What to do.... =(

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    I have a problem..like usual...but this is really getting me down...ok i'll tell u the story.

    I have this best friend jc nd shes been my best friend since we were like 6 nd we live 2 houses down from each other, shes like my sister...or was...we used to tell each other every single detail of our lives, we would cry 2 each other, laugh with each other nd my happiest nd saddest moments were spent with her, of course we would fight occasionally but what sisters dont....anyway 2 months ago she met a guy nd they started going out nd she promised me from day one that no guy would come between our friendship nd she would never ditch me for him...but time and time again she breaks plans with me to go out with him nd whenever shes with me she'll be messaging him or calling him, we never spend time 2gether any more nd im begginning to feel like i dnt no her anymore....so heres my question

    when something like this happens what do you do, should you just let them drift away from you without a fight or do u stop them and tell them how much pain there causing you and how u miss them so much u want to cry....i feel if i tell her that i'll be being selfish

    i wish i could just forget about her and our friendship like she obviously has but it just doesnt seem that easy.....

  • Jenni Marie
    17 years ago

    Have you talked to her about this?
    She may not even know how you are feeling, but if she is the great friend you described at the beginning of your post, then once she does know how you're feeling, she may change her act.
    What do you have to lose?
    No, you're not being selfish by telling her, you're simply stating your emotions, and if she is a real friend, she will understand that.
    Hope this helps you somewhat.

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    Yea unfortunetly i have told her but she gets annoyed at me nd says its cause im jealous cause she has a bf! which im not! just miss her =(
    but thanx ur post did help!!
    luv FallenxFromxGrace

  • Jaime
    17 years ago

    There's nothing you can do. At your age, the majority of relationships don't last anyways, so just be patient. And when she comes back to you looking for a shoulder to cry on, be there for her. Don't say 'I told you so' or anything like that. She'll realize her mistakes with time. Until then, try and find someone else to spend time with.

  • Caitlyn
    17 years ago

    Don't lose her.. trust me.. i am going through this EXACT thing, with both of my best friends!! I don't know who turn to! but talk to them.. i did, and they didn't listen, they told me that i was just imagining it, and that they always hung out with me.. BULL$HIT! if they don't listen, then clearly she is not your friend.. but she'll stay away until she needs you, i will guarentee that she will come back to you when she has a problem, or she wants to use you.. (been there too!!) ride it out.. in the process, maybe you will find another friend!!

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    Thanx guys u've really helped!!
    lost of love

  • Les Chaussettes
    17 years ago

    I suggest you just to stay away a little from her.
    Make her believe (don't tell her, and don't rush it, dont exxaggerate), you don't really need her.
    You have to do this very slyly so that she won't get it too early. like this: when you see her again, and she asks: wanna meet me tomorrow at the mall? - answer that you've already arranged to meet your new classmate (or someone other) at... whatever, the beach, i don't know. if she phones you the next time, claim you haven't got many time because you're watching a breath-taking documentary (just kidding *lol* no, a comedy or such), with your mother and you really want to watch this movie. make sure you say you're so sorry, but don't lose any comments about her bf, like 'why don't you call your bf? i mean, you could hang around with HIM like you always DOO' try to keep your temper, otherwise it's too obvious! don't ditch her too obviously, but she needs to know what it feels like to be pushed aside. and MAKE SURE you won't exaggerate! bcuz if you do, in the end it might not be you who's on the winner side, but on the loser's, because you've lost her. good luck!

    (if you manage to make it, you can be proud of yourself. at least when she's sick of her bf (and that will definitely happen someday), she'll come back crawling. trust me!)

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    17 years ago

    Wow thank u so much thats some of the best advice any one has given me!!
    im going to do exactly that i think thats an exellent strategy! thank u so much for all ur help!!
    luv fallen xoxo