it makes me feel better =)
    I'm one of those that it helps to write it all out so I can actually look at what I'm thinking and feeling and sort it out that way and find ways to make it better, at least for a little while, so no writing about my depression makes it so I can deal with it a little better and actually get my feelings out instead of letting them stew and slowly kill me from the inside out ^_^
    Writing is really the only way I can express my feelings and what I'm dealing with so I write to get it out of me so I can start to let it go for a while lols

  • Broken Saint
    17 years ago

    I find writing as a form of release.. My depression may then be non-existent after writing a depressing poem..
    And besides, doesn't it make you happy when other people appreciate your work?


  • Richard Machado
    17 years ago

    Nah, but, I will say this; they make exelent reads when snap out of your depression, if you ever do.

    They are just so twisted and dark, they're just beautiful... *Single Tear*

  • Mandy
    17 years ago

    I agree with most of the ppl here.

    usually writing poems to express your emotions helps you with your depression. showing them in a poem is just a more creative way to let them out.


  • Kayla
    17 years ago

    It depends on how deep I am already in. Sometimes when I write it makes me feel A LOT better because I get my feelings out, but then other sinks me deeper cause I realize how much pain I am going through it just dwells in me.

  • ECILA ice
    17 years ago

    No coz for some writing such poem is a form of releasing their own burden or depression

  • Jenny
    17 years ago

    I write my poems only when I am depressed, because I feel it just tells everyone how I feel and perhaps gives an idea that I'm not always putting on a happy face for the simple reason that I am happy, as of course we all have down days.