How do you?

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    How do you enter a poem for the poetry contest they have on here??? You know, where you go to contest winners and there are like 3 in each section....????

    17 years ago

    You read the directions, normally reserve and then post...

  • tyanna
    17 years ago

    ..not the contest that members post on here. On the left hand side of your screen there is an option that says 'contest winners.' There are 3 winners to each 'contest'.

    17 years ago

    As soon as you submit a poem on the site they are automatically entered I do believe, I asked that question once and that is the answer that I got. The contest nominations are the poems other readers enjoy and nominate, and the weekly or whatever contest has had the same people for a long time, so yeah.

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    I think one of the mods have to do a sticky thread about it...and just like jenna said *smiles*
    Good luck!

  • *Charisma*
    17 years ago

    What happens is the poets who have been on here for along time and are called like senior poets, can nominate your poem. Then, those who have that privelege of nominating, can go to the nomination list, (which is only available to them) and rate them from their. Highest nominations win!

  • nikki
    17 years ago

    What are the senior poets, what do they nominate for?